Saturday, November 30, 2019

Friday November 29, 2019

Friday November 29, 2019

Blog time 0900 sitting in living room.

Up at 0600 and took Ms P out.  It was 32 and very pleasant.  

I quickly dressed and headed to the Y.  I did my calisthenics and walk.  Showered and was home by 0800.

Nancy said Debbie and Alessandra were still in bed so I headed to Panera and got us a coffee.  I plan on taking Debbie and Alessandra to breakfast but if they don’t get up soon it will be lunch.

Alessandra got up at 0900, Debbie remained in bed.  Alessandra and I had breakfast at Bob Evans.  We both had pancakes and eggs.  Good food!

At home Debbie and Alessandra started packing for their big trip back to San Jose.  On this flight they will stop in Chicago before headed to SJ.  The weather looks ok.

Blast From Past:

Year 1961:  I spent Thanksgiving Day at the Pearl Harbor Naval Station.  Had a spectacular Thanksgiving dinner at the PH Officer’s Club.  I remember getting huge shrimp out of a big silver serving bowl.  I had never had shrimp this tasty or big.
On the Friday after Thanksgiving I got on a military transport plane that took me to Midway Island.  The flight was called a Log Flight.  They flew to Midway on Mondays and Fridays.  I spent 1year, 2weeks and 13hours on Midway.

Spent most of the afternoon relaxing.  I did find time for a short walk.

We arrived at the Airport at 1630.  Debbie and Alessandra breezed through security.  They had a problem free trip to SJ.

For dinner Nancy served leftovers from Thanksgiving.  Turkey, mashed potatoes and dressing.  Finished with a slice of pumpkin pie.

Tonight after the news we watched another episode of Call the MidWifes.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched Goliath.  Weird show but I keep watching.

Friday, November 29, 2019

Thursday November 28, 2019

Thursday November 28, 2019

Blog time 2230 sitting in living room


Took Ms P out at 0630.  The wind had stopped and temperature was in low 30s.  Looks like a nice day.

Started the morning with a short walk followed by my normal weekday breakfast.  Drove to Meijer gas station and bought Nancy and me a coffee.

Nancy made cherry scones for breakfast.  They were great.

Nancy started working early this morning on our Thanksgiving dinner.  Alessandra and I were given the job of stuffing the turkey.  Nancy put the turkey in the oven and said we will eat at 1430.

My Dad always said that the sign of a real man is his ability to carve, especially a turkey.  I failed his test.

We ate in our dining room.  Turkey, cranberry sauce, dressing, mashed potatoes with gravy, green beans, crescent rolls and pumpkin pie a traditional Thanksgiving dinner.

In my youth we alway had Thanksgiving Dinner at my Grandparents farm.  I talked with my sister today and we agreed at least 40 folks attended.  The women prepared four turkeys.  After dinner my Aunt Bernice Scott would play the piano and we would all sing traditional hymns and songs.  Great memory.

Speaking of family we talked to both Steve and Missy today.  They are enjoying their Thanksgiving.

Alessandra, Nancy and I finished the afternoon with a short walk.  The temperature was 32 but no wind so the walk was very pleasant.

We spent a very relaxing evening, reading, watching some TV (how about them Lions).  Finished the evening watching an episode of Midsomer Murders.  Debbie loves this show.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wednesday November 27, 2019

Wednesday November 27, 2019

Blog time Thursday 2200 sitting in living room

I was first up this morning 0630.  Windy with mild temperature.  Today is my easy Wednesday so minor calisthenics at home.  Quick shower and then waited for Debbie and Alessandra to get up.

For breakfast we walked to Leo’s about 0.5 miles from house.  Debbie loves Leo’s hash browns.  She and Alessandra had eggs and hash browns.  I had oatmeal.  Food was good.

It started to rain when we got ready to leave.  Called Nancy and she picked us up.  

I have been putting out corn cobs for the deer.  Alessandra and I found that during the night the deer had stripped the corn off the cob.  We put out more cobs.

This afternoon Nancy, Alessandra and I headed to Meijer Garden to see “Christmas Trees from Around the World” display.  Lucky the display was inside because it rained most of the afternoon.

For dinner we all headed to the Olive Garden.  We arrived before 1700 so no wait.  We all agreed the food was good.

At home watched news and Jeopardy before switching to Apple TV.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murder. 

This week has been great.  We are spending time with family.  No reading depressing national news.

