Thursday, February 28, 2013

Thursday February 28, 2013

Another dark gloomy day. At 0430 the temperature was 33 but we had a thin dusty of snow. Nancy has started swimming during the week. Today she swam 1,000 yards. Today is my tri day. My times are disappointing for both the row and run. My time for the 2K row was 9:20. Last year my time was 9:00. My time in the mile was 11'. My 1050 yard swim time was 31'. This is a good time for me. After the MAC I drove to the Eastown PO to mail a package to Nancy's sister. I had to put money in the meter so I only stayed a hour at the Kava House. The City's parking meter police have been really hitting Eastowm hard. I know one Kava House customer who has received three tickets this week. I keep reading about all the factions involved in the war in Syria. It is very confusing and I don't think we can determine the good guys. An article in the WSJ talked about how fracking will gives us a cheap supply of natural gas for years. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to do some computer work. I went to my DNA site, 23&me, and saw that I had several 4th and 5th cousins that wanted me to reply to their questions about the family. I replied to all the requests. I find the DNA data very interesting. About 1500 Gerritt's delivered our new washing machine. It took them 20' to install the machine. The new machine is similiar to the old one. I took Ms P around the block. We had to walk in the street because of all the mud puddles. I then took a 1.5 mile walk. Tonight Nancy and I are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We will spend some time watching the news and reading the GRP. At 2100 my favorite show "Person of Interest" is on. What was Sgt. Preston's dog name?

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Wednesday February 27, 2013

Last night I went out at 1900 and shoveled the walk. The snow was very heavy and about 5" thick. It was a good move because this morning when I went out at 0600 we had received another 5 inches. The EGR plows had been through and plugged our drive. I started shoveling and was not done until 0800. Today is my easy day so I walked to Wolfgang's for breakfast. Wolfgang's is rated the best place in GR for breakfast. I do not agree. Bill's is cheaper and better. I did not go to Bill's because I did not want to walk 2.4 miles through deep snow. The WSJ had an article on how new home sales are booming while sales of existing homes are lagging. New homes cost about 30% more than an existing home but apparently builders can get buyers financing. Go figure? After breakfast I walked to 53rd in Gaslight to use the ATM. On my way home I stopped at GR Bike Company. The GR Bike shop in EGR just opened. The main store is on East Paris. I wanted to know if they had a mechanic on duty. They said yes so I guess I will get my tune-ups in EGR. It is very convenient. After lunch I took a short nap and then did some exercises. I walked Ms P around the block and then spent some time on the computer. After a light dinner we will watch some TV before heading upstairs. The UM/PSU game starts at 0630. 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi my great grandfather wrote in his diary that the temperatures were in the mid 30s. He also noted that he sold a lot located in his oat field. He sold it for $5 to Ed Schuske When was the last time someone paid $5 for a lot.

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Tuesday February 26, 2013

All the weather folks said we have a storm coming our way. It was cloudy and windy when I headed to the MAC. I hurried through my program and drove right home. I needed to get my 30 in for today so I walked to the Kava House. The stock market took a dive yesterday because of the Italian election. I have a problem figuring that out. The President and congress continue to argue about the sequester. Three weeks ago I did not even know what sequester meant. As I was reading my paper I got a facetime message from Missy. She had been reading yesterday's blog and recommended that I change some passwords just to be sure that the folks phishing cannot get access to my accounts. Isn't facetime great? The President continues his "chicken little" talks. I thought Ms Obama should not have given an award at the Academy Awards. A report in the DFP said that Detroit's pension costs will consume $0.83 of every dollar. Another report said things were not that bad. Who are you going to believe? The wind had really picked up on my ride home. I was going to take Ms P around the block when I finished lunch. I looked out the door and it was raining, so no walk. It is now 1800 and the snow is starting to accumulate. Olive oil is in the news. A diet heavy in olive oil and wine will let me live forever. We are not having any olive oil this evening. Nancy is fixing chickens nuggets for dinner. Of course to be healthy I will drink some wine. Tonight we will watch NCIS before heading upstairs. I see that CBS is the top rated network. All my favorite shows are on CBS.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Monday February 25, 2013

