Friday, November 15, 2019

Thursday November 14, 2019

Thursday November 14, 2019

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Must be jet lag but we were both up at 0600.  Temperature was 24.  Our first chore this morning was to pick up Ms P from the kennel.  

The kennel folks said that Ms P was great during her stay.  She seems to have lost some weight which is great.  We were both happy to have her back home.

Quick breakfast and then I shoveled our courtyard walk.  Walked to Panera.  The sidewalks were not plowed so I had to walk gingerly.  In addition to being cold it was dark and gloomy.  A typical November day.

Today is the day before the start of Deer season.  On this date my Dad would grab his gear and head to his hunting camp, Doctor’s Club.  He usually stayed a week at camp.  All my friend’s fathers did the same thing.  Deer hunting was a big deal in the 50s.  Most businesses were on reduced staff.

Walked home performed some mild calisthenics before showering and shaving.   Lunch and then Nancy and I ran some errands.  First stop was Hobby Lobby to pick up a painting I had framed.  Next we stopped at Aldi’s, bought bananas, eggs and crackers.  Finally we stopped at Meijer’s.  Bought veggies, milk, yogurt, bagel chips, Pinconning soft cheese and two dark chocolate bars.  The bars are 100% cocoa and I have two pieces every day.

Spent some time this afternoon clearing my desk.  Took a nap and after prepared our apple snack.

This evening after the news and Jeopardy we watched a just released episode of Doc Martin.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and continued watching a Norwegian cop show.

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