Tuesday November 26, 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019

Blog time 0950 sitting in living room.

I was first up this morning, 0630.  Took Ms P out and then headed downstairs and quietly did my morning calisthenics.

After a shower I headed to Panera and got Nancy and Bob a take out coffee.  One of the employees of Panera is from Gaylord so I asked her if she knew my sister, Helen.  She did.  She was also in the same class as Helen’s granddaughter Paige.

I stopped at laundry and picked up my shirts.  This morning I am taking Alessandra and Debbie to breakfast.  However, it is now 1000 and they are still sleeping.  Travel must be tiring.  

Everyone had breakfast at home.  Nancy fixed Alessandra her world famous cinnamon toast.

Our activities for the rest of the day included.

Stopped at Costco got mashed potatoes, Cheerio, wine and of course a pumpkin pie.  One customer left with 120 pumpkin pies.  Every shopping cart had at least one pie.

Next stop Sam’s Club only bought two UM tee shirts.

We had lunch today at Yesterdog.  Yesterdog was Steve’s favorite eatery during high school.  He was always telling Steve how good the hot dogs were.  Actually the hot dogs were very good.

For dinner we ate at another favorite GR eatery Russ’s.  I had a chili bread bowl and the three women had chicken rice soup with a side.  All very good. 

Busy first day in GR for Debbie and Alessandra.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Monday November 25, 2019

Monday November 25, 2019

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Another nice day ahead.  Temperature was 34 first thing this morning.  Sun does not come up until 0745.  

Nancy headed to MVP for a fitness class at 0715.  After breakfast I jumped on my winter bike and took a new winter route to the Y.  It is still 5 miles but much safer.  I rode in bright sunshine.  Sun is good.

The Y was very crowded.  Folks must be trying to lose a few pounds before Thursday’s feast.  I stepped on the scale and found I had gained three pounds over the weekend.  I am blaming it on the heavy dose of steroids I am on.

At Panera I finished the weekend blog.  Read the Alpena News and the news app on my iPad.  

Busy day today.  This afternoon I have to run some errands.  Tonight we are picking up daughter Debbie and granddaughter Alessandra at the airport.  Nancy was busy all weekend getting in stuff for our guests.

This and that:

Big game this Saturday.  Does UM have a chance?  I think so.  
Speaking of sports will there be a successful Detroit Pro team soon?

Enough with Prince Andrew!

Bloomberg announces for President.  He is the only Democrat I would vote for.  Last election I voted Libertarian.  

Last year there were more Civil Weddings in Italy than Church Weddings.  That is sad.

Quick shower and lunch before heading out to run some errands.

First stop was Bed Bath and Beyond where I returned yesterday’s purchase of a computer stand.  It was painless.  Took less than 30”.

Next I stopped at the Apple Store and bought a portable charger for my iPhone and iPad.  In order to get the data I want I must keep my iPhone app running even when at the Y.   Huge power drain.  I will carry the charger in my backpack and recharge the iPhone at Panera.  Also will be great when we travel.

Final stop was Curtis Laundry to pick up shirts.  I was a day early.

Apple snack and then a short nap.  Light dinner tonight.

After dinner snacks and the news we watched a show on Acorn whose name escapes me.  At 2130 we headed to the Airport.  

Daughter Debbie and Granddaughter Alessandra flight is to arrive at 2230.  The flight was actually early.  Great to see everyone.  

They were starved so as soon as we got home Nancy made sandwiches.  We stayed up and talked until after midnight.  Latest Nancy and I have been up in ages.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Sunday November 24, 2019

Sunday November 20, 2019

Blog for weekending 24Nov,  time 1700 Sunday sitting in living room.

Saturday morning, November 23, temperature 28 but no wind.  We performed our ritual Saturday morning walk to Panera.

Coffee for Nancy and coffee, oatmeal and bagel for me.  Panera was not busy.

Nancy started the laundry as soon as we got home.  I put on my bike clothes and headed out on a 10 mile ride.  Today I took the Buttrick Ave route.  One large hill and my winter bike with the snow tires and only 8 gears had difficulty getting up the hill.  Usually I see deer on this route but not this morning.  Maybe the deer know it is hunting season.   Although you cannot hunt in these neighborhoods.  

Shave and shower first thing when I got home.  Quick lunch and then some office cleanup.  

I did run one errand.  Stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond and bought a portable shoe rack.  Hope the rack will get rid of the clutter at our front door.