Last night we had a beautiful full moon. The temperature was in the teens early this morning but when the sun came up it warmed things up fast. It is now 1700 and the temperature is 41 with a bright sun. I did my normal routine this morning. After the MAC I drove home and walked to the Kava House. Nancy had a doctor's appointment this morning. I read the WSJ and DFP but found nothing that I would like to comment on. I had a quick a lunch and then headed upstairs to spend some time on the computer. I found out how to get my Kent County retirement check sent to another bank. I also had an e-mail that said it was a credit card fraud alert from Chase. I checked my account and everything looked ok. I called Chase and they said the email was probably someone phising (sp?). They said delete the email and don't worry about it. Of course I am worrying about it. About 1500 I got my snow shovel and cleaned out the driveway. The plow had gone through earlier and plugged the drive. I then took Ms P around the block and finished my outside activities with a 1.5 mile walk. This evening we will have a light dinner and then watch the news and maybe a rerun. I continue to get caught up on back issues of National Geographic. I am now reading July 2012. A big storm is suppose to roll through tomorrow dumping 6 inches of snow. Stay tuned.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Sunday February 24, 2013

It had snowed last night and continued all Saturday. We shoveled this morning before I walked to Bill's for pancakes. Between reading the papers and eating breakfast it takes me 90 minutes to do breakfast. The wind picked up so it was cold walking home. When I got home I shoveled again. We finally gave in and bought a new washing machine. Our old machine was 26 years old. We bought a Speed Queen top loading machine not unlike our old machine. After this purchase we headed to Best Buy and purchased new telephones for the house. We purchased five hand sets and a base. I actually instaled the phones with no problems. For dinner we drove to Olga's. We both had the Peasant Soup and I had an Original Olga Sandwich. Not much on TV so we headed upstairs at 2100. Sunday at 0415 I took Ms P our and while I waited for her to do her bidness I started shoveling. Nancy and I finished shoveling before going to the MAC for our swim. Gas at Meijer's this morning was $3.81 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast. I did take my afternoon nap. It is now 1417 and in a few minutes we are going to the Moleski's for dinner. I just talked to my Sister in Tucson and she said they had snow this week. Presently it is in the 60s in Tucson. Think spring.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday February 22, 2013

I stepped outside at 0500 and found 5" of snow. Nancy and I went out at 0715 and started to shovel. We were done by 0815. When I came out at 0930 to drive to the MAC another inch of snow had fallen. I was tired but I did all my routine today. I drove to the Kava House and put my money in the meter. I had not eaten breakfast so I broke down and had a scone. It was good. Because of the 1 hour limit on the meter I did not have time to finish the WSJ. Kim came today to clean the house. We packed Ms P in the Taurus and drove to Costco. Nancy had some photos printed and I bought a bottle of wine. After Costco we stopped by Macatawa Bank and opened a checking account. For dinner tonight we cleaned out the refrigerator. We watched the news and then I took Ms P around the block. It was such a nice winter's evening that I then took a mile walk. We are expecting another inch of snow over night. It is now 2051 and I am headed downstairs to watch CSI NY. After all our snow shoveling we will head upstairs after the show. I did get my 30 in today. Did you?

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Thursday February 21, 2013

It was cold at 0500 this morning but no snow to shovel. I continue to drive to the MAC. The streets are not clear, espesially the minor streets in GR. I did the tri today. Only one other person in the pool. I did 1050 yards in 31'. Nancy also went swimming today. But she was long gone when I got in the pool. After the MAC I stopped by Macatawa Bank to ask about their checking accounts and whether they charge a monthly fee. 53rd is starting to charge a monthly fee. I stopped by Breton Village to drink coffee and read the papers. It looks like the Feds are having some second thoughts about their low interest rate policy. I would like to see higher interest rates. The current policy penalizes savers and awards spenders. Are the Chinese hackers a serious threat? If you read the papers you would think we are under a serious attack. I don't know. What happens if congress cannot reach an agreement on the budget by March 1. The President says the sky will fall. I don't think so. I did not get home until almost 1400. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs and started plotting my move out of 53rd bank. I also sorted some old Scott family photos. I will start scanning these photos tomorrow. I have some photos that show the tar paper shack my Dad amd family lived in. Every winter my Grandfather would build a lumber camp in northern MN. The camps were only temporary but during holidays and school vacations my Grandmother would take the kids to the camp to spend time with Grandfather. No indoor plumbing in the camps. I just took Ms P around the block and then took a 2 mile walk. Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. I will read the GRP and watch Person of Interest before heading upstairs.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Wednesday February 20, 2013

