Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday November 25, 2019

Monday November 25, 2019

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Another nice day ahead.  Temperature was 34 first thing this morning.  Sun does not come up until 0745.  

Nancy headed to MVP for a fitness class at 0715.  After breakfast I jumped on my winter bike and took a new winter route to the Y.  It is still 5 miles but much safer.  I rode in bright sunshine.  Sun is good.

The Y was very crowded.  Folks must be trying to lose a few pounds before Thursday’s feast.  I stepped on the scale and found I had gained three pounds over the weekend.  I am blaming it on the heavy dose of steroids I am on.

At Panera I finished the weekend blog.  Read the Alpena News and the news app on my iPad.  

Busy day today.  This afternoon I have to run some errands.  Tonight we are picking up daughter Debbie and granddaughter Alessandra at the airport.  Nancy was busy all weekend getting in stuff for our guests.

This and that:

Big game this Saturday.  Does UM have a chance?  I think so.  
Speaking of sports will there be a successful Detroit Pro team soon?

Enough with Prince Andrew!

Bloomberg announces for President.  He is the only Democrat I would vote for.  Last election I voted Libertarian.  

Last year there were more Civil Weddings in Italy than Church Weddings.  That is sad.

Quick shower and lunch before heading out to run some errands.

First stop was Bed Bath and Beyond where I returned yesterday’s purchase of a computer stand.  It was painless.  Took less than 30”.

Next I stopped at the Apple Store and bought a portable charger for my iPhone and iPad.  In order to get the data I want I must keep my iPhone app running even when at the Y.   Huge power drain.  I will carry the charger in my backpack and recharge the iPhone at Panera.  Also will be great when we travel.

Final stop was Curtis Laundry to pick up shirts.  I was a day early.

Apple snack and then a short nap.  Light dinner tonight.

After dinner snacks and the news we watched a show on Acorn whose name escapes me.  At 2130 we headed to the Airport.  

Daughter Debbie and Granddaughter Alessandra flight is to arrive at 2230.  The flight was actually early.  Great to see everyone.  

They were starved so as soon as we got home Nancy made sandwiches.  We stayed up and talked until after midnight.  Latest Nancy and I have been up in ages.

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