Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Monday November 18, 2019

Monday November 18, 2019

Blog time at 1050

We made Ms P sleep in the kitchen last night.  We were worried she might have an accident.  No need to worry because no accident.

Nancy headed out at 0715 for her class at MVP.  After breakfast I turned on my new speedometer on the winter bike and headed to the Y.  The mileage on my new speedometer and on my Apple Watch bike app were identical.  Only one small patch of ice on my 5 mile ride to the Y.

Calisthenics and walk at the Y before heading to Panera.  I have a 1300 Doctor’s appointment so short time at Panera today.

Got home at 1200 and only had time for a quick shower before heading to the Sleep Doctor.  I arrived exactly at the designated time.  Short wait and then met with Shanna, a Physicians Assistant.  We discussed how I control my Sleep Apnea.  The PA was satisfied that I had the disorder under control.  Made an appointment for next year.

At home lunch and then grabbed the Taurus and headed to the D&W gas station.  Gas was $2.44 per gallon.  I also cashed in a lottery ticket.  

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.  This evening we had a light dinner, followed by our evening snack.  

Tonight after the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of Commander on Acorn.  We both liked it.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched some of the football game.

Light rain when I took Ms P out.  Temperature above freezing tonight.  

Ms P seems to be over her stomach problems.  One more night in the kitchen and if everything goes ok she can return to the bedroom.  

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