Monday, September 29, 2014

Monday September 29, 2014

Monday September 29, 2014 Lately our weekday wake up time is 0645. Today was no exception. Nancy headed to MVP and I headed downstairs for the calisthenics. After a quick breakfast I got on my bike and headed to Panera. The WSJ was dominated by news from the Middle East and the departure of the founder of PIMCO. PIMCO manages over a trillion dollars. A trillion is 12 zeros. My first electronic calculator only had room for seven numbers. A lot of old men hang out at Panera in the morning. Today was such a nice day that they all were driving their convertibles. My observation is that the majority of convertibles are driven by seniors. After coffee I went on a short bike ride. At 1030 Nancy and I headed downtown to see more of Art Prize. We stopped at the Women’s City Club and then parked in the Ionia/Weston ramp so we could see venues along Fulton and Division. It was a perfect day for being outside. Downtown was jammed with Art Prize visitors. We noted a least five tour buses. At 1400 we headed home. After a quick lunch I took a short nap. Ms P and I took a 1.25 mile walk. This walk has become our standard. It is now 1739 and I am sitting on our deck drinking a beer and writing this blog. It is 79 degrees. Our warm weather will come to an end tonight. The high tomorrow will be 59. Our mean temperature for this time of year is 57. In our neighborhood the elm trees are dropping their leaves. The maples are turning a brilliant red. Fall is great. We are having a light dinner. We will watch CBS and NBS tonight, no netflix. We have not decided if we like the new shows on the three networks. We will give all shows at least two chances to make us fans. I got my 30 minutes outside today. Did you? The news outlets have been reporting of a new virus going around west MI. It attacks children and has many of the traits of polio. I hope they get a handle on it soon?

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