Nancy and I left home at 1530.  Stopped at Fresh Time to get some produce.  We then headed to Rose’s for an early dinner.  At 1600 it is easy to get a table on their porch.

Great food at Rose’s.  Nancy had a chicken/cranberry sandwich and I had a bowl of butternut squash bisque.  Great soup.

Tonight we watched another episode of The Crown.  Sad but good episode.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched an episode of Bordertown.

It was mild, high 30s, when I took Ms P out.  The mild weather continues through tomorrow.

Sunday November 20, 2019

Up at 0645 and started our walk at 0700.  The temperature was 33 with no wind.  We walked 1.33 miles.

Dressed for church and made a quick stop at Panera to get coffee to take with me.  Church was crowded this morning.  The band and choir were especially energetic. Several up tempo hymns.

Before going to Meijer’s we stopped at Sam’s Club to see if they had a large tub of Wilson’s soft cheese.  No deal, they have discontinued selling this brand.  Nancy did buy some cookies.

Gas was $2.54 today.  Meijer’s was crowded with folks getting their Thanksgiving supplies.

Unloaded the car and then made a quick trip to the car wash.  Nice day so the car wash was busy.

Read some of the GRP before lunch.  Took a nap, followed by our apple snack.  Finished the afternoon with a walk around the block.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs on toast.  Hit the spot.  Had our evening snack and watched 60 Minutes before watching an episode of Wycliffe on Acorn.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched the final episode, Season 1, of Bordertown.  Unsatisfactory ending.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Friday November 22, 2019

Friday November 22, 2019

Blog time 1130 at Panera 

Nancy and Ms P slept in until 0630.  Nancy reported it was cold and windy outside but no rain.  Wind chill 23.

Nancy headed out at 0715 to MVP.  I had a quick breakfast before heading out.  I had plenty of warm clothes on so the 40 minute ride to the Y was bearable.

56 years ago today, November 22, 1956, President Kennedy was assassinated.  Almost everyone alive at the time knew what they were doing.

I was a 25 year old LTjg in the Navy.  I was assigned to the Deputy Officer in Charge of Construction SE Asia, Saigon.  It was 0430 in the morning and I was having breakfast, cream chipped beef on toast, at a military mess in Saigon.  I was up early because I had to catch an Army plane going to Soc Trang, VN to inspect a project.  An Army Major Nowak sat at my table and said he had heard that the President was shot.  I was shocked.  A sad day in American history.

I followed my normal Friday routine at both the Y and Panera.  Showered and lunch before running errands.  I took several shirts to the laundry.  Found out the laundry was closing at the end of December.  Too bad.

Next stop was Chow Hound.  I purchased a bag of corn on the cob.  I soon will start feeding the deer.

Finished the afternoon with an apple snack and nap.  For dinner Nancy fixed creamed chicken with dumpling soup followed by our evening snacks.

After the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of Mid Somer Murder.  Mild weather continues.

Friday, November 22, 2019

Thursday November 21, 2019

Thursday November 21, 2019

Blog time 1200 sitting in Starbucks at Woodland Mall

Up at 0630, today is Nancy and Bob’s medical/dental day.  I have a 0940 appointment with my ENT doctor and Nancy has a 1030 appointment with our dentist, Dr Lambert.

Today I did all my calisthenics at home.  For aerobics I used my rowing machine.  If my Apple Watch rowing app is to be believed rowing is a super aerobic exercise.  My average heart rate was 198.  I find this number high?

Nancy gets her exercise this morning by swimming 1500 meters.  Nancy is a great swimmer.

Stopped at Panera to get a coffee to take with me to the ENT.  Doctor Sprik told me that he is retiring in a month.  Too bad because I really like him.  This morning he checked my nose and sinuses.  He found a small polyp in each nostril.  He prescribed steroid pills for the next two weeks.

It was raining hard when I left the Doctor’s office so I headed to Woodland Mall.  I walked for 1.5 miles before buying a coffee at Starbucks.  Finished blog and started reading the news.

Woodland Mall is constantly being upgraded.  Maybe that is why it has survived.  Today they opened Santa’s Village.  Saw several youngster talking to Santa.  Bit early?

Made a quick stop at home before heading to Meijer’s.  Picked up my two prescriptions.  Also purchased wine, soft cheese and a loaf of small rye bread.  

