Saturday, December 24, 2011

Saturday December 24, 2011

Wow, Christmas Eve already. Did you know that in my 73 Christmas Eve's I have spent only two away from family. I was very lonely on those two occasions. This morning Nancy and I slept in. We got up about 0730. We had breakfast at the Cheri Inn. It was very good.

When we got home I started packing. I was 1/2 complete when I got a call that my AT bike had been repaired. I got in the C2 and headed to the shop. My bike is now ready for winter riding. Speaking of winter we finally got a thin covering of snow. Snow makes it look like Christmas. Although it is now 1500 and most of the snow is gone.

I have a bill to pay so I will walk to the post office. I also need to get my 30 in today. I finished packing and was surprised to get everything I need into one small suitcase. Nancy is fixing hamburgers for dinner tonight. I earlier stopped by D&W and got some coleslaw. D&W was jammed. Everyone must need one more thing for the Holiday meal.

I will watch some football and then we will head to bed early because 0430 comes early. I want to wish all readers a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Friday December 23, 2011

Friday already! I got up with the 0600 alarm. Today I begin winding down so I will be fresh when we start our trip. I did everything at 2/3. I thought that the streets might be icy this morning but a quick check indicated that they were dry. I got on the retro and pedaled to the MAC. I ended up at the Kava House. Both the WSJ and the DFP had articles on Detroit's money problems. The problem is extremely serious. Detroit has significantly more debt than they have assets. By example, Grand Rapids has $0.35 in debt for every $1 in assets. I also read articles on the problems in Syria and Iraq. The nightly news does not report on these problem areas. Most of NBC's news is now fluff.

I got home before noon a record for me. I just started having lunch when Nancy walked in. She had been to the beauty shop. She really looks good.

Tonight we are going to Great Lakes Shipping and then to Kohl's. Nancy wants me to look at a coffee pot. Ours has been acting up.

At 1700 we got in the Taurus and headed to GLS. The place was jammed. Last minute Christmas parties. We did buy a coffee pot at Kohl's. We ended the evening reading the GRP and watching some news.

Friday, December 23, 2011

December 22, 2011

Happy Solstice! Good news although today we have exactly 9 hours of daylight the days will start getting longer. It was still very mild this morning. I rode the retro to the MAC. Today was test day. I obtained a PB in the 2K row by hitting 9'51" and a year's best time in the mile of 9'19". I did not time myself in the 750 yard swim. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I said I was not going to the Kava House till spring because it is so cold. Old habits die hard. I spent a lot of time talking to several folks at the KH so I did not get home until 1315.
I get very cold when I ride my bike. I think all the lotion I put on in the winter contributes to my heat loss. Does anyone agree? After lunch I took a quick nap, 30' to warm up. Nancy and I are going to the 1700 movie this afternoon. It is a good day for a movie. I think that if you took an outdoor photo at noon today the flash would go off. The movie we selected was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". Based on popularity of the book we thought the movie would be very crowded. It has only been out two days. Much to our surprise the theater was nearly empty. It was a good movie. I said good not great. For your interest Stockholm has only 6h35' of daylight in December.
The movie got out at 2000 and so we decided to go home and Nancy would cook a pizza. It was a good idea because the frozen pizza we had was great. We opened a bottle of wine and watched some TV and read the paper. We watched "Person of Interest" and at 2200 headed upstairs.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Wednesday December 21, 2011

