Monday, September 1, 2014

Monday September 1, 2014

Weekend Update: Saturday August 30: The weather folks said it is going to rain all day. No bike ride plus we have to get ready for our first dinner at the condo. Nancy and I ate at the Gathering Place. The food is good and we are both surprised that the place is not busier on a Saturday morning. After breakfast we stopped at the local ACE hardware to buy some picture hanging material and silicon spray. As soon as we got home Nancy started getting dinner ready for this evening. I ran several errands including a beer run to Meijer’s. We have been all week without phone service. ATT said they would send a repairman to fix our problem either Sat or Sun. They have my cell number so I had to leave my phone home. In the afternoon we had a break in the weather so I walked around our block. My pedometer said it is exactly 1.5 miles around the block. I do two laps and I have a nice walk. The condo backs up to an old golf course and we have a lot of green space. I am surprised that we never see anyone walking on the old golf cart trails. Also we have not seen any deer or turkey. I know they are in the neighborhood but they are not showing themselves. Our guests arrived exactly at 1800. After filling their wine glasses I gave a complete tour of our new digs. Nancy fixed a chicken dish for dinner. It was great. After dinner we sat in the living and had a nice conversation. Yes folks we did that quaint thing, we talked. The guests left at 2130. Our first dinner was a success. Sunday August 31: The last day of summer and believe it or not the leaves are turning on the maples and elms. Nancy wants to stay home and wait for the ATT man. I went swimming at MVP. I swam my 30 minutes. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. (no Meijer’s today). I did take my Sunday nap. Later, I took Ms P on her walk and then walked around the block. We spent a quiet afternoon reading the GRP and watching tennis. Guess what! ATT did not show up. Nancy called ATT and after she chewed them out, they promised a service man would fix our phone on Monday. Nancy fixed hot dogs and beans for dinner, my favorite. We spent a quiet evening reading and watching some TV. Monday September 1, 2014: The weather folks consider the months of September, October and November to be fall. We do not plan to labor on Labor. Today is a designated lazy day. We slept in until 0715. I did run one errand. I stopped at Meijer’s to fill the Taurus up and at Panera to get coffee. It is now 0930 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog on the Apple Air laptop. Did you know Nancy got an Apple Air ipad for her birthday. Stay tuned for the rest of our Labor Day activities. We had some heavy rains pass through this afternoon. I lost my charger for the fitbit during our move. Today I ordered a charger. I also wrote a letter to the condo association asking for reimbursement for some plumbing repairs we had to make. Ms P’s bed is getting kind of ratty so we drove to Pet Smart to get a new one. We checked Art Van to see the status of our new kitchen table and chairs. No change the furniture will be delivered in mid-September. On the way home we stopped at Pizza Hut and ordered a 12” pizza. After I dropped Nancy and Ms P off I headed back to Pizza Hut to pick up the pizza. It is now 1934 snd I am signing off.

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