Thursday, September 18, 2014

Thursday September 18, 2014

Thursday September 18, 2014: Today neither Nancy or Bob has an item on their calendar. We all slept in. Nancy’s cold is not getting better. My foot is better today. In fact this morning I did my morning calisthenics at 30 %. No problems noted. Today was dedicated to reading and resting. It was cool today but we had some sun. I took Ms P on her walk. I am reading a good book. It is book 2 of the Lincoln Lawyer series. I also started reading a diet book called “Stop Only Sugar Diet”. Three diet rules Low Sugar High Fiber No More Rules I started wearing my fitbit last night. My goal is 10,000 steps per day. I think maybe I will get 3,000 today. I just completed a 1.25 mile walk. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Wendy’s for a bowl of chili. Nothing on TV so it will be a netflix evening. We did get a paper copy of the GRP today. It took about 5 minutes to read. A nothing paper.

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