Today is my easy day so I did not set the alarm. Nancy woke me up at 0715. I slowly got dressed and got on the retro and pedaled to Bill's. It was cold and damp but still above freezing. I had the weekday special and read my papers. Can I still call them papers if I read them electronically? The WSJ had an interesting article on Holland. Holland was one of the first proponents of the Euro. They are now having second thoughts. Are Europe's money problems solvable? I think so but it will take some political courage. Speaking of political courage, a recent Time had a very interesting article on Rhode Island's Treasurer and her successful effort to reform RI's public pension fund. She bucked the unions and the entrenched Democratic Legislature. She is also a Democrat. It was a very good article and shows that every problem has a solution if the right people are in charge.
In order to get some more exercise I changed my route home to include a trip around Reeds Lake. I had 12 miles on the odometer when I got home.
Nancy had a list of questions I was to ask the United/American folks at the airport. We had United tickets to Aruba but United put us on a American flight from GR to Chicago. I think I got most of her questions answered.
This afternoon I am cleaning off my desk and catching up on some reading. Nancy is working at the Gardens this afternoon. I recently found a letter dated 21DEC1961. I was writing my weekly letter home. I had been on Midway Island a little less than a month. I did mention in the letter that Midway was 836 acres. I was the Transportation Officer in the Public Works Department. I had 33 sailors and 8 civilians in my command. I told my Mother to watch Sgt Bilko on TV to see what running a motor pool was like. I think we had 200 sailors in the entire Public Works Department. The officer running the Department was Commander Tinklepaugh. (try singing the Mickey Mouse song using Tinklepaugh). Commander Tinklepaugh was a fire-breathing officer who came up through the ranks. As a mustang he could advance no higher. I really liked the guy. In fact I was known as Tinklepaugh's Ensign.
One of my duties was seeing that the garbage was picked up. I was also in charge of the dump. The other day the dump caught fire and the smoke was so intense they had to close the runway. The Transportation Dept was also responsible for maintaining every piece of equipment on the Island (325).

I mentioned that we are having a crime wave on Midway. Six sailors are in the Brig for kicking Gooney Birds. This is a no-no. Speaking of Gooney Birds I am also in charge of pest control. We have a sailor going around the island picking up dead birds. I wished Mom and everyone a Merry Christmas. This was my first Christmas away from home. I signed off by saying "remember that your son a leader of men (garbage that is) is on some remote island, protecting the Nation in their time of need and helping America progress on the NEW FRONTIER". I think this is sarcasm.
I took a 1.5 mile walk to end the afternoon. We had a light dinner and then read the GRP and watched the news. We were in bed by 2100.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Tuesday December 20, 2011

It is still very warm for this time of year (above freezing). I get on the retro and pedal to the MAC. Today I did my tri: row, run and swim. I was done by 1000. I was going to Breton Village because the Kava House yesterday was very cold. I thought better of it and gave the Kava House another chance. The Kava House was cold. I might have to discontinue my visits until it warms up. I just checked GR's daily averages for temperature and we have been above average for the past week. In fact it does not look like snow until next week. All the big storms have been south of us. The shortest day of the year is Thursday. We will have exactly 9 hours of daylight. Today we have 9h01'.

After lunch I started running some errands. My first errand was to the LMCU to renew a CD. I am getting 0.6% on 9 month CD. Big deal. I then stopped at the GR Bike Co. I am getting a front wheel bike on my bike. This brake in addition to my coaster brake will give me better stopping power. I stopped at the MAC to exchange running shorts. My final stop was at Macatawa Bank on Burton to put all our valuable papers in a safe deposit box.

Nancy just called so I have to go down to dinner. Do not want to be late for dinner. Nancy fixed spaghetti for dinner. I also had several glasses of wine. We read the GRP and watched NCIS and 1/2 of the LA version. Bedtime was at 2135.

Monday December 19, 2011

I get up with the 0559 alarm and get ready for the MAC. It is unseasonably warm today so I am riding the retro to the MAC. I had trouble sleeping last night but I was surprising spry this morning. My times in the row and run were very good. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. I encountered a very strong west wind. I read several articles about the dictator of Korea dying. I cannot believe that his under 30 son will have a smooth transition. 2011 has been the downfall of many long serving dictators. I hope the world will be a better place.

I had a quick lunch and then headed upstairs. I spent several hour catching up on my reading. At 1600 I took a 2 mile walk. Right now I am watching the Swedish version of the "Girl with the Dragon Tattoo". This is the first time I have watched a movie on my TV screen. The picture is quite small. Can I enlarge it? The movie is in Swedish with English subtitles. It is very good.
We had our normal Monday light dinner. We started the Monday and Wednesday light dinners when Nancy was teaching. On those days she had to work late so in order to get her exercise in she took a class at the MAC. I was on my own so of course I did not fix anything I just had a bowl of cereal.

After dinner I read the GRP and watched some news. I then headed upstairs and watched the end of the movie. I hope the English version which comes out this week is as good as the Swedish version. I headed to bed abut 2130.

