Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16, 2014

Tuesday September 16, 2014 All the alarms are set for 0630. Nancy has an eye doctor appointment at 0730. I also get up shower and then soak my leg. I am done with the steroids and other pills. I only have the MG pills. Nancy got home at 0930. She thought see needed cataract surgery. No surgery required she only needed glasses. Eagle eye Nancy wearing glasses? Nancy changed and headed for a class at MVP. I dressed and headed to an appointment at Dr Kutsche’s. I had the appointment at 1105 when it really was 1150. I walked outside for 20 minutes with no pain. The Dr said the leg is slowly healing. He gave me a maintenance program. I can even start some mild exercises on Thursday. Good news! After lunch I took a quick lunch and then a nap. I spent about an hour this afternoon writing an invocation I must give at Breakfast Club tomorrow. Nancy is fixing a shrimp stir fry for dinner. We will spent some time reading the GRP and watching TV before turning in.

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