Sunday, September 21, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014

Saturday September 20, 2014: The day started hot and humid and this pattern remained throughout the day. Nancy and I are still in recovery mode. We decided that we had to get out of the house so we had breakfast at the Gathering Place. The food was good but this is the only breakfast place in West MI that isn’t jammed on a Saturday morning. Nancy was driving today and she dropped me off and then headed to Kohl’s. I wanted to get my walk in before the rain so I took Ms P on her walked and then walked another 1.5 miles. I ran several errands this morning. I stopped at Radio Shack and bought an indoor/outdoor weather station. Most of our ground floor is below ground so I wanted a humidity check. If it gets to humid I will fire up the dehumidifier. It is now 1537 and I will stop this blog to watch the UM/Utah game. What a waste of time. UM looked terrible and poorly coached. It was raining so Nancy and I drove to Wendy’s. If no rain we planned on walking. We both had a bowl of chili. Debbie facetimed us and we got caught up on her activities of the past week. Debbie spent last week in Austin, TX. Always good to hear from our children. Not much on TV so we watched another episode of Foyle’s War on Netflix. Next week we will watch all the new TV shows.

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