Quick lunch before heading down to the office.  Spent time cleaning up my in basket.  Do all retired folks have a lot of paperwork.  I thought we were living in a paperless society?  Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.

Nancy cooked chicken and vegetable stew in her crock pot.  Very good.  We had our after dinner snacks before settling down to watch a detective show filmed in Wales.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watch the Norwegian/Sweden crime show, Bordertown.  Good show with a lot of twist and turns.  Nancy does not like English subtitles but I do.  Think I pay more attention when have to read the subtitles.

Rainy, cold and windy when took Ms P out for final time.  Thank God for electric blankets.  

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Wednesday November 20, 2019

Wednesday November 20, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera.

Breakfast Club Wednesday,  up at 0515, dressed took Ms P out and headed downtown to the University Club.  I did make a quick stop at Panera to get a coffee to take with me.

I got on I96 at 0630 and traffic was bumper to bumper.  Where is everyone going this early?

Good crowd at BC.  Today’s speaker was from the non-profit Hope Network.  They have a program that provides transportation to and from a work place for folks without cars.  Good program.

Stopped at the Y to do some calisthenics and walk a mile.  At home I changed into my bike clothes and headed to Panera.  This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens.

Finished yesterday’s blog and read some of the news.  I am so tired of the Impeachment coverage.  Why can’t we just get an infrastructure bill and a North American trade agreement?  Babble/babble!

At home I started my Wednesday chores, laundry and trash.  Lunch and then a quick nap.  

I called the bike speedometer folks at Wahoo and surprise! I was talking to a tech rep within a minute of my call.  I think my questions were answered.

As soon as Nancy got home I prepared our apple snack.  She said the Gardens had few visitors today.  That should come as no surprise because today was a dark, gloomy day with temps in low 40s.

Light dinner followed by our evening snacks.  Tonight for our Prime time viewing we watched another episode of The Crown.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and watched another episode of Bordertown.  

The Yucky November weather continues.  Rain with temps in mid 40s for tomorrow.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Tuesday November 19, 2019

Blog time 1110 at Panera

Up at 0630, Nancy was already up and getting ready for her Tuesday swim.  Ms P had no problems last night so she will return to her normal bed tonight.

Breakfast and then at 0815 I headed to the Y.  It was gloomy with temperature in mid 30s.

I have a new winter bike route.  It is 5.5 miles about 1.5 miles shorter than the summer route.  It takes 45 minutes compared to 55 minutes.  The route is safer.  Plus it minimizes winter weather exposure.

Small crowd at both the Y and Panera.  Is it the season?

I think if it was part of our politician’s master plan to turn off the citizens, they have succeeded beyond their wildest expectations.  Every one I talk to is totally turned off by these clowns.

This and that:

Does anyone care about Prince Andrew?

The big election in UK is on December 12.  Less than a month of campaigning.  The USA has 12 more months.  How about only allowing six months of Presidential campaigning?

Shaved and showered before lunch.  This afternoon I spent three hours in the office doing odds and ends.

No nap today but did fix our apple snack.  Later, Nancy attended a going away party for a Meijer Gardens employee who she worked with.

At 1800 we drove to Noto’s for the monthly Neighbors dinner.  We had pork which got rave reviews.  Pleasant evening talking with neighbors.

At home we watched an episode of The Kominsky Method.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up to watch the FBI.  Fell asleep and did not wake up until 1100.


Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Monday November 18, 2019

Monday November 18, 2019

Blog time at 1050

We made Ms P sleep in the kitchen last night.  We were worried she might have an accident.  No need to worry because no accident.

Nancy headed out at 0715 for her class at MVP.  After breakfast I turned on my new speedometer on the winter bike and headed to the Y.  The mileage on my new speedometer and on my Apple Watch bike app were identical.  Only one small patch of ice on my 5 mile ride to the Y.

Calisthenics and walk at the Y before heading to Panera.  I have a 1300 Doctor’s appointment so short time at Panera today.

Got home at 1200 and only had time for a quick shower before heading to the Sleep Doctor.  I arrived exactly at the designated time.  Short wait and then met with Shanna, a Physicians Assistant.  We discussed how I control my Sleep Apnea.  The PA was satisfied that I had the disorder under control.  Made an appointment for next year.

At home lunch and then grabbed the Taurus and headed to the D&W gas station.  Gas was $2.44 per gallon.  I also cashed in a lottery ticket.  

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.  This evening we had a light dinner, followed by our evening snack.  

