Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Wednesday April 30, 2014

We had some light rain this morning. I attended Breakfast Club. We had a good turnout. All the snowbirds are back. The speaker today was the GR City attorney. She talked about all the confusion regarding GR, MI and the USA marijuana laws. It is really confusing for law enforcement officials. She gave a great talk. When I got home the dry wall man was working away in the bathroom. We also asked him to fixed a spot in the master bedroom. He is now done except for sanding the new surface. He will do that on Friday. Nancy had a 0945 appointment with the knee doctor today. She is having a series for three shots. The shots are a week apart. We hope the shots reduce the pain. The painter also finished touching up the front door. He gave us an estimate for painting the bathroom. We said ok and he will start next week. We have some books in the basement that might have some value. A neighbor runs a used book store in Eastown and I showed him the books. He said they had no value. At 1300 I drove to Dr Yurko's office. Today she is removing a spot on my leg that the bioscopy showed had some cancer cells. It took less than 30 minutes. It took about 5 stitches to sew it up. I was told to take it easy until the stitches come out. No swimming, long walks for bike rides. Bummer! We will have a light dinner. TV and Netflix are on the docket for tonight.

Tuesday April 29, 2014

The rain continues. I had to drive to MVP because of the rain. On my way I stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village for coffee and the WSJ. The pool was crowded today with 2 folks in every lane. The drywall man did not come today because he wanted me to check for a possible source of moisture. I did get on a ladder, checked for moisture or a leak and could not find any. I think that maybe during a heavy rain with high east winds some water entered through a vent. It was an anomaly. The painter came today and painted our front door. It looks nice. Nancy has been working very hard cleaning out the basement. I brought up bags of trash for disposal. I also spent some time tossing old clothes I had stored in the basement. I can now move around the basement. We are having an Estate Sale Company stopping by next Wednesday to give us an appraisal. I moved all my family files up and stored them in the garage. I also stored pictures I want hung in the condo. I will be parking the C2 outside for the next month. Nancy fixed pork chops with stuffing for dinner. I also had corn on the cob. We watched NCIS before heading upstairs.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Monday April 28, 2014

Up at 0630 and the wind was really blowing. The weather folks said there was a 90% chance of rain. Based on this I drove to MVP this morning. Nancy's knee was bothering her so she did not go. I swam my 1100 meters today. President Obama's foreign policy has really been savaged by the WSJ. I really think that his options are limited. Should we care what the rest of the world thinks? Nancy spent the morning cleaning out the basement. This afternoon I called a painter and our attorney regarding our new purchase. The painter stopped by this afternoon and he will start painting the our main door tomorrow. The dry wall contractor started working on repairs to the bathroom ceiling this afternoon. I am using my side of the garage for a temporary storage area. The Cobalt will remain outside. I will move stuff from the basement that I want to move to the condo. I also brought up all the material Nancy tossed this morning. I will put it out at the curb tomorrow. I think it will takes us about a week the get the house ready for a showing. We will have a light dinner tonight. We will watch the news and Netflix. We are both tired so it will be an early night.

Sunday, April 27, 2014

Sunday April 27, 2014

Weekend Update and what a weekend it was! Friday April 25, 2014: It was raining Friday morning so for the first time this week I drove to MVP via the Hall Street Bakery. I know the difference between Hall Street Bakery and Kava House. Church ladies go to Hall Street and tattoo ladies go to Kava House. I swam my 1,100 meters and then hurried home. Our realtor stopped by at 1330 and we signed the papers on our official offer on the condo at 6174 Tahoe Drive. The realtor emailed the offer to the sellers. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. We stayed at home and watched Netflix. Saturday April 26, 2014: I slept in until almost 0830. It was to late for Bill's so I pedaled to Kava House and had coffee and scones while I read the WSJ. When I got home I loaded the bike up and headed to Millennium Park. I rode 18 miles. The grass was looking a little long so I got out the lawn mover and cut the grass. Ms P came out and is our custom I started throwing the ball to her. On one throw she misjudged the ball and it hit her on the head. It stunned her and I had to hold her to keep her from falling over. She finally recovered. I just got finished with the lawn when the realtor called and said our offer had been accepted. He stopped by and we signed some papers. Nancy and Bob can take possession on June 22. Big Game Changer!!! We ordered pizza for dinner. Watched some Netflix before heading to bed. Debbie face timed us and we told her about the big move. She gave us some good advise about moving. Ms P was stiff from all the running this afternoon so I had to carry her upstairs. We did give her some joint medicine. Sunday April 27: Alarm off at 0700 and Nancy and Bob head to MVP for our Sunday swim. The pool was not crowded. Gas at Meijer's today was $3.75 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast along with waffles. I took the Sunday afternoon nap. Ms P's harness is getting worn so I headed to the pet store and got her a new harness. I also took a two mile walk. Nancy and I have been making a list of things we must do to get ready for showing our house. We have to paint the front door, fix the bathroom ceiling and start throwing away all the junk we have accumulated over 41 years. Basically we have to titivate. Titivate is a word my old boss, Commander Tinklepaugh, on Midway Island always told me we must do. Nancy is fixing ham sandwiches and corn on the cob for dinner tonight. We will watch 60' and some Netflix before retiring.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Thursday April 24, 2014

