Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Wednesday September 17, 2014

Wednesday September 17, 2014 Today is Breakfast Club so I get up at 0600. I have to give the invocation. Todays speaker is from the UAW and he is going to tell us about UAW’s plans. I spent several hours writing the invocation to mesh with today’s speaker. Guess What! The UAW backed out at the last minute. The Program people were able to get Dr Dockery a spry 87, to talk about her years with the GR Museum. She gave a good talk. However, we had a large turn out and I think the reason was the UAW speaker. I made some quick changes to the invocation. I kind of gummed it. After BC I stopped at Walgreen to get some more supplies for my leg. I did meet with my skin doctor to get a spot frozen. The doctor did look at my leg and said it was doing nicely. I agree. This afternoon I soaked my foot and took a short nap. I also for the first time in two weeks took Ms P on a walk. Nancy worked at the Gardens this afternoon. I needed to elevate my foot so I watched several episodes of Victory at Sea. Victory at Sea was a TV series shown during the 50s. It was about WWII and the US Navy. Easy dinner tonight and then some TV. I did stop at Martha’s Vineyard on my way home from the skin doctor and bought a baguette and bottle of wine. Tomorrow is the big vote in Scotland. Should Scotland become independent? I say no.

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