Another cold, windy day in GR. The temperature was in the mid teens at 0500 and at 2000 it is 21 with light snow. This morning I had breakfast club. Most of folks wore their coats for breakfast because the Women's Civic Club had a furnace malfunction. The speaker this morning was from the MDEQ. He talked about fracking in MI. It was a very good talk. After breakfast I drove home and grabbed my Kindle and walked to the Kava House. The financial mess in Detroit made both the WSJ and DFP. I was surprised how strong the DFP wants an emergency manager. The mess in Detroit is criminal. I hope the State does not bail Detroit out. After the Kava House I walked over to Gaslight Village. The wind made walking difficult. 53rd Bank sent us a letter saying they were changing their checking accounts. I talked to the bank folks and the bottom line is that a checking account will now cost $11 per month. We now pay nothing for our two accounts. I was so depressed that I stopped at the new Woolrich store and bought $50 of merchandise. I always feel better when I make a personal purchase. I spent most of the afternoon going over some old family photos. I scanned a bunch of photos. Working on family stuff is a pleasant way to spent a winter's afternoon. I did walk Ms P around the block. We both got cold so we did not dilly dally. Nancy worked a Meijer's Garden this afternoon. I was surprised that the Garden was busy this afternoon. Nancy said they are getting some butterflies. The butterfly exhibit does not usually start until March. I watched some news before coming upstairs to write this blog. Not much on TV this evening so I will probably read a National Geographic magazine from last year. I am catching up. I got my 30 in today.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tuesday February 19, 2013

It was 43 and raining last night at 2100. It was 36 at 0430 and it was 23 and snowing at 0700. the wind speed was over 20 mph. The drive had a thin layer of ice so I salted before going to the MAC. Nancy has some hospital business to attend to this morning so she is not going to the MAC. I did my tri this morning. I had the pool all to myself. After the MAC I stopped at Breton Village to have a coffee and read the WSJ and DFP. An editorial in the DFP said the only way to save Detroit is for the Governor to appoint an emergency financial manager. Later today the Governor announced that he is appointing a FM. I keep thinking the financial difficulties that the US is having could be solved if the powers that be adopted the Simpson-Bowles recommendations. It is not that hard people. High School wrestling in Iowa is like basketball in Indiana. The state is up in arms about the elimination of wrestling in the Olympics. Iowa's congressional delegation is wanting legislation to reinstate the sport. I happen to agree. When I got home it was still snowing hard. I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I did take a quick nap. Nancy is having the OHNA meeting at our house tonight. I headed outside at 1600 to shovel the walk. It was still snowing and blowing. It took an hour to complete the walk. For dinner tonight Nancy fixed meatloaf. A perfect meal for a cold winter's night. It was 16 when I went out at 1900 to shovel. I shoveled the walk and also salted. Don't want neighbor slipping and falling. I am now going to watch the MSU/IU basketball game and NCIS. We are expecting another 2" of snow tonight.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Monday February 18, 2013

The day started at 0430. Nature called for Ms P and myself. It was sunny when I drove to the MAC. I gave some thought to riding my bike but decided I should wait until more snow and ice melts. The MAC was really crowded this morning. I wonder how many folks had President's Day off? After the MAC I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. The NYSE is closed today so the WSJ was not printed. I bought a USA Today. I had difficulty reading USAT because the print is so small. On the Kindle I can change print size. I did read the DFP. Our Governor, who I like, is having a hard time reining in the crazy fringe of Republican party. They want to take money away from any University that does stem cell research. They think using science to cure disease via stem cell research is immoral. I have a major problem with this thinking. The fringe also wants us to be able to carry guns into church and bars. Guns in a bar, good grief. On my walk home I noted that clouds were moving in. We are expecting rain later today and then falling temperatures with snow. I got a letter from our security alarm folks saying I should test the alarm. I spent about 30 minutes checking the alarms at all doors. Everything works fine. To settle Ms P down from all the alarm noise I had to walk her around the block. Credit rating firms have been in the news lately. Most of the news has not been favorable to the credit firms. This afternoon I ran my free credit check. My credit was ok but I did not like their attempt to sign me up for more service. Almost every free internet service gives you just a little info but for a fee you can get the real thing. Today is President's Day. Did you know that it is also called Washington's Birthday. In 1971 Congress moved Washington's Birthday to the third Monday in February and called President's Day. I read an article that discussed books written by Presidents. US Grant's "Personal Memoir" is considered the best. I download the book.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Sunday February 17,2013