Big day for Nancy and Bob: Normal morning, bike to Breton Village for coffee. Continue bike to MVP for swim. Nancy and I met Realtor at condo in Centennial Park. We liked the place. On our way home we talked it over. We continued talking at dinner. We ate at Great Lakes Shipping. We just ordered our Realtor to make an offer. Now we wait.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Wednesday April 23, 2014

Wednesday April 23, 2014 Wednesday is my easy day. I slept in until 0730 today. I pedaled to Bill’s for an oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I took my new route home from Bill’s. I take Fulton to East Beltline, south on EBL to Reeds Lake Blvd and then counterclockwise around Reeds Lake. The total trip is 11.5 miles. Unlike Nancy I have not yet started cleaning closets but I did clean my office. Nancy works at the Garden’s this afternoon. When we drove into the Gardens all we could see were school buses. I bet the place is busy this afternoon. I told Nancy, she will be so busy that the time will really fly. I called several folks you had sent me birthday emails. It is always nice when people remember. Debbie got me a fitbit for my birthday. All the operating instructions are online. What ever happened to manuals. No frost last night but the temperature got down to the mid 30s. I had to layer up for my ride. Right now it is 1518 and the temperature has reached 55 with bright sun. We now have 13h46’ of daylight. We will have 15h at the summer soltise. Picked up Nancy at 1630 and she said they were busy. When we got home I took a 2 mile walk. I am surprised at the number of nice homes for sale in EGR. They do not stay on the market for more than 2 weeks. What do the young folks do for a living that they can afford a $600,000+ home? Light dinner tonight and then some TV before heading upstairs. I got my 30’ in today I hope the folks in SJLALB also spent 30’ outdoors.

Tuesday April 22, 2014

Tuesday April 22, 2014:: Yes folks today I am 76. Did you know that life expectancy in 1938 was 59.7 years. A new car cost $860 and gas was $0.10 a gallon. Of course the average income was $1,731 per year, $0.85 per hour. Folks born in 1938 are part of the “Silent Generaton”. Today was like most days. I did the at-home thing and then pedaled to MVP for my swim. After temps in the 70s yesterday it was only in the 40s this morning. I had to put on layers for my bike ride. On my way home I stopped at Starbucks in Breton Village for my free birthday coffee. I was half way through the WSJ when I got a call from a plasterer saying he was in our neighborhood and could stop by and give me an estimate for work needed in the upstairs bathroom. I dropped everything and pedaled home. I arrived seconds before the estimator. Nancy continues to clean closets. She is tossing a lot of stuff. April 22, 1938 in Ossineke, Michigan: My Great Grandfather Sanborn wrote that it was Friday and the weather was cold and windy. In the AM he hauled leaves and in the PM he cleaned the chicken coop, 3 loads. His last entry was that Robert Hughes Scott was born. I had a quick lunch and then took a short nap. I did walk Ms P around the block. Tonight we are meeting the Horlings, Karen and Hal, at Reds in Rockford for dinner. After dinner we will stop at Horlings for dessert.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Monday April 21, 2014