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Sunday December 18, 2011

Today is blog number 1,161. I cannot believe that I have kept this up so long. I really enjoy writing. I think that the great enjoyment I got from reading my great-grandfather Sanborn's 1938 diary is giving me incentive. I also enjoyed my grandmother Hughes diary of her 1927 European trip. I hope my great-grand kids will be able to see what life was like in 2011.

The alarm goes off at 0656. We get right up and head to the MAC. Nancy and I had the pool to ourselves for most of our swim. When swimming the crawl (freestyle) I usually breathe every two strokes. I breathe on my left side. I have been told that good swimmers breathe every three strokes and alternate sides. I have been trying the three stroke method with little success. Nancy takes a breath ever four strokes, same side. I have been trying the four stroke method and find that it is easier than 3 strokes. Today using the 4 stroke method I took a minute off my 1500 yard time.

Since we are leaving next week for vacation Nancy said we did not have to go shopping. Instead we went right home after the MAC. I did go to the Kava House to get us some coffee. I also filled up the Taurus. Gas was $3.14. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs with waffles. It was very good.
I took my Sunday nap and after the nap I took a 3 mile walk. It was sunny with the temperature near 40, perfect weather for a walk. We are having soup, butternut squash, and hot dogs for dinner. We will watch 60 minutes and finish the GRP.

It is now 1728 and I am spending time writing this blog. I can't believe that I am not watching the Lions game. It must be part of the aging process.

Saturday December 17, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0630. I get up and tell Nancy it is morning and then I go back to bed. I got up about 0800. It was snowing this morning and we had a dusting of snow on all surfaces. The temperature was 29⁰. I decided to go for a walk. I walked around Reeds Lake and stopped at the Kava House to read my papers and drink coffee. I also had a scone. After the Kava House I walked home. I walked a total of seven miles.

Today I am making our annual contributions to various charities. I have been keeping an excel spreadsheet from past year's contributions so I don't forget or short change anyone. I think it is great that we are fortunate enough to be able to contribute to good causes.

Nancy and I had dinner at Olga's in Gas Light Village. Olga's is never very crowded so we did not have to wait. We watched a movie on TV. It was the sequel to the DeVinci Code. I thought it was better than the first one. I did not go to bed until 2245.

Yesterday I mentioned about my finding a job on the last Friday before Christmas. I also mentioned my future boss, 5'5", 250#, cigar smoking Marv. Marv Nacheim (sp?) was a very interesting person. Marv was born in a German farming community in Oregon. He got a football scholarship to Stanford. Marv was a blocking back in the single wing formation. Marv's football was interrupted by WW II. He was a bomber pilot. Marv was shot down over Germany. He safely parachuted and because he could speak and read German he was able to walk to Holland. The Dutch resistance picked him up and a USA sub eventually picked him up off the Dutch shore. Not many WW II folks left who can tell these stories. Charles McClandess was a great place to work. In fact I modeled my own company after their business plan.

I got my 30 in today. I hope you did too.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Friday December 16, 2011

I had a problem getting up with the alarm this morning. It must be Friday. It is still above freezing so I rode my bike to the MAC. My 5 speed is still a 1 speed. I was going to take it easy this morning and row only 2K instead of 4 and run 1 mile instead of 1.5. There was a young fellow on the rowing machine next to me and he was really screaming. I tried to at least try to get near his speed (fat chance). Anyway I set a PB for the 2K. I rowed it in 8'54". This time is below the average and median times for my age group. The young man is a collegiate rower for GVSU. His time in the 2K is 6'34". After my row I ran 1 mile in 9'30" which is my best time this year. (I once ran a marathon in 2h57', 6'45"). After the MAC I headed to Breton Village to read the WSJ and DFP. I am so saturated with political stories that I usually do not read any articles about politics.

I got home about 1215 and had a quick lunch. After lunch I loaded the AT up and headed to the GR Bike Co. They are going to fix my 5 speed. When I got home I told Nancy I was going to take a nap. About 30' into the nap and I get a call from my AHS friend Tom Cassel. We talked for about 90 minutes. I always liked talking to Tom.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to Brann's for dinner. Brann's was not very crowded. We each had a big salad. Brann's has the best salad in town. When we got home I immediately fell asleep watching the news. Nancy and I were both tired and headed to bed at 2030.

