Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday November 22, 2019

Friday November 22, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera 

Nancy and Ms P slept in until 0630.  Nancy reported it was cold and windy outside but no rain.  Wind chill 23.

Nancy headed out at 0715 to MVP.  I had a quick breakfast before heading out.  I had plenty of warm clothes on so the 40 minute ride to the Y was bearable.

56 years ago today, November 22, 1956, President Kennedy was assassinated.  Almost everyone alive at the time knew what they were doing.

I was a 25 year old LTjg in the Navy.  I was assigned to the Deputy Officer in Charge of Construction SE Asia, Saigon.  It was 0430 in the morning and I was having breakfast, cream chipped beef on toast, at a military mess in Saigon.  I was up early because I had to catch an Army plane going to Soc Trang, VN to inspect a project.  An Army Major Nowak sat at my table and said he had heard that the President was shot.  I was shocked.  A sad day in American history.

I followed my normal Friday routine at both the Y and Panera.  Showered and lunch before running errands.  I took several shirts to the laundry.  Found out the laundry was closing at the end of December.  Too bad.

Next stop was Chow Hound.  I purchased a bag of corn on the cob.  I soon will start feeding the deer.

Finished the afternoon with an apple snack and nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed creamed chicken with dumpling soup followed by our evening snacks.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of Mid Somer Murder.  Mild weather continues.

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