Monday April 21, 2014: Happy Birthday Cousin Betty. Cousin Betty is a year and a day older than I am. She now splits her time between Alaska and Flordia. When I high school, Cousin Betty was the telephone operator who told me after I repeatedly tried to phone some young lady that she was not home. This news soon went public much to my chargin. Did you know that I was in charge of the Captain’s chocolate Easter egg hunt on Midway Island? This was one of my collateral duties. All Navy Ensigns are assigned collateral duty. I had to buy the eggs in Hawaii and have them shipped to Midway. The Captain’s wife kept calling me to make sure I did not screw up. Senior Enlisted men and all Officiers could bring there families to Midway. If they did their tour was 18 months instead of 12 monthes like us unattached folks. Nancy is taking the week off to let her knee heal. After the at-home routine I rode my bike to MVP. It is 4.5 miles. I swam 1,200 meter today. I stopped at Breton Village on my way home to drink some coffee and read the WSJ. This afternoon I called a retirement home to schedule at tour. We are going May 5. I also called a plasterer we have used before to get an estimate for some work we want done in the kid’ bathroom. Nancy has been going through closets and tossing a lot of items. This weeks trash is very heavy. It is now 1530 and I am going to take a short nap. Stay tuned! It reached 75 today. It was 47 when I got on the bike this morning and I was over dressed. When I left MVP I had taken two layer off. It was nice and warm so Ms P and I walked a mile. Light dinner tonight and then some TV. We are going to watch the last episode of Ms Fisher.

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Sunday April 20, 2014

Weekend Update: A perfect Spring weekend. Temps in the 60s with a lot of sun. Saturday April 19: I pedaled to Bill's for their super breakfast. Meat, potatoes, eggs and toast is a perfect breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled to Ada. I had 20 miles on the speedometer when I got home. Today I put the screens on the back and side doors and downstairs windows. Our realtor sent us a listing that we thought might be promising. The unit was in Cascade Twp. We drove out to the condo and decided it was not for us. On the way home we stopped at Pet Smart to get some joint medicine for Ms P. She appears to be having some problems walking. For dinner we went to Panera Bread. Nancy had a cup of chicken soup and I had a bowl of black bean soup and a half tuna sandwich. I love tuna. We watched several shows on Netflix. Debbie face timed us and we spent some time talking with her. I love face time. I wish our grandkids used it more often. Sunday April 20: Easter morning: Nancy is still having some knee pain so she is taking a week off from MVP. I headed to MVP and found out that it was closed. I came home and we headed to Meijer's for groceries. Gas today was $3.65 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. After reading a few sections of the paper I headed upstairs to take my Sunday PM nap. After the nap I got out the bike and pedaled to MVP. I was checking out several routes. The quickest way is to ride the sidewalk along Burton. I put 10 miles on the bike. I have about 200 accumulated miles so far this year. My goal is 2,000. Nancy is fixing ham, potatoes, peas and corn for dinner tonight. We will also finish a dessert that a neighbor girl made yesterday. She said she made too much so she brought us slice of the cake. It is very good. We will finish the GRP and then watch 60 minutes and a Netflix series before heading upstairs. The hockey playoffs were on TV this afternoon. I cannot get too excited. Hockey season should end before St Patrick's Day.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Friday April 18, 2014

Another nice spring day, sun all day and the temperature reached 60. Nancy's knee is acting up so she did not go to MVP. After coffee I drove to MVP for a 1100 meter swim. After lunch Nancy and I drove to the ENT Doctor. At home bought tickets to a Meijer's Garden Party, then walked to the USPO to mail the check. For dinner tonight we went to Rose's on Reeds Lake. It is a popular restaurant for the EGR crowd. We got there before 1700 and did not have to wait for a table. The food was very good. When we left over 20 folks were waiting for a table. We got home in time to watch the news. It is now 2022 and we are watching Unforgettable. It is not bad.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday April 17, 2014

Thursday April 17, 2014: Happy Birthday Alessandra. I remember the day she was born, five years ago. It was a nice spring day. Nancy was in Long Beach. Today is also my father's birthday. He would be 108 years. Today we got back to normal, I did the at home routine, no Hall Street Bakery, Nancy and I went to MVP. After MVP I got on the bike and headed to Kava House. Nancy went out to lunch with Ms Masten and Verker. After coffee I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I put 10 miles on the bike. Nancy and I went to Costco this afternoon. They had a lot of free samples. We had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. We talked with Alessandra this evening. I talked with my sister this afternoon. We always talk on Dad's birthday. It got up to 60 today. No more below 32 this spring.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Wednesday April 16, 2014

No food or drink this morning, so I slept in. We left for the Dr's office at 0945. They got me right in. I was done with the colon test by 1130. The test results were normal. For the first time in a month Nancy got to drive. Nancy fixed me waffles and eggs for breakfast. It was great. I slept all afternoon. I finally got out of bed at 1700. Tonight we will watch some Netflix before heading up.