It was single digit cold this morning. The alarm goes off at 0655 and we head to the MAC for our Sunday swim. The pool was crowded. We had to share a lane. I swam 1500 yards in 46'. I filled the Taurus up at Meijer's. Gas was $3.95 per gallon. The pundits say gas will peak at $4.25 per gallon. Meijer's was crowded this morning. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. I am not kidding Nancy makes the best scrambled eggs. I read a few sections of the GRP before heading upstairs for my nap. Yesterday I finished Ken Follett's "Fall Of Giants" I liked it so well I downloaded its sequel. I did not nap I read the book. When I got up the sun was shining bright. I took Ms P around the block. It is hard to tell if her feet get cold on these cold days. After dropping off Ms P I took a 2.2 mile walk. It was a great day for a walk. This evening Nancy is fixing chicken sandwiches and soup. We will watch 60 minutes, read the GRP and watch whatever else is on TV between 2000 and 2100. At 2100 I will head upstairs to continue reading my book. I did get my 30 in today, did you?

Saturday, February 16, 2013

Saturday February 16, 2013

It was real cold when I went out at 0430. The temperature was in the low teens and we had received a dusting of snow. At 0730 Nancy and I went out and cleaned the walks. I walked to Bill's for breakfast. It was a nice winter's morning. I had their Super Breakfast. The WSJ has been reporting on TB in India. A strain of TB has developed in this country that is resistant to anti biotics. It is really scary. After breakfast I walked across the street to Rylees. They were getting ready to put up their gardening tools. I priced a snow blower. The smallest blower cost $499. I will keep shoveling. I then walked to the old mower store on Fulton. It is now an Ada Bike shop. I wanted to see if they had a Raleigh bike that I saw in a recent Men's Journal. They had the bike but I was disappointed. I then walked home through Wilcox Park. The Eastown neighborhood is undergoing a transformation. It is a hot area for young couples. Several new restaurants and shops have opened up in the area. I walked about 7 miles this morning. When I got home Nancy was doing the laundry. We purchased a washing machine in 1987 from Gerritt's. The machine is starting to act up. After Nancy finished we got in the Taurus and drove to Gerritt's. We looked at a top loading Speedqueen. I was surprised that it was not that much more expensive than in 1987. We also stopped at Lowe's to see what they had. We will stick with Gerritt's. Our final stop was at Rouseau's. We bought several bottles of red wine. I was going to take a nap but I started reading my book and spent my nap time reading. My Kindle says I am 95% done. Tonight we are going to Zoup's for a bowl of soup. Nancy surprised me Thursday night with a list of things to do for my 75th. I was really surprised. The list has everything I would want to do. The list includes, a trip to Marseille, France, Vicksburg, Mississippi, a stay at the Grand Hotel on Mackinaw Island, Ireland, Washington DC and a four day road trip. She also included a trip to Cuba with Road's Scholars. I now have 24 hours to pick two. No wonder Nancy is the love of my life.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Friday February 15, 2013

