Friday, September 12, 2014

Friday September 12, 2014

Thursday September 11, 2014 The lost week. I finished my last blog a week ago about 1700. Later that evening I developed chills so I bundled up and headed to bed. I woke up Friday morning feeling much better. i did reduced calisthenics and because of threatening rain i walked to Panera for my morning coffee. The rest of Friday was our easy day. Saturday morning was raining so I had spent another easy day at home. The rash on my right leg seems to be getting bigger. Sunday morning. The rash was getting red and bigger. In fact the rash was so red and inflamed we decided to head to emergency at St Mary’s. We spent the morning and afternoon having blood tests run. The Doctor’s thought my leg veins were inflamed. I was given an IV with a heavy dose of medicine. Nancy was a dream during this ordeal. We were given a prescription and told to see the GP on Monday. Monday and I tried but failed to get in to see Dr Kutsche. I started the new pills. Nancy had lunch today with the girls who once worked at the Blodgett Gift Shop. My Sister, Helen, and brother in law, Don, arrived about 1400. We gave them a tour of the condo. We had dinner at Bagger Dave’s. The evening was spent talking about old times. I did every once in a while checked to see how the Lions were doing. Everyone slept in on Tuesday. We had leisurely breakfast. Helen and Don left about 1000. I had a 1630 appointment with the Dr. Kutsche. He looked over my swollen leg and the rash and said we should have a dermatologist look at the leg. Dr Kutsche did not think the swelling was caused by veins. He ordered another blood test. Wednesday AM Nancy drove me to the lab for more blood work. Wednesday afternoon Nancy worked at the Gardens. I for the first time in several days drove to Dr Yurko’s office. She looked at the rash and said it was caused by an allergic reaction. I am now on steroids. Nancy had book club at our condo. She fixed chicken for dinner. Tom Moleski and I had dinner a Uccello’s. Thursday Nancy goes swimming at MVP. I start my steroids and also twice a day soaks. Nancy and Karen Horling drive to Lansing to meet old classmate Mary Ellen. Helen also attend. Four Albion mates from the class of 63. Nothing on TV so it was a Netflix. Friday September 12, 2012 Kim came today to clean. Nancy took a class at MVP. When Nancy came home we got in the Taurus and ran errands. We made five stops. We spent a quiet afternoon at home. Nancy drove to Wendy’s to get me a bowl of chili for dinner. She also fixed us a fried eggs sandwich. Dr Kutsche called tonight and said the blood test came back. He recommended steroid pills. I told him Dr Yurko started me on Thursday. The doctors who have seen my rash are not in agreement on the cause. What is a civilian to do? Tonight is a Netflix evening.

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