Tuesday April 15, 2015

We woke up to about an inch of snow on the grass today. However, Nancy and Bob still followed our normal routine. After coffee and the WSJ at Hall Street Bakery I picked up Nancy and headed to MVP. We both went swimming today. After the swim we headed home. No food for me today because I am preparing for tomorrow's colon test. At 1230 Nancy and I headed to the heart doctor. They took Nancy's blood pressure and it was only slightly high. We had brought our new monitor that we had just purchased at Costco. Using our monitor the nurse took Nancy's BP and it was high. We made several other tests and we concluded that Nancy's monitor reads high. Nancy wore a heart rate monitor for a month and the nurse told us that everything was normal. We felt good about this visit. When I got home I took Ms P around the block and myself on the two mile walk. The temperature was in the high 20s. I bundled up. At 1500 I started the cleansing routine. I started with 4 laxative pills. Nancy had a 1545 goiter Dr appointment. Her friend, Kathi, drove her. The doctor told Nancy every thing was normal. Two doctor visits today and both with good news. At 1700 I mixed a magic potion with 64 oz of a clear diet drink. I took 8 oz every 30 minutes. It was not painful but I had to stay near the facilities. We watched NCIS and then headed upstairs.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Monday April 14, 2013

We put the compression shirt on Ms P last night because of potential thunder storms. We had rain but no thunder or lightning. When I went out at 0500 it was 65. It is now 1755 and the temperature is 41. Snow is expected this evening. It was a normal Monday. After coffee at Hall Street I picked up Nancy at 0930 and headed to MVP. Nancy did the machines and I swam 1100 meters. After MVP we stopped at Spectrum Health on Lake Dr to pick up some preparation instructions for my colon test on Wednesday. The first thing I noticed was no solid foot on Tuesday. Nancy and I then stopped at a card shop in Gaslight Village to get a birthday card for Ed Namey. Kim came today and she was still cleaning when we got home about 1200. I made a trip to D&W in Gaslight to buy some prep materials. I went back to Hall Street to get a coffee and finish reading the WSJ. Called my skin doctor to make an appointment to have a spot removed. This afternoon I called a plaster repair man. I want him to stop by and give me an estimate to fix a bathroom ceiling. I also called our health insurance company to see why a prescription was not paid for. I made a request for a formal review. I finished the afternoon by taking Ms P around the block and then walking two miles. Another quiet evening at home. No good TV shows so we will watch Netflix.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday April 13, 2014

Weekend update: Saturday April 12: Nancy and I got up at 0730. I pedaled to Bill's for oatmeal. Nancy and her friend Kathi had breakfast at the Brandywine. After breakfast I pedaled to GR Bike Company to buy a spare tube and then I pedaled around Reeds Lake. I put 15 miles on the bike. I was still in a spring cleaning mode so I cleaned out the garage and gave it a good sweeping. I also put out the picnic table. It rained periodically in the PM. At 1500 Nancy and I went to Kathi's house and I helped her load up her SUV. We then headed to Cascade Twp to check out the neighborhood near a condo we liked. The condo is near the intersection of Cascade Road and 28th Street. For dinner we had a pizza from Domino's. We watched Castle on TV and then Ms Fisher on Netflix. Sunday April 13: We had a thunderstorm roll through last night. Ms P got upset but not as hyper as she usually gets. We were in the pool at MVP by 0800. I swam 1,000 meters. Nancy swam 1,000 meters and walked two laps. Her knee is responding positively to the cortisone shot. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday nap. Nancy has completed one month on her heart monitor. She put the monitor in a mail packet and I took it to the USPO. I road my bike and after dropping off the package I continued on my new route. I rode 10 miles. Nancy is fixing pulled pork sandwiches for dinner. We will watch 60 minutes, read the Sunday GRP and watch another episode of Ms Fisher on Netflix. It is now raining and the rain should continue all evening. The grass is turning green and flowers are blooming.

