Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Wednesday September 3, 2014

Wednesday September 3, 2014 Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday. I left home at 0630 and it was pitch black. The black condition meant that both eyes were open. During daylight hours my right eye closes. Today’s speaker talked about religious diversity. He was of the Hindu faith and his talk was really good. I was asked to give the invocation at the next meeting. Any ideas? On my way home I stopped at the Chevy garage to see about getting my starter switch fixed. It has been on recall for ages. Chevy said they would call when the parts are in. They said that 3 months ago. Mitt Romney was right! My iphone had a message saying NO SIM. I stopped at Sprint and they said they would fix it. I was to come back in an hour. At home Nancy was still waiting for a call from ATT. She has to work at the Gardens this afternoon so I got my walk in before she left. I walked the 1.5 miles around the block. After the walk I headed back to the Sprint store to get the iphone. I now have a new SIM card. What does a SIM card do? Nancy left at 1230 and I was left with her phone waiting for a call from ATT. Actually an afternoon confined inside was what I needed. I made a lot of phone calls and cleared my list. I did get a call from an ATT Supervisor saying he was now handling my case because the Supervisor was on vacation. He would get himself up too speed and give me a call. Big Deal. The blind leading the blind. At 1430 the door bell rings and it is Greg the ATT repair man. I was about to give Gregg a diatribe when I realized Greg was on the bottom of the food chain. Greg made one check at the box outside the house and said it was an ATT problem. It took Greg about 90 minutes to get us service. He said he gave us a new pair. I don’t know what a pair is but our computer guru said that we needed a new pair in July. Anyway our phone and internet services are fine. Thanks Greg. During my quiet afternoon at home I read the WSJ cover to cover and also read several chapters of the book I am presently reading. Nancy got home from the Gardens at 1645. It is now 1801 and I am sitting on our deck writing this blog and drinking a beer. I love our deck. We will have a light dinner and then a quiet evening watching TV or Netflix. Retired life is relaxed. Life is not so relaxed for our children. Today Steve and Veronica are sending Lucas and Alessandra off to school. Lucas in the fourth grade and Alessandra in kindergarden. Veronica sent pictures of the kids all decked out in their uniforms. AJ started first grade in mid August.

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