Nancy and I were talking last night about our time in CA. I asked if she remembered about my job hunting in December 1965. My original CA employer, Watson Seely Clifford III, had left town in the middle of the night in late Nov. He still owed me about 4 weeks pay. I had to get a job because Nancy was pregnant and we had almost depleted our "go to hell fund". It was about the last Friday before Christmas and I had spent the day making cold calls on local engineering firms. I had no success and was very discouraged and tired. A 1600 I decided to make one last call. I arrived at Charles McClandess and Company, 1020 Corporation Way, Palo Alto and asked if they were hiring. The secretary said she did not think so but I stuck my resume in her face anyway. She took it walked into another office. To my surprise she came back and told me that Marv would see me in 10 minutes. When I finally got in to see Marv I encountered a 5'5" 250 pound cigar smoking dynamo. He looked at the resume and asked what I wanted for pay. I said $3.80 per hour. He grunted and said when could I start. I said anytime. Marv looked at me and said be here at 0800 Monday. I was elated and when I got home I asked Nancy guess what just happened. She said you got a job. I guess I had that happy look. What a Christmas present. And that is my 1965 Christmas story.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Thursday December 15, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0559 and I head downstairs to get Nancy her coffee. The thermometer says it is 57⁰. Eventually we are going to pay. I got on my AT with the new super duper snow tires. Kentwood Cycle did not put my 5 speed back together right and I had only one speed. Being Thursday I performed my tri today. I usually feel pretty good on Thursday because on Wednesday I take it easy. I read my papers at Breton Village today. The WSJ is really worried about the banks in Europe. For some reason European banks are not high on my worry list.

I got home at 1230. This afternoon we are expecting the Maytag repair man. Remember those commercials. He has my cell number and called about 1300 and said he was on his way. Nancy and I were surprised but he was able to fix our 24 year old washer. He said that our washer was very well made and if we bought a new one we would be lucky if it lasted 10 years. After the repair man left I went outside and tried to fix the 5 speed on the bike. I could not do it so I loaded it up and headed back to Kentwood Cycle. They fiddled with it for about 30 minutes and said it was fixed. It was raining to hard for me to test it so I headed home. When I got home the rain had stopped so I took a spin. Guess what! It still does not work. I am stuck in 3rd.

The temperature is suppose to drop to below freezing this evening. It might snow this weekend. Tonight Nancy and I are heading to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. Tonight we will watch a "Person of Interest" and then head to bed. I wanted to take a nap this afternoon but got sidetracked by the washing machine and my bike.

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Wednesday December 14, 2011

The alarm goes off at 0559 and I get right up because I have to make the 0700 Breakfast Club. First I have to get Nancy her morning coffee. It was raining and pitch black when I headed to BC. The food was especially good this morning. The speaker today was the publisher of the GRP. He explained why the GRP is only going to have home delivery on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. The electronic age is impacting print media in a major way. The majority of folks now get their news via TV or the internet. The impact of smart phones is immense. The GRP is not going away they are offering a complete newspaper online. This includes the funnies. I was very impressed with the presentation. They seem to have a handle on how to survive in the electronic age.

The average age of the BC is probably around 80 so when they were asked how many had smart phones, electronic readers or ipads, not many hands were raised. I think most of the BC did not like the new changes. I think the GRP is getting ahead of the curve. Change is inevitable. Live with it old people.

After BC I headed to the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP on my Kindle. I did not finish the papers because I only had an hour on the parking meter. When I got home I finished my Christmas cards. I worked on the computer until about 1330 when I headed downtown to attend the GRBA monthly meeting. The GRBA is winding down. We do not have any new projects. An announcement was made at today's meeting about the big downsizing of the city's engineering department. They are going down from 34 people to 23. It was a kind of grim.

When I got home I had a message that my bike was ready. I got in the C2 and headed to Kentwood Cycle. I had the shop put on a chain guard and studded snow tires. I am ready for winter.

Tonight we will have cereal and maybe if I am nice Nancy will let me have a Christmas cookie. We have been receiving fruit and chocolate Christmas packages from relatives and friends. Nancy said she will limit my intake. However, I did sneak an apple while she was working at the Gardens. It was very good. Tonight we will read today's GRP. After the first of the year we will not get a paper copy on Wednesdays. I will have to read the paper online. No big deal.