Friday, April 11, 2014

Friday April 11, 2014

Friday April 11, 2014 Up at 0630, no MVP today, Nancy has a 0740 appointment with her knee surgeon. The doctor checked the knee and gave Nancy a cortisone shot. After the doctor we had breakfast at Cheri Inn. We stopped at home to get Ms P and headed to Cascade to meet with our realtor. We visited two condo. We both really liked one. We will do some research before making an offer. I spent five hours raking this afternoon. I finished at 1800. The garage door folks came this afternoon and fixed the opener. Nancy fixed meatloaf for dinner it was great. Nancy spent some FaceTime with Debbie today. I am typing this blog on the mini. I am using pages and will paste to blog.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Thursday April 10, 2014

I am pretty predictable because I was up at 0630. Did the at home routine and then headed to Hall Street Bakery. In today's WSJ I read articles on problems in Brazil and Argentina. I like the WSJ because they report on real news. The TV news is like People magazine, all fluff. The GRP is no better. I spent several hours this afternoon raking the front yard. This is the toughest job I have in the yard. The hill makes raking difficult. I tried to take a nap but I think I was too tired. I did get windburned. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Later we will watch and read some fluff and then watch a Netflix show. I am reading a good book on the Dreyfus affair a true spy story set in France. The temperature today reached 60. I have stored all the snow shovels. Tomorrow I pick up the lawn mower. Did your know that yesterday's blog was #1750.

Wednesday April 9, 2014

Up at 0630 and did the at home routine. Did not go to Hall St Bakery, instead Nancy and I went directly to MVP. At 1230 drove Nancy to Meijer's Garden for her afternoon shift. The line trying to get in today was out the door. Spring Break and a beautiful spring day brought every one out. Nancy will be busy. I spent a good portion of the afternoon raking. Picked up Nancy at 1630. She said they had over 5,000 folks. Today is book club so I drove Nancy to Namey's. I then drove Ed and Tom to Uccello's for beer and pizza. When we got back to Nameys the meeting was not over so the three of us went downstairs for cookies. Nancy and I watched Miss Fisher on Netflix. We were upstairs by 2200.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Tuesday April 8, 2014

Temperature in 40s when I left for Hall St Bakery. After coffee I picked Nancy up at 0930 and took her to the hospital. I headed to MVP and swam 1,000 meters. For first time in several weeks I read the WSJ front to back. Nancy called me earlier than usual to come pick her up. Lately the Gift Shop has not been a pleasant environment for volunteers. Today Nancy resigned. I am glad. First thing this afternoon I picked up a prescription at Meijer's. I then headed to the skin doctor for a 1530 appointment. The Doctor removed a wart like growth from my leg. I determined today that winter is over. Trugreen put down some fertilizer this morning. We have had several days with temps in the 50s and no freezing at night. I put the snow shovels up and got down my super duper thatch rake. I finished the afternoon by taking Ms P around the block and then took a 2.0 mile walk. Tonight we will finish the scallop potatoes. We will also watch NCIS. Since we got Netflix we do not watch much conventional TV.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday April 7, 2014

Monday April 7, 2014 Up at 0630 and do the at-home thing and then coffee at Hall Street Bakery. Pick up Nancy at 0930 and we head to MVP. I swam 1,000 meters today. My nose clip was not put on properly so I swallowed a lot of water. We got home about 1130. I had a quick lunch and headed to my Doctor’s appointment. She inspected and renewed my prescription. I took a short nap and then filled out my absentee ballot. Ms P and I walked to the mailbox. Tonight Nancy and I are attending the Red Green concert. Red Green had a program on PBS. It was like a Canadian Duck Dynasty. The snow is almost all gone. Trugreen comes tomorrow to apply some fertilizer. On this date in 1938 GGF Sanborn said there was a heavy run of smelt.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Sunday April 6, 2014

Quick weekend update: Saturday April 5, 2014, pedaled to Omelette Shop for oatmeal breakfast. After breakfast I pedaled around Reeds Lake, twice, a total distance of 15 miles. After a shower I started running errands. Rylee's for leaf bags, looked for walking shoes in small store in Eastown, I did not buy any. Stopped at Chow Hound to get Ms P some dry food. Purchased at swim suit at Gazelle and finally stopped at Lowe's to see if there was a magic solution to our moisture problem in the bathroom. I spent about an hour outside raking leaves and picking up tree branches. I even had time to take a quick nap. Nancy and I had dinner at Applebee's. I took a 1 mile walk and then we watched a new show on Netflix. It is about a women detective in Australia during the 20s. We liked it. Sunday April 6, 2014 Up at 0700 and in the pool by 0800. My shoulder is still suspect so I only swam 1,000 meters. We got our weekly supplies at Meijer's. Gas was $3.61. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I read the funnies and then took a short nap. Today the temperature was in the mid 50s with bright sunshine. I spent some time picking up more branches and putting new pedals on my hybrid. I also took a 12 mile bike ride. Tonight Nancy is fixing ham and scallop potatoes for dinner. We will read the GRP and watch 60 Minutes before heading upstairs. Spring has arrived at last!!!!

