Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Monday September 22, 2014

Monday September 22, 2014 The weather folks say today is the equinox. That means we should have 12h of both daylight and dark. However, I checked my weather app and Grand Rapids won’t have 12 and 12 until the 26th. I should get a life! We had another beautiful fall day. The day was cool but sunny, high 61. Nancy took a class at MVP this morning. She is feeling much better. I took Ms P on an early morning walk. We met a lot of other dog walkers. At 1130 I walked to the Sundance. It took me about 20 minutes which translates to one mile. I was meeting Mike Guter for lunch. Mike worked for me at Scott Civil Engineering. In fact I gave Mike his first job. Mike until last week worked for URS on some very large bridge projects. Mike just took a job with a large Swedish firm. Their USA office is in NYC. Mike will commute to NYC until he is assigned to a project. A typical project for this firm is in the 1 billion dollar range. Mike seems very excited about the new job. I wish him well. I did take my afternoon nap. After the nap I took a 1.5 mile walk. We had an light dinner and then retired to the den. We watched the Big Bang Theory and now we are watching Scorpion. I don’t think Scorpion will make. Even though I have not seen NCIS New Orleans I predict that it will not make it. This date in 1938, Great grandfather Sanborn is getting ready for winter. He noted it was a clear day with no frost. In the morning he cut and picked some corn. In the PM he split wood and took a load to his barn for the small wood stove. Life was simple for an active man of 83. GGF Sanborn was a happy man.

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