It has rained all day. So far I have not been able to get my 30' in. I think I will try and take a walk around1900.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Tuesday December 13, 2011

I got up with the 0600 alarm. No rain is forecast for today so I rode my retro bike to the MAC. The temperature was in the mid 30s so I had a pleasant ride. I did the T/TH tri today. I really had a slow swim phase. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House. The WSJ had several stories on the European debt. Will they ever get the mess cleaned up? I think the USA's debt problem is as serious as Europe.

Nancy had a brunch this morning at the Cascade Country Club. I got home at 1230 and Nancy walked in right after me. Nancy needed to go to Costco so I gave her some money to buy me a wool long sleeve tee shirt. I already have two but they are so light and warm that I wanted another. Costco from time to time has some great clothing items at a bargain basement prices.

I spent the early part of the afternoon reading the agenda and data for tomorrow's GRBA meeting. Kentwood Cycle called this afternoon and said the chain guard I ordered had arrived. I loaded up the AT and headed to the store. I told them to install the guard and also to put two new snow tires on the bike. I am getting ready for winter.

I am now starting to write my Christmas Cards. This year I am going to type them because my handwriting has really deteriorated. We decided to bite the bullet and call the Maytag repair man to look at the washer. He is coming Thursday.

Tonight we are having turkey sandwiches and soup. We will read the GRP and watch NCIS. I have to get to bed early because I have Breakfast Club and a GRBA meeting tomorrow. Must be fresh for these meetings. I got my 30' in today did you?

Monday, December 12, 2011

Monday December 12, 2011

Monday morning and the alarm goes off at 0559. I get right up because today is a busy day. After my normal at-home routine I get in the C2 and head to the Ford dealer. Nancy is taking her car in to get some work done. The driver side seat warmer does not work, the Taurus needs its 4,000 mile oil change and we are getting the clock fixed. Not real big items but going without a seat warmer can be a hardship.

I drove Nancy to the MAC and gave her the keys to the C2. She will go to the hospital after the MAC. I will walk home. I was done with my Monday routine before 1000, a record for me. I walked over to Breton Village and bought a coffee and read the papers in the Mall. The grandparents keep bringing the grandkids to see the model train display. It took me over 1.5 hours to read the papers. Why do I read so slow? I got home at 1300.

After a quick lunch I drive Nancy back to the Ford dealer so she can pick up her car. It only cost $31 because most of the work was under warranty. I drove over to Dunham Sports because they had a picture of a UM sweat shirt in yesterday's paper. The sweat shirt only had a small M and this is what I wanted. I do not want a shirt that has MICHIGAN on it I want only a M. Dunham's did not have any. I accused them of false advertising.

After my disappointing trip to Dunham's I headed to the Comcast store on 36th Street. Our remote is not working. They took the old one and gave me a new one. My next stop was the eye doctor. I picked up a year's supply of contacts. He changed my prescription and so I needed new ones. I really like the new prescription.

My final stop was at my favorite hardware store, Rylee's. I returned a string of outdoor Christmas lights. I did not need the lights because I only had to change a fuse in the existing string to get them to work. With my refund I bought two mouse traps. Nancy wants to set one in the garage. She has not seen a mouse this year but she is sure they will invade the garage when it gets colder. When I got home I took my road bike to the basement and brought up the fat tired retro. I hung up my AT bike and will use my retro during the winter. I expect a call from the bike store telling me that the chain guard for my AT has arrived. I am getting a chain guard because I don't like wearing a sissy pant protector.

Tonight we are having cereal. We will watch some TV and read the GRP. I hope to be in bed before 2130.

Sunday December 11, 2011

Sunday morning and we kept to our normal routine by going swimming at the MAC. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's for our weekly supplies. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.33. Nancy fixed her world famous scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning. I had mine on a waffle. I did take my afternoon nap.

At 1530 Nancy and I headed to the Moleski's for the Book Club's Annual Christmas get together. Husbands were invited and 3 attended making a total of 8. We had plenty to drink and the main menu consisted of Nancy's Waldorf Salad, grilled potatoes and vegetables and kielbasa. For dessert we had candy cane ice cream pie and chocolate candy. It was very good. Everyone was in a festive mood and the conversation was about family and old times. No politics.

