Sunday, September 21, 2014

Sunday September 21, 2014

We had some major league thunder storms come through last night. Ms P went bonkers so I took her downstairs and turned on the light and played my playlist on the iphone. This alway calms her down. Nancy and I slept in this morning. Maybe next week we will go swimming. We did make a run to Meijer’s. Gas today was $3.20. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and sports in the GRP and then took my mandatory Sunday nap. After the nap I ran some errands. First stop Woodland Mall to buy some 3A batteries at Radio Shack. I also looked at some UM apparel for the grandkids. I really don’t like all the writing on the apparel. Why not just a small M. Next I stopped a Gazelle Sports to see if they had any wool long sleeve T’s. No luck. I did check out some soccer shirts. A Manchester United long sleeve shirt costs nearly $100. I just wish their stock price would go up. I bought shares in MU a couple of years ago and the stock price has not budged. My fitbit just went off indicating I have reached my goal of 10,000 steps. I think I should check the settings because I don’t believe I am anywhere near 10K. Nancy is fixing BLT’s for dinner. Sounds good doesn’t it. The rain should end at 1800 today and then the forecasters say we have a week of sunshine coming up. Tomorrow is the equinox when we should have 12h of daylight and darkness. The maple trees are really starting to turn. A lot of red and yellows in our neighborhood. I like fall.

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