Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Tuesday September 2, 2014

Tuesday September 2, 2014 Today I got up with the sunrise, 0705. This is an hour later than June. I did the at home routine and then took a 12.8 mile bike ride. It was a great morning for a ride. Nancy did not go to MVP because she is waiting on ATT. In fact despite all their promises ATT did not show today. After the ride I showered and got ready for my 1300 Doctors appointment. Dr Santos card say he deals with Neuro-Opthalmology, General Neurology. I found out that I have a condition called MG. Presently, it is confined to my eye. The Doctor said I should continue my pills and come back in four months. I have a January 2015 appointment. At home I took a nap and then Ms P and I went on a long walk. Nancy is still mad at no-show ATT. Nancy fixed chicken, rice and corn for dinner tonight. It was tasty. It is now 1935 and I will head upstairs after finishing this blog. Tonight I will download a Ken Follett book. It is the last of his trilogy on the 20th Century.

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