Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday November 17, 2019

Weekend Update for week ending Sunday Nov 17.

Blog time 1230 at the Cascade Library.

I got up at 0700, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  Ms P had an accident in the kitchen last night so I cleaned it up.

We bundled up and walked to Panera for breakfast this morning.  The sun was coming up.  The temperature was 21.

Panera was empty this morning, folks either hunting or at the Big Game.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast.  

At home I spent some time getting my new bike speedometer programmed.  Nancy did a load of laundry.

I walked to the Cascade Library to finish yesterday’s blog and read the papers.

This and that:

It looks like moderate Democratic Congressmen are pushing for a new North American trade deal.  I sure hope so.

Midwest folks also want a moderate.  The South Bend Mayor leads in Iowa.

UM beats MSU.  
After lunch I spent time in office catching up.  I finally got my new bike speedometer to work.

Took a nap and then at 1700 we headed out.  Picked up the Moleski’s.  We had dinner at the Mill Creek Tavern, a popular north end neighborhood bar.  Good food.

This afternoon Debbie FaceTime Nancy and asked if she could bring a friend for Thanksgiving.  Nancy said yes.  Debbie is bringing Granddaughter Alessandra.  Great news.  

Great holiday season coming up.  Debbie and Alessandra for Thanksgiving and Melissa and Akerke for Christmas.

Debbie also FaceTimed us once we got home from dinner.  We got caught up.

We watched Jack Ryan before turning in.  Temperature in high 20s.

Sunday November 17, 2019

Blog time 2200 sitting in Den.

Up at 0700.  It was cold 22 but dry.  This morning we took our 1.33 mile walk.  We were bundled up so the walk was pleasant.

After breakfast picked up two coffees to take to church.  It was crowded at Trinity Lutheran this morning.

Gas was $2.44 at Meijer’s this morning.  Spent some time putting speedometer on bike.  

Our mailbox was damaged while we were in CA.  I speculate that during the recent snow storm a big pickup truck lost control coming down Tahoe and hit the box with his mirror.  I figured out a repair plan.

Lunch followed by reading some of the GRP.  Took a short nap.  

I needed some nails to fix mailbox so drove to Ace Hardware.  They were closed.  Drove to Meijer’s and got the nails I needed.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.  Good Sunday evening meal.  

In my youth during fall and winter months we would often spend Sunday afternoons at my Grandparents farm.  For dinner Grandmother would fix soft boiled eggs.  We would put the eggs in a special cup, cut the top off, fill with butter and eat away.  The dinner also included fresh home made bread and dessert was canned fruit from the root cellar.  Fond memories.

Tonight after dinner we had our apple snack.  Watched 60 Minutes and then started the new season of The Crown.  Good start to the season.  

The temperature will be above freezing tonight.  Will be able to ride bike tomorrow.   

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