Monday, November 25, 2019

Sunday November 24, 2019

Sunday November 20, 2019

Blog for weekending 24Nov,  time 1700 Sunday sitting in living room.

Saturday morning, November 23, temperature 28 but no wind.  We performed our ritual Saturday morning walk to Panera.

Coffee for Nancy and coffee, oatmeal and bagel for me.  Panera was not busy.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  Today I took the Buttrick Ave route.  One large hill and my winter bike with the snow tires and only 8 gears had difficulty getting up the hill.  Usually I see deer on this route but not this morning.  Maybe the deer know it is hunting season.   Although you cannot hunt in these neighborhoods.  

Shave and shower first thing when I got home.  Quick lunch and then some office cleanup.  

I did run one errand.  Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a portable shoe rack.  Hope the rack will get rid of the clutter at our front door.

Nancy and I left home at 1530.  Stopped at Fresh Time to get some produce.  We then headed to Rose’s for an early dinner.  At 1600 it is easy to get a table on their porch.

Great food at Rose’s.  Nancy had a chicken/cranberry sandwich and I had a bowl of butternut squash bisque.  Great soup.

Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  Sad but good episode.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of Bordertown.

It was mild, high 30s, when I took Ms P out.  The mild weather continues through tomorrow.

Sunday November 20, 2019

Up at 0645 and started our walk at 0700.  The temperature was 33 with no wind.  We walked 1.33 miles.

Dressed for church and made a quick stop at Panera to get coffee to take with me.  Church was crowded this morning.  The band and choir were especially energetic. Several up tempo hymns.

Before going to Meijer’s we stopped at Sam’s Club to see if they had a large tub of Wilson’s soft cheese.  No deal, they have discontinued selling this brand.  Nancy did buy some cookies.

Gas was $2.54 today.  Meijer’s was crowded with folks getting their Thanksgiving supplies.

Unloaded the car and then made a quick trip to the car wash.  Nice day so the car wash was busy.

Read some of the GRP before lunch.  Took a nap, followed by our apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.  Hit the spot.  Had our evening snack and watched 60 Minutes before watching an episode of Wycliffe on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode, Season 1, of Bordertown.  Unsatisfactory ending.

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