Thursday, September 4, 2014

ThursdaySeptember 4 2014

Thursday September 4, 2014 It was pitch black when I got up at 0700. After the calisthenics I looked outside and it was raining. I got in the C2 and headed to Panera for coffee and WSJ. It rained hard all morning. After Panera I came home and read a couple of chapters of my book. It stopped raining about 1300 and then I got out the bike and went on a 15 mile ride. It was hot and humid. Nancy went swimming this afternoon at Kathi’s. I took a 30’ nap and then took Ms P on her walk. The hot humid weather gets to Ms P. This evening Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. Tonight we will read the GRP and watch some TV. We are starting to settle in to our fall routine.

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