We had a light dusting of snow last night. I had to shovel this morning. We are expecting more snow this evening. However, the sun was out when I drove to the MAC. After the MAC I ended up at Breton Village. I wish the Republicans would quit playng games and confirm Hagel as SecDef. Anyone who thought our involvement in the Middle East was bad cannot be all bad. Speaking of politics, the President during the campaign blasted Romney for having accounts in the Caymans. However, never a word when his nomination for SecTreasury has dealings in the Caymans. Looks like a double standard to me? We had a lot of news about the asteroid coming within 17,000 miles of earth but who was tracking the meteor that hit Russia? Using my iphone I check the weather in Grand Rapids and Alpena, Michigan: San Jose, Long Beach, CA: and Edinburgh, Scotland. Despite the fact that Edinburgh is over 800 miles north of GR it is alway warmer. Must be the Gulf Stream? As soon as I got home Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. We took Ms P. We bought a chicken for dinner tonight. I also bought a bottle of Kirkland wine. For lunch I had a hot dog. Took a 2 miles walk when we got home. It is now 1750 and the sky is clear. Where is the snow? 75 years ago in Ossineke, Mi GGF Sanborn reported that the temperature was 0. GGF worked in the Post Office in the afternoon. We plan on a quiet evening at home. Since I no longer have spell check I have been using the Dictionary that my parents got me in 1956.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Thursday February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day. When I was in grade school we exchanged Valentine cards. In an effort at fairness we had to get a card for everyone in the class. It was always fun to get home and go over your cards hoping the maybe Mary Joe gave you a special card. This morning as I sat at the Kava House reading my papers I got a facetime call from AJ. She wished me a Happy Valentine Day. It was special. The day started normally. I am still driving to the MAC because the roads are too bad to ride the bike. I did my tri today. I swam my 1050 yards in 31 minutes, a good time for me. The weather folks said today would be dark and gloomy but the sun was out this morning. After the MAC I drove home and walked to the Kava House. The WSJ still is higly critical of the President and the programs he proposed in his STOU. I am not that critical as long as there is money to pay for the programs. I am critical of his choice for Secretary of Interior. She is against any mineral extraction or commerical use of public lands. Why can't we log on public lands. Trees are renewalable. I also like hydroelectric dams. No carbon footprint, water for public consumption, irrigation and recreation. It was raining on my walk home. After a quick lunch I headed upstairs to catch up on some reading. I enjoy my time reading in the office. It is a great way to spend a winter's afternoon. Nancy did not go to the MAC because she had a doctor's and dentist appointment this morning. This evening we are going to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. We are going early to beat the Valentine crowd. Tonight we will watch Person of Interest before heading upstairs. Tomorrow morning we will have to shovel, if the weather folks are right. Think Spring.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday February 13, 2013

Every other Wednesday is my easy day. Today I walked to Wolfgang's for breakfast. I had cornbeef hash and eggs. The talk at Wolfgang's was not the SOTU but the UM/MSU game. UM took a drubbing. After breakfast I walked to the 53rd bank in Gas Light Village. I needed some dollar coins. I use the coins for all my coffee purchases and tips. I want the US mint to discontinue the penny and dollar bill. This afternoon Nancy is working at the Gardens. At 1200 I walked to Macatawa Bank on Burton. A nice lady told me about some investments I could make that pay a higher return than CDs. She was really good. Nancy and I will have to decide what to do. When I got home I walked Ms P around the block. My pedometer told me that I walked 8.5 miles today. I took a short nap. It is now 1723 and tonight I am meeting Tom Moleski for beer and pizza. Nancy has book club. I read an article in the e-edition of the GRP. Coke is building a new factory in Coopersville. The contractor needed plumbers and pipe-fitter. They are offering $27 per hour. The business agent for the union says he could not work for the low wage of $27 per hour. A union pipe-fitter gets $48 per hour. If I was an unemployed pipe-fitter I would think that $27 would be a good wage. The sun came out about 1300. The temperature is above 32 and the snow is slowly melting. I got my 30 in today.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Tuesday February 12, 2013

