Friday, November 22, 2019

Thursday November 21, 2019

Thursday November 21, 2019

Blog time 1200 sitting in Starbucks at Woodland Mall

Up at 0630, today is Nancy and Bob’s medical/dental day.  I have a 0940 appointment with my ENT doctor and Nancy has a 1030 appointment with our dentist, Dr Lambert.

Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  For aerobics I used my rowing machine.  If my Apple Watch rowing app is to be believed rowing is a super aerobic exercise.  My average heart rate was 198.  I find this number high?

Nancy gets her exercise this morning by swimming 1500 meters.  Nancy is a great swimmer.

Stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me to the ENT.  Doctor Sprik told me that he is retiring in a month.  Too bad because I really like him.  This morning he checked my nose and sinuses.  He found a small polyp in each nostril.  He prescribed steroid pills for the next two weeks.

It was raining hard when I left the Doctor’s office so I headed to Woodland Mall.  I walked for 1.5 miles before buying a coffee at Starbucks.  Finished blog and started reading the news.

Woodland Mall is constantly being upgraded.  Maybe that is why it has survived.  Today they opened Santa’s Village.  Saw several youngster talking to Santa.  Bit early?

Made a quick stop at home before heading to Meijer’s.  Picked up my two prescriptions.  Also purchased wine, soft cheese and a loaf of small rye bread.  

Quick lunch before heading down to the office.  Spent time cleaning up my in basket.  Do all retired folks have a lot of paperwork.  I thought we were living in a paperless society?  Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.

Nancy cooked chicken and vegetable stew in her crock pot.  Very good.  We had our after dinner snacks before settling down to watch a detective show filmed in Wales.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watch the Norwegian/Sweden crime show, Bordertown.  Good show with a lot of twist and turns.  Nancy does not like English subtitles but I do.  Think I pay more attention when have to read the subtitles.

Rainy, cold and windy when took Ms P out for final time.  Thank God for electric blankets.  

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