Friday, September 19, 2014

Friday September 19, 2014

Friday September 19, 2014 The recuperation continues for Nancy and Bob. We are both feeling better this morning. I did my calisthenics at 40% today. Nancy left at 0900 for a hair appointment. I spent the morning at home drinking coffee and reading the WSJ. I was glad to see the Scotland independence vote defeated. I keep reading about the President and Military talking about war in Iraq and Syria. It is Vietnam all over again. We should just get out. Why doesn’t anyone listen to me? Today will be one of our last warm days this fall. I sat outside on the deck and it was very pleasant. Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco at noon. Costco was not very crowded. This afternoon I took Ms P on her 3/4 mi walk and then took a short nap. After the nap I took a 1.5 mile walk. Nancy keeps warning me to not overdue it. I don’t think I am. Nancy is fixing fried egg sandwiches for dinner tonight. Last night we noted that netflix added another season of Foyle’s War. We watched episode 1. I really like this show. We might not be watching much netflix in the next couple of weeks because the new TV season starts. Tonight is the last night I soak my leg and I also take my last pill. Whatever I had I do not want it again. My fitbit just told me I reached my goal of 10,000 steps. Good News!

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