Today is Abe Lincoln's birthday. When I was in grade school we use to cut out profiles of Lincoln's face on black paper and then paste it on a white sheet of paper. I never got a good grade for this exercise. Left handers have a tough time using scissors. I always ate more paste than I put on the paper. I went out with Ms P this morning at 0400. The plows had come through so I had to shovel the snow they piled in the drive. Today is my tri day so after my row I drove to the MAC for my run and swim. I usually buy one lottery ticket for the powerball and mega millions drawings. I usually buy for twenty draws, 10 weeks. I bought the tickets this morning at Breton Village. I also stayed to drink coffee and read the papers. A lot of talk about the President's State of the Union address. The cool folks abbreviate it, POTUS on SOTUA. After a quick lunch I took the Taurus for some errands. I got a new battery for Nancy's cell at the Sprint store and then I got the Taurus washed. Today was a dark gloomy day. The temperature stayed in the 20s. Ms P was getting cabin fever so I walked her around the block. Not all the sidewalks were shoveled making walking difficult. I then took a 1.54 mile walk. I know it was 1.54 miles because my new free pedometer app told me so. I am going to miss NCIS tonight because POTUS is talking. I wonder how many folks will be watching because the UM/MSU basketball game starts at 2100. Who starts a BB game at 2100. 75 years ago My GGF Sanborn was having the same weather as we are having today. GGF drove to Alpena to see his daughter. He also noted that Uncle Guy got two tons of coal. You might ask would GGF listen to the President on his radio. The answer is yes. GGF was very interested in politics. He served two terms in the Michigan Legislature.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday February 11, 2013

Ms P and I got up at 0445. The temperature was in the 40s. At 0700 I started my at-home routine. Nancy is not going to the MAC because she has a Hospital Board meeting. The MAC was jammed. I took one of the last parking spots. It is Monday but a 10 and under tennis tournament was being played. The kids were really good. Tennis is a good sport but I think the kids should have been in school. The weather folks said that the temperature would drop all day with rain in the AM and snow in the PM. It was snowing hard when I left at 1100. I drove home and then walked to the Kava House. I read the WSJ and then the DFP. Not much to report. Both papers were published too soon to carry the Pope story. It was really snowing hard on my walk home. I had a quick lunch and then started shoveling. It took me an hour to clear the walks. I was so cold that I turned on the electric blanket and spend some time warming up. Tonight we will have a light dinner and watch some TV. I would like to finish my book today. I really like these cold winter days because I can catch up on my reading. I did get my 30 in today.

Sunday February 10, 2013

I still cannot get my word to work. I miss spellcheck. We got up at 0655 and got ready for the MAC. In the pool at 0800 and swam 1200 yards. Got our week's supplies at Meijer's. Gas was $3.77 per gallon. Just a light breakfast today. At 1130 we headed to the Moleski's for a lunch that features about 6 different soups. We got home at 1530. Sunday was a dark gloomy day. We had sandwiches for dinner. In the evening I read the GRP, watched 60 minutes and then part of the Grammy show. Headed to bed early and I was actually able to read several chapters of my book before falling asleep.

Saturday, February 9, 2013

Saturday February 9, 2013

It was cold and clear last night with temperatures around 9. Nancy got up early and headed to the MAC. I got up at 0700 and walked to the Omelette Shop for breakfast. I had their oatmeal special. It is a beautiful winter's day. Installing democratic governments in the middle east is not easy. This morning I read about the difficulties that Iraq, Tunisia and Egypt are having in creating democratic governments. I think Afghanistan is a basketcase. I would like us to just pack up and leave. I had to get out my atlas to find Mali. I hope the French do not drag us into that mess. When I was just finishing breakfast Nancy called me and let me know that our neighbor, Bob Calloway, just had surgery and could not shovel his walk. I volunteered. Nancy ran to CVS for Bob. It took me less that 30 minutes to finish his walk. Of course I am one of the top five snow shovelers in the world. I talked briefly with Bob and he seem to be making progress. It will take several monthes before he is back to normal. Bob is three weeks older than I am. I spent some time this afternoon catching up on some reading. About 1500 I decided to take a walk. I was almost home when Nancy stopped and asked if I wanted to go with her to Pet Smart. Ms P was in for a hair cut. Pet Smart had about 5 girls cutting and trimming dogs. The place was very crowded. Ms P looks great. For dinner Nancy and I ate at Russ's. I had the hot turkey sandwich and Nancy had a bowl of soup. Today AJ had a birthday party. Nancy just called to see how AJ liked her party. We left a message. It is now 2000 and I am heading downstairs to watch some TV.

