Friday, September 26, 2014

Friday September 26, 2014

Friday September 26, 2014 We bounce out of bed at 0645. Nancy heads to MVP and I go downstairs and do my calisthenics. Today I increase my effort to 60%. It is now 0950 and Kim has just arrived to clean. I am waiting for the fireplace man. He is going to check out the fireplaces. Yes we have two fireplaces. I think the existing fireplaces are just for show. No heat is generated just the pretty fire. We want to get the ground floor unit to put out some heat. It is another beautiful day. Clear skies and the temperature is suppose reach 80. We have had the best stretch of weather the past week. The fireplace men arrive at 1000. Also arriving at the same time is the repair man from our security firm, EPS. Nancy works with the fireplace folks and I talk to the EPS man. Last night we noted that a smoke alarm in the ground floor was beeping. We thought it was a low battery but when I inspected the alarm it did not have a battery. It was connected to a master panel. The repair man took the alarm apart and could not find the problem. Finally he noted that in a crate we brought from Mackinaw was a CO2 monitor. The monitor was beeping. Our problem had nothing to do with the alarm system. Took out the old batteries and the beeping stopped. I had the EPS man give me a lesson on how the alarm system works. It really is neat. The system mainly monitors security in the condo. It checks doors, window and has several motion detectors. In addition, the system is hooked up to several smoke alarms, CO2 monitors and also it detects water in the basement. If we are away and a water pipe freezes and breaks an alarm is sent. I can even hook it up to my iphone. The fireplace men checked out our two fireplaces. They gave us a lesson on how they work. The fireplaces are mainly for show. We did ask for an estimate to put in a ground floor system that will generate heat. The ground floor is much colder than the main floor. After lunch I took a short nap. I spent some time paying bills and then took Ms P on a 1.25 mile walk. Nancy is fixing ham sandwiches for dinner. We are spending a quiet evening at home.

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