Monday, November 11, 2019

Sunday November 10, 2019

Weekend update for WE November 10, 2019

Blog being written on Monday November 11 at Homewood Suite’s dining area, Redondo Beach, Ca.

Saturday November 9, 2019

Alarm goes off at 0450 and we get ready for our trip to Ca.  Loaded up the Escape and headed to the airport at 0545.  It was 26 degrees and dark.  

We were surprised that the parking ramp was nearly full.  Checked our bag and made it through security with no problems.  Several years ago Debbie bought us Global Entry cards.  Great move because was now have TSA Pre-check.  TSA pre makes security a breeze.  

The flight to Denver went off without a hitch.  Short wait at Denver before boarding our plane to LA.  Maintenance problems delayed the flight.  We deplaned and we’re told to wait.  Bottom line we waited six hours in Denver before a new plane was found.  We finally got to LAX at 1800.  

Picked up our car at Hertz.  It was dark.  I was glad I remembered to bring my night time driving glasses.  The 405 freeway way bumper to bumper.  Very stressful.

We let all the kids know we were in CA.  We checked in an decided to crash.  Luckily,  Missy stopped by and brought us a sandwich, apples, cheese and a bottle of wine.  
We visited and ate the sandwich and I had some wine.  We were in bed by 2000.  It had been a long day.

Sunday November 10, 2019

Jet lag.  I woke up at 0430.  Showered and headed down to the eating area to read.  Breakfast on Sundays start at 0700.  I had oatmeal, yogurt, scrambled eggs and bagels.  Always over eat at complementary breakfasts.

At 1000 we headed to Brentwood to have coffee with Missy.  Akerke is spending the weekend with a friend in the mountains.  We walked to the Coffee Bean on San Vincente.  We drank our coffee, talked and people watched.

Nancy and I headed back to the hotel about 1230.  Spent some time sitting by the pool reading the LA Times.  Yes folk sitting by the pool.

Later we took a ride south along the coast.  Ended up in Seal Beach before heading home.  Great day for a ride along the beach.

For dinner Missy stopped by and drove us to a Bakery/cafe near the hotel.  Nancy and I had a bowl of soup and Missy a tuna fish sandwich.  

Nancy did some reading before turning in.  I read the entire LA Times.  Great paper.

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