Friday, February 8, 2013

Friday February 8, 2013

I shoveled before going to bed last night but we still had 6 inches of new snow this morning. Nancy commented as we were shoveling that we are the oldest folks on the block and the only one without a snowblower. Is she trying to tell me something? All the schools were closed today including EGR. When we got done, Nancy headed to the MAC and I headed downstairs to do my at home routine. I was getting ready to head to the MAC when the plows came down the street and I had to spent another 30 minutes shoveling. Our neighbor has a snow plow service and he leaves a big pile of snow in front of our drive. Of course the EGR plows put in our drive. Nancy called the neighbor to complain and I hope this is the end of our problem. After the MAC I drove to the Kava House. The President is trying to prove his environmental credentials by appointing an extreme environmentalist to the Interior post. When I got home I ran several errands. Tonight we are going to Brann's for a birthday party. Becky Verkers new husband turns 70 today. My mirosoft word program is acting up. I miss spell check. After all the snow of the past two days we finally had a sunny day. Today was a perfect winter's day. I got my 30 in today.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thursday February 7, 2013

It has been a week since I have written this blog. Thursday morning January 31, this afternoon Nancy and I are catching a flight to Phoenix, Az. Before we go I have to shovel the walk. We had snow last night. In fact I shoveled twice before leaving. We took the C2 to the airport. Our flight from GR to Chicago went on schedule as did our flight from Chicago to Phoenix. We arrived about 2000. We pick up our rental car and then drove to Tucson. It was pitch black so I could not see the country side. It takes about 90 minutes. We are staying with my sister and brother in law Don. I got turned around trying to find Helen's home so I used my iphone for help. It worked great. Helen and Don were waiting for us. Friday February 1 was an easy day. I walked to a coffee shop to read my papers. In the evening we went out to eat at a Mexican restaurant. The food was good. Saturday morning we are all up at 0600. At 0700 we pile in the rental and head to Douglas, Az for the funeral of Veronica Robles Scott's mother, Martha. The funeral was held at a small catholic church. My Grandson Lucas Scott gave a reading. He did a great job as did Veronica. I could not help but think how times have changed. Five generations ago my ancestors were shooting Catholics in Ireland. I am glad to see that we are all more tolerant. After the service we all headed for the Gadsen Hotel for lunch. The Gadsen is on the National List of Historic Places. Several movies have been filmed in the Hotel. Veronica's aunt pointed out that Poncho Villa's horse chipped the marble stairs. In the early 1900s US General Pershing chased Villa all over the southwest. He never did catch him. The lunch was great and I had to opportunity to talk with Martha's brother and two sisters. I also talked with several of Martha' friends. Funeral's are sad affairs but I think it is important to have a proper sendoff. Today's events captured this. May you rest in peace Martha. Saturday night Helen fixed us a light meal. We watched the UM/IU basketball game. Sunday morning Helen and Nancy headed to the Gem show. Don and I went out to breakfast. Helen showed me a free pedometer program she downloaded to her iphone. I downloaded the program and took a walk. The program works great. We watched the Superbowl. Helen fixed chicken wings and shrimp to snack on during the game. It was very tasty. Monday morning and Nancy and I leave Tucson at 0800 and head to Phoenix. The flight home was uneventful. We got home about 2030. The walk was shoveled. Today is AJ's birthday she is five. We called and talked briefly to AJ. Happy fifth AJ. Tuesday and Wednesday we are slowly getting back to normal. I did go to Breakfast Club on Wednesday. We had a light turnout. Thursday morning and I looked out the window expecting to see snow. However, the TV weather folks say that the snow will not start until about 1100. I drove to the MAC on dry roads. When I looked out the window as I was leaving the MAC the snow was falling. Instead of going home and then walking to the Kava House I drove to Breton Village and read my papers. It was still snowing hard when I left. At home I had a quick lunch and then headed out to shovel. We had about five inches on the ground. Ms P came out and I had to throw the ball to her. The snow was so deep that she became covered with snow and cold. I used a towel to dry her off. I shoveled the walk twice. Tonight instead of going to Great Lakes Shipping we are staying home. Nancy is fixing her hamburger and baked bean dish. After dinner I will shovel and then watch Person of Interest.