We got home at 2000 and I had time to finish the Sunday paper before going to bed. I did watch part of the football game.

Saturday December 10, 2011

Saturday morning and it was 22⁰ at 0700. This morning the roads are too icy to ride my bike so I decided to take a walk. I walked around Reeds Lake and on my way home stopped at the Kava House. I bought my coffee and then a scone. They have great scones. I read the WSJ and DFP. I get so mad at both political parties. I really think the President is very divisive. The proposed extension of the holiday on paying the SS tax is really bad. If SS is suppose to be in bad shape, why deprive it of needed funds.
There are better ways to get the economy moving. I see some Senators in both parties are beginning to say : is this smart? Speaking of money the hubris of the ex Governor of NJ who drove MF Global into the ground is deplorable. After getting worked up reading the papers I took a relaxing walk home. My walk covered 7 miles.

Our washing machine has been acting up. At first we thought that it got out of level and we have re-leveled the machine. Today I moved the machine out and spent some time getting the level just right. It worked ok for several loads but I think we must call the Maytag repair man. Nancy found the original bill for the washer. We bought the machine in 1987. I think at 24 years the machine might have reached the end of its useful life. I called the store where we bought the machine and they said that they still can get parts for the machine. Stay tuned.

I spent several hour going through some family records that I keep downstairs. I found that my great grandparents on the Hughes side were born in Wexford, Ireland. My great grandmother Scott whose maiden name was Rayborn had roots in Edinburgh, Scotland. My great grandfather McTavish was born in Campbeltown, Scotland came to Canada, Wallaceburg, Ont, in 1840. He attended the Cincinnati Eclectic Medical Institute and graduated in 1866. After graduation he moved to Alpena.

At 1730 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Marco's. We met the Namey's for dinner. The place was jammed. Even though we had reservations we had to sit in the bar area. After dinner we drove to the Namey's for dessert. We had a very enjoyable evening.

December 10, 1944, Lawson YMCA, Chicago: My Dad was drafted as a civilian to work for the Army in the Chicago area. The military needed civil engineers to maintain all the bases. My dad was too old for the military but he could work as a civilian. It was a Sunday and dad said he was sorry he did not write yesterday because before he could start a letter he fell asleep and did not wake up until 0430 Sunday. Dad was working six days a week. He got off work Saturday and walked around downtown Chicago. The stores were all closed but the window displays were all filled with Christmas stuff. Dad wanted to come home between Christmas and New Years but could only get Christmas and the week before off. He said that his boss was being difficult but he thinks it is because his son, a pilot, was shot down over Germany. They do not know if a got his chute open in time.

Apparently the phone system is very limited. Dad has his reservation in to make a call to Alpena on Wednesday evening. Dad mentioned that he will try to fix the furnace when he gets home. He thinks it is a damper problem. He signed off saying he could not wait for next Sunday when he would be home. Dad wrote every day and my mother saved all his letters.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Friday December 9, 2011

The weatherman was right we had about 1/2" of snow last night. I shoveled the drive and walk using my new super wide shovel. We got in the Taurus and headed to the MAC. I started rowing at 0800. After the MAC I walked over to Breton Village Mall, bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the Mall and read the WSJ and DFP. I sat by the model RR display that is set up in the MALL. I was amazed at how many grandparents bring the grandkids to see the train. The place was crowded. The Mall also has a Santa. After reading the papers I walked home.

After a quick lunch Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. I bought some eye drops and Nancy bought lotion. Costco was crowded and they had a lot of free samples. After Costco we headed to Staples. I bought a color printer cartridge for Nancy's printer. While I was in Staples Nancy walked next door to Aldi's to buy cooking apples. Our final stop was the Ford dealership. A warning light went off telling us the tire pressure was low. We got this checked and also make an appointment for Monday morning. We have to get the car serviced and also the driver's seat warmer must be fixed.

