Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23, 2014

Tuesday September 23, 2014 The nice weather continues. It was 45 early this morning but now, 1700, it is 72. It is a clear sunny fall day. The leaves are slowly changing color. Nancy went swimming at MVP this morning. I walked over to Panera for coffee. I read the first section of the WSJ. The Middle East dominates the news. I guess the bad guys are ISIS. But when you weaken the bad guys the other bad guys benefits. Enough said. I did watch the morning news shows and a lot of comment was made about David Brook’s column in the NYT. Mr Brook’s said we should get out of our funk because things are really pretty good for the USA. I agree. After Panera I took Ms P on her daily walk. It was such a nice day that Nancy and I spent an hour on the deck reading. I love our deck. I did take a short nap. I then went on a walk around the neighborhood. My walk was exactly 3 miles. Every day I seem to be getting stronger. My leg is clearing up and I have no trouble walking. As soon as I finish this blog I will read the manual for our dehumidifier. I cannot get the ground floor humidity below 50%. Ideal room humidity is around 40%. Nancy is fixing sweet potatoes and ham for dinner. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch the new season of NCIS.

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