Saturday, April 5, 2014

Friday April 4, 2104

Up at 0630 and followed normal routine. I did read an article in the WSJ about the resignation of a silicon valley CEO who stepped down because he gave $1.000 to the CA proposal to ban gay marriage. What ever happened to free speech? Nancy did not go to MVP today because her knee is still bothering her. My shoulder is still acting up so I swam only 1,000 meters. This afternoon Phil Dougherty stopped by to fix our ceiling fixture in the kid's bathroom. I also asked him about our plaster problem in the bathroom. He did not know what was causing deterioration. Nancy and I made a quick run to Costco. The place was empty. Is it because today is the first day of spring break? I took a two mile walk before dinner. Nancy cooked a batch of spaghetti sauce in the crock pot. We had it for dinner.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Wednesday April 2, 2014

Wednesday April 2, 2014 Breakfast Club Wednesday and I am up at 0600. Today’s program was about an upcoming City ballot proposal to increase funds for street improvements. The cold winter has destroyed our roads. GR is the pothole capital of MI. I think the ballot proposal will easily pass. After BC I stopped at home to get Nancy. We headed to MVP. I had a quick lunch and then took Nancy to Meijer’s Garden. It is a beautiful day so the Gardens will be busy. My computer guru stopped by this afternoon and fixed my HP decktop. I needed to run some windows programs for a project. Picked up Nancy at 1645 and we headed to Kingma’s to buy some cheese. The cheese is the same type as Missy purchased for us in Cleveland. We are having some serious plaster problems in our kid’s bathroom. It is caused by some moisture getting in the attic. I got the ladder out and inspected the attic. I could not find the source. I want to have the plaster fixed before we sell the house. We had the ceiling light burn out in so I headed to Rylee’s. Rylee’s did not have a replacement. Light dinner and then watched some TV.

Thursday April 3, 2014

Up at 0630 and followed my normal routine. Today Nancy did not go to MVP. At MVP I did some chin-ups and used the treadmill. Tomorrow I will try swimming. After MVP I stopped at GR Lighting to get some bulbs for our ceiling light in Kid's bathroom. The new bulbs did not work so I assumed the fixture is not working. I called Phil Dougherty, our electrician, and he is stopping by tomorrow to see what is wrong. The ceiling plaster is deteriorating near the fixture. I think moisture is the problem. I inspected the attic yesterday and could not find where the water was coming from. I know I will have to repair both the fixture and plaster before we sell the house. Bummer! After lunch we all got in the Taurus and headed to Woodlawn Mall. Nancy had to return some purchases. When we got home I bundled up and took a two mile walk. It was cold and blustery. We are under a winter weather advisory. In ten minutes I am taking Nancy to the salon to get her hair cut. Before coming home we will stop at Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We got a paper copy of the GRP today. I will read the paper, watch news and a Netflix show before heading upstairs.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Tuesday April 1, 2014

Tuesday April 1, 2014 April Fool’s Day and remember Sid Finch. I fell for it hook, line and sinker. It rained last night but no rain during daylight hours today. Got up at 0630 and did the at home routine. My shoulder is still acting up so no swim today. I had coffee and Hall Street Bakery. Both Nancy and I have been distracted lately so the WSJ is not high on my list. I did read about corruption in the highest levels of the communist party in China. I found it very interesting. I also bought a package of day old scones at 50% off. At 0930 I picked up Nancy and dropped her off at the Gift Shop. I then got dressed for a bike ride. The temperature outside was 43 but with high winds. I just started my ride when I realized that I was not dressed properly. I turned around. I put on a pair of long underwear. I pedaled 15 miles in 90’. Not the best time but I thought ok because of the wind. Light lunch and then at 1330 I picked up Nancy at the hospital and headed to Jerry Dykema’s office. Jerry has been doing our taxes since 1980. On our way home we made a stop at Gaslight Village so Nancy could make a purchase. I took a short nap. Tonight we are going to St George’s Hall for hamburgs. St George’s has a special hamburg night on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We got there at 1730 and the place was jammed. St George’s has the best $5 burgers in GR. The Namey’s, Moleski’s and Tim Mast joined us. We got home in time for NCIS. We also watched NCIS/LA.