Tonight we are going to the OHNA's monthly TGIF. The TGIF was well attended. Everyone must bring a dish. The neighbors went out of their way and prepared some very good holiday treats. When we visited Nancy's sister in the Finger Lakes area of NY we went wine shopping at the many wineries that surround the lake. We brought a bottle of Lameroux Creek wine to the party. It was very good. I wrote the name down to see if we can purchase it locally.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Thursday December 8, 2011

I got up with the alarm and did the usual at home routine. I think this might be the last day for awhile to ride my bike. The weather folks say snow is coming. The 2,000 meter row is the standard for indoor rowing. They have indoor 2,000 meter races all over the world. I checked on-line and saw the results for 121 folks in my age group (70-79). The average time was 9':18". The 50 percentile time was 8':58". Today, my time for the 2K was 9':01". I have some work to do to get to the 50 percentile time. I want to be able to do 8':30" by St Patrick's Day. We all need goals. When it came time to run I decided to time myself in the 1 mile run. My time was 9':30". I want to run 9' by St. Pat's Day. I did not check my time on my 750 yard swim this morning.

Missy and AJ plan to leave for Ohio about 1300. Nancy did not go to the MAC today so she could spend some time with the girls. Nancy did have to leave at 1200 to attend a tea. I wanted to be home by 1200 so I did not go to the Kava House. I sat in Breton Village Mall and read my papers. I got home by 1200. Missy, AJ and Ms P left for Ohio about 1345. I was sad to see them all leave.

I got my IRA check today and after the girls left I headed to the KCECU to deposit the check. I also stopped at Meijer's to buy some apples. I must have my daily apple.

For dinner Nancy and I headed to Great Lakes Shipping. After dinner we read the GRP and then watched "A Person of Interest". I headed upstairs at 2200.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Tuesday December 6, 2011

It was 32⁰ this morning but no snow so I rode my bike to the MAC. Being Tuesday I did my tri, 15' row, 1.5 mile run and 900 yard swim. I got an early start this morning and I was done and on my way to the Kava House by 0945. I started reading the WSJ when who should appear but AJ and Missy. I bought AJ a chocolate chip cookie and Missy a mocha. After we finished talking I got on the bike and pedaled home.

Nancy worked at the hospital this morning and she brought me a chocolate chip cookie. After lunch I took a short nap. I get chilled when I ride my bike on these cold days. I turn the electric blanket on full blast to warm up.

It is now 1500 and I must pause this blog so I can go to the eye doctor for my annual checkup. My eyes are ok. The doctor did change my contact prescription slightly. I will probably need cataract surgery next year.

After the eye doctor I came home and changed clothes. Tonight, 1730-1930, Nancy and I are attending a presentation on the new Japanese Gardens at Meijer's Garden. The Landscape Architect gave a preview of his design. It was very impressive. We got free food and drinks. Of course they also gave us some pledge cards. While Nancy and I were attending the presentation AJ and Missy were touring the Gardens and looking at all the Christmas decorations. The Gardens look great.

We got home about 2000. I wanted to watch NCIS but it was a rerun so I went on a 1.5 mile walk.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday December 5, 2011

It was in the mid 30s when I got on the bike and headed to the MAC. We have lucked out so far this year. The rest of the state has gotten snow but we have missed the bad storms. The MAC was empty when I got there at 0800 but soon filled up. I did the routine and then stopped at the bank on my way to the Kava House. Today in the WSJ I read several articles on energy and water. I got out my itouch and made some notes on some stocks I might buy. I think the company that comes up with an inexpensive desalination process will be a winner. It took awhile to read the papers so I did not get home until 1300.

After a quick lunch I headed outside to check my Christmas lights. Last night two big strings of lights went out. I thought I might have to replace them. However, I played with the connections and finally got everything working. The lights are now on a timer that goes on at 1730 and off at 2400.

I did take a short nap and then spent about 45 minutes filling out a big questionnaire from the DNA company. At 1730 Missy and AJ arrived. They are spending several days with us. Missy is also taking Ms P back with her. Nancy is fixing meatloaf for dinner tonight. It looks good. I got my 30 in today, did you?

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunday December 4, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0430 and it was 52⁰. This is December? Nancy and I got up at 0700 and were in the MAC's pool at 0800. We both swam 1500 yards. After the MAC we followed Sunday tradition and headed to Meijer's. Gas today was $3.34. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast and instead of putting them on an English muffin she put them on a waffle. It was good.

I stayed up until the 3rd quarter of the UW/MSU game last night. I headed to bed when MSU went ahead by 8 points. I thought they were in control. What do I know?

