Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Monday November 11, 2019

Monday November 11, 2019


Up at 0530 still some jet lag.  Headed down to eating area.  This morning Breakfast starts at 0600.  Had my usual oatmeal, yogurt, banana and bagel.  Good yogurt so I had three helpings.  Good thing we don’t have a scale in our room.

Today we decided to visit the La Brea Tar Pits.  It was sunny and warm, 62, headed north on the 405 encountered bumper to bumper traffic.  So what’s new.

Got off at the Wilshire exit and headed East.  It was a pleasant drive.   Keep forgetting that LA is the USA’s second largest city.  All the tall buildings block out the sun.

The Tar Pits are on Wilshire so no problem finding it.  Parked on the street.  Checked the meter and found out no charge because of the holiday, Veteran’s Day.

We walked around the pits and then visited the museum.  I really liked the museum.  Good displays with clear explanations.  The skeletons of prehistoric bisons, bears, wolves and birds were very good.

On our return trip we stopped at Costco for a hot dog.  Costco has the best.

Noted on our wandering through southern CA that all the cities have there Christmas decorations up.  If I were King no Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving.

Back at hotel I finished reading the papers.  Even found time for a short nap.

At 1930 we had a family meeting.  Steve and family, Veronica, Alessandra, Lucas along with Melissa and Akerke.  It was great having all the LA families in one room.

Nancy explained a program she had set up for the Grandkids.  She has been working on this program for months and she wanted to have all the kids present so she could explain and answer any questions.  Nancy did a great job.

I had a glass of wine and watched some football before bed.  We were both in bed by 2130.  

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