Tonight after the news and Jeopardy we watched an episode of Commander on Acorn.  We both liked it.  Nancy headed to bed and I watched some of the football game.

Light rain when I took Ms P out.  Temperature above freezing tonight.  

Ms P seems to be over her stomach problems.  One more night in the kitchen and if everything goes ok she can return to the bedroom.  

Monday, November 18, 2019

Sunday November 17, 2019

Weekend Update for week ending Sunday Nov 17.

Blog time 1230 at the Cascade Library.

I got up at 0700, Nancy had already taken Ms P out.  Ms P had an accident in the kitchen last night so I cleaned it up.

We bundled up and walked to Panera for breakfast this morning.  The sun was coming up.  The temperature was 21.

Panera was empty this morning, folks either hunting or at the Big Game.  I had my usual oatmeal breakfast.  

At home I spent some time getting my new bike speedometer programmed.  Nancy did a load of laundry.

I walked to the Cascade Library to finish yesterday’s blog and read the papers.

This and that:

It looks like moderate Democratic Congressmen are pushing for a new North American trade deal.  I sure hope so.

Midwest folks also want a moderate.  The South Bend Mayor leads in Iowa.

UM beats MSU.  
After lunch I spent time in office catching up.  I finally got my new bike speedometer to work.

Took a nap and then at 1700 we headed out.  Picked up the Moleski’s.  We had dinner at the Mill Creek Tavern, a popular north end neighborhood bar.  Good food.

This afternoon Debbie FaceTime Nancy and asked if she could bring a friend for Thanksgiving.  Nancy said yes.  Debbie is bringing Granddaughter Alessandra.  Great news.  

Great holiday season coming up.  Debbie and Alessandra for Thanksgiving and Melissa and Akerke for Christmas.

Debbie also FaceTimed us once we got home from dinner.  We got caught up.

We watched Jack Ryan before turning in.  Temperature in high 20s.

Sunday November 17, 2019

Blog time 2200 sitting in Den.

Up at 0700.  It was cold 22 but dry.  This morning we took our 1.33 mile walk.  We were bundled up so the walk was pleasant.

After breakfast picked up two coffees to take to church.  It was crowded at Trinity Lutheran this morning.

Gas was $2.44 at Meijer’s this morning.  Spent some time putting speedometer on bike.  

Our mailbox was damaged while we were in CA.  I speculate that during the recent snow storm a big pickup truck lost control coming down Tahoe and hit the box with his mirror.  I figured out a repair plan.

Lunch followed by reading some of the GRP.  Took a short nap.  

I needed some nails to fix mailbox so drove to Ace Hardware.  They were closed.  Drove to Meijer’s and got the nails I needed.  Finished the afternoon with a short walk.

Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for dinner.  I had mine with spinach pie.  Good Sunday evening meal.  

In my youth during fall and winter months we would often spend Sunday afternoons at my Grandparents farm.  For dinner Grandmother would fix soft boiled eggs.  We would put the eggs in a special cup, cut the top off, fill with butter and eat away.  The dinner also included fresh home made bread and dessert was canned fruit from the root cellar.  Fond memories.

Tonight after dinner we had our apple snack.  Watched 60 Minutes and then started the new season of The Crown.  Good start to the season.  

The temperature will be above freezing tonight.  Will be able to ride bike tomorrow.   

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019

Friday November 15, 2019

Blog time 1200 at Panera

Got up at 0400 and Ms P followed me.  I took her out to do her bidness.  I hope this is not a new pattern.

Temperature in mid 20s this morning.  Nancy headed out at 0730 for a class at MVP.  After breakfast I walked to the Y.  Too much snow and ice to take a bike.  It is a 1.8 mile walk.  Dark and gloomy!

At the Y did calisthenics and a walk.  The calisthenics were performed at 60% of normal.  This morning I weighed myself and low and behold I had lost weight.  How could this happen? I went off my diet and did not exercise for a week.  Showered before walking to Panera.

Like the Y, Panera was not very crowded.  Are all the folks Deer hunting.  In my high school days the boys got three days excused absences for deer hunting, nothing for the girls.   I read in today’s Alpena News that schools are closed today for opening day.

Speaking of Alpena schools, the District lost money from the State because they have less than six students per square mile.  Since when is density a criteria for funding.

The impeachment hearings continue.  More grandstanding Politicians babbling.
How long will the riots go on in Hong Kong before the Army steps in?