It rained all last night. After my Sunday nap it was just sprinkling so I headed outside and put up some Christmas Lights. I decorated the two tall evergreens located on each side of the door. We are going to Aruba for Christmas but I thought our house looked very dark compared to our neighbors. Nancy had set up a small tree in our front window so I thought the outside lights would complement the tree. I got wet from all the moisture on the evergreens and had to change clothes.

Nancy is fixing hamburgers for dinner tonight. We will read the GRP and watch 60 minutes. I also will watch the first half of the Lions game.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday December 3, 2011

Saturday morning and I slept in until 0730 (Ms P and I went out at 0430). It was raining when I walked outside so I put on my rain suit and pedaled to "Bill's". I had their "Super Breakfast". It was still raining after breakfast but I needed some exercise so I headed around Reeds Lake, with a stop at the ATM machine. When I got home I changed my wet socks.

We are having some problems with our washing machine. Nancy and I have leveled the machine several time to no avail. The machine moves during the spin cycle and then we have to re-level the machine. It is very frustrating. This morning I checked the level and make some adjustments.

Presently, 1448, I am upstairs in my office cleaning up my desk. I just bought another Heritage data base so that I can continue some family research. We have had such a nice fall that I could not bring myself to stay inside. I do expect the weather to change and actually look forward to staying inside. I have several inside projects to complete this winter.

Nancy's sister, Peg, called this afternoon and she brought me up to date on her family. Nancy was at the hospital the first time Peg called. She is now talking to Peg.

This afternoon I am making a purchase at LL Bean. I will then head to Martha' Vineyard, a local store, and buy a bottle of single malt scotch. The scotch, Springbank, is made in Campbeltown, Scotland, my great grandfather McTavish's home town.

I will end this afternoon with a 2 mile walk. We are staying home this evening and I will watch the UW/MSU game.

Friday December 2, 2011

It rained last night and the temperature this morning was at 32⁰. Before heading to the MAC I checked Mackinaw Road and found some icy spots. I decided not to take the bike and instead rode with Nancy to the MAC. I did my normal routine and when done I walked to the Breton Village Mall. I bought a coffee at the Omelet Shop and sat in the open area and read the papers. A model RR club has set up a Christmas display complete with a small village with bridges, tunnels and several beautiful trains. This is an annual event and the Mall was crowded with strollers and little kids watching the trains. It takes the RR club about a week to set up the display. I overheard one of the members saying that this is the last year they will set up. I guess all the members are over 80. The Mall also had Santa greeting all the kids. After the Mall I walked home.

Nancy had several large packages that had to be mailed so I loaded up the C2 and headed to the PO. After the PO I stopped by Scott Engineering to give some money for their "Adopt a Family" program. I talked to all the folks and was glad to hear that they have work going into the new year. I think the folks in Lansing will finally get some money for the highway agencies. I am an optimist.

For dinner we ate at Panera Bread. The place was crowded but we did not have to wait. We have enjoyed the food at Panera and it is one our favorite places when I don't require a beer. We spent the rest of the evening reading the GRP and watching some TV. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

I finally figured out how to get Word to work with the blog. It saves me time because I don't have to use my 1956 Websters.

Thursday December 1, 2011

Another day without snow which means I can take the bike. I bundled up and headed to the MAC. I did my tri today and once again I swam 900 yards. I am finding swimming easier on my old joints and think that it won't be too long before I stop running and start swimming daily. After the MAC I head to the Kava House. The sun was shining with little wind. A perfect day for a bike ride. It looks like the political powers in Detroit are finally getting serious about solving their money problems. It will take some political courage but they have little choice.

After lunch I was heading upstairs when I get a call from my old boss at Kent County, Dave Despres. Dave called to tell me that the JDRF was rated "A" as a charity. This rating means that the donations they receive is actually spent on research. We ended up talking about almost everything and I hung up after 90 minutes. There is no such thing as a short call with Dave.

I checked my email and then took a short nap. Tonight Nancy and I are attending a charity event at Meijer's Garden. It is their Christmas Gala, Black Tie optional. I wore just a plain old suit. Nancy looked great. There were 500 folks at the event. The Gardens looked spectacular with all the Christmas decorations. We got home at 2100 and were in bed by 2200.