Will the upcoming UK elections have a major impact on BRexit?

Tomorrow is the big UM/MSU football game.  During my youth Mom and Dad would place bets on the game.  If UM won Dad would do the dishes for a week, etc.  Mom was an UM grad and a big fan.  Dad went to MSU.  Of course the bets were all in good fun.  Good memories.

Kim cleaned the house today and it looks great.  Quick lunch before heading to the Apple Store.  I just purchased a GPS type speedometer for my bike.  I had to use a QR code to get it programmed and was confused in how to use it.  The nice young lady at the Apple Store solved my problem in seconds.

Fixed our apple snack before taking a nap.  For dinner we finished the chicken pot pie left over from Book Club.

This evening we watched the news and Jeopardy before switching to Acorn.  We watched an episode of Midsomer Murders.

Ms P has been having some stomach problems.  Luckily she does her bidness on the kitchen tiles.  Easy to clean up.  We are changing her diet until her problem goes away.  We made her sleep in the kitchen tonight.  Of course Ms P is in her 90s (people years) so we don’t get mad at her.  

Bright orange moon tonight.  It was in the low 20s when we turned in.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Thursday November 14, 2019

Thursday November 14, 2019

Blog time 1040 at Panera

Must be jet lag but we were both up at 0600.  Temperature was 24.  Our first chore this morning was to pick up Ms P from the kennel.  

The kennel folks said that Ms P was great during her stay.  She seems to have lost some weight which is great.  We were both happy to have her back home.

Quick breakfast and then I shoveled our courtyard walk.  Walked to Panera.  The sidewalks were not plowed so I had to walk gingerly.  In addition to being cold it was dark and gloomy.  A typical November day.

Today is the day before the start of Deer season.  On this date my Dad would grab his gear and head to his hunting camp, Doctor’s Club.  He usually stayed a week at camp.  All my friend’s fathers did the same thing.  Deer hunting was a big deal in the 50s.  Most businesses were on reduced staff.

Walked home performed some mild calisthenics before showering and shaving.   Lunch and then Nancy and I ran some errands.  First stop was Hobby Lobby to pick up a painting I had framed.  Next we stopped at Aldi’s, bought bananas, eggs and crackers.  Finally we stopped at Meijer’s.  Bought veggies, milk, yogurt, bagel chips, Pinconning soft cheese and two dark chocolate bars.  The bars are 100% cocoa and I have two pieces every day.

Spent some time this afternoon clearing my desk.  Took a nap and after prepared our apple snack.

This evening after the news and Jeopardy we watched a just released episode of Doc Martin.  Nancy headed to bed and I stayed up and continued watching a Norwegian cop show.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Wednesday November 13, 2019

Wednesday November 13, 2019

Blog time 0930 at LAX

Today is our travel day.  Up at 0603, breakfast and then head to LAX airport.  We budgeted about 60 minutes travel time but it took only 15’ to get to Hertz.  

Turned in rental and caught shuttle to United Terminal.  With automation check in is a breeze.  TSA Precheck made going through security easy.  Thanks Debbie for the Global Entry pass.

Nancy just had an email from friend Kathi to recommend staying in LA.  Current temperature in GR is 20 with high of 24.  Snow on ground with more this afternoon.  We did not take Kathi’s advice.   We are going to GR.

Our flight from LA to Denver was delayed over 45 minutes.  This delay will mean we have to hustle in Denver to make the connection to GR.

Once underway the flight to Denver was smooth.  I had a window seat and enjoyed the view.  I was surprised at how much open space we flew over.  Miles and miles without homes or even paved roads.  Most of the open space was desert.  No trees and little vegetation.  Great geology.
We did not see foliage until we were almost at Denver.  

At Denver despite the tight connection schedule we had to use the facilities.  When we arrived at the gate found out that our flight to GR was delayed an hour.  We benefited from compensating errors.  We had time to get a sandwich and drink.

The flight to GR was uneventful.  It was 24 degrees when we arrived.  The ground was snow covered.  Picked up our bag, grabbed the car and headed home.

On our four flights, GR/Den, Den/LA, LA/Den, Den/GR we sat in a three seat row.  On all flights one seat was unused which allowed us to spread out.  All flights were about 75% full.  

Did a quick check of the house and everything was in order.  Nancy headed to bed and I emptied our bag, took my pill and ate several squares of dark chocolate.