Monday, April 25, 2011

Monday April 25, 2011

Another rainy day is forecast. Ms P and I went out at 0500 and it had not started to rain. I left for the MAC at 0830 and it still had not rained but I did take my rain pants. Monday is my busy day at the MAC. I did not leave until 1115. It was raining so I put on my rain pants and headed to the Kava House.

I read the WSJ and DFP. The more I read about our President's policies the more I disagree with him. I feel that he is too beholden to the unions. In fact the democrats seem to follow an let-them-eat-cake philosophy for their base. 45% of eligible taxpayers pay no Federal income taxes. I think this is disgraceful. It is every citizens responsibility to pay for his government. In fact it was a former Democratic politician that said every citizen should be willing to do the following three things:
• take up arms during a national emergency.
• pay taxes to support his government.
• vote.

I agree. I would not extend tax breaks for anyone. I am convinced that the tax code should be rewritten. How about just a sales tax that applies to everyone.

I was surprised at how busy the Kava House was. Nearly every table was filled with young folks and their laptops. I asked what gives. I was told this is exam week at several local colleges and everyone was cramming.

After a quick lunch I ran several errands. I stopped by Meijer's to get some travel size shaving cream. toothpaste and mouthwash. Nancy and I are taking a trip to Scotland. I also stopped at Bill and Paul's to get some 10,000 mile underpants.

Tonight the OHNA Street Light Committee was scheduled to meet at our house. Nancy made some cookies and fixed a pot of coffee. The President of the OHNA called an hour before the meeting and said it was cancelled. Too many members bailed out.

We watched the news and read the GRP. Nancy watched House and I came upstairs to finish some packing and also to get caught up on my blog. I think Spring has finally arrived. Most of the trees in the area are starting to show green.

April 24, 2011

Saturday morning and I am heading to Bill's on my AT with the new tire. I get 2.0 miles and the tire goes flat. I have to walk the bike to Bill's. After breakfast I walked home and got the C2 so I could bring my crippled bike home.

The sun was suppose to come out today but by 1400 it was still cloudy. I have to cut the grass today because my schedule might prevent me from cutting it for several weeks. About 1430 I say it is now or never so I fire up the mower and start mowing. I almost got the front yard done when Jim Borst our neighbor invited Nancy and I over for a party for their daughter Abby. Abby is headed to Panama on Tuesday to work for the Peace Corps. Nancy and I always like a party so we made a brief appearance. I sampled their beer and cookies. Both were great. I finished the lawn about 1830. Nancy got in the Taurus and headed to Russ's takeout to get us some soup and burgers. We watched a little TV and by 2100 were in bed. Old folks are very set in their ways.

Sunday and it is suppose to rain all day. It is also Easter Sunday. Nancy and I went swimming this morning and we both swam 45 minutes. We did not need any supplies for next week so we headed home after our swim. Nancy did fix her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I read most of the paper and then took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I reviewed my absent-tee ballot. I voted as did Nancy. I took the ballots to the post office. Did you know that I have an almost 100% voting record. After mailing the ballots I rode the retro around Reeds Lake. The trail around Reeds Lake was jammed with walkers and bikers. It was cloudy but no rain this afternoon.

We had a light dinner and then watched 60 minutes. We channel surfed and at 2100 headed to bed. Sunday evening does not offer much on the TV.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Friday April 22, 2011

73 years ago today I was born in Alpena, Michigan. It has been a great life. I have had ups and downs but the ups far outnumber the downs. I can remember a number of birthdays. I had a big party when I was about 4. I still have the pictures and the article in the Alpena News about the party. When I was eleven I had another big party and this was the year I got my Schwinn bike. I thought it was the greatest. Of course I remember my 21th. I stood on a table at the Pretzel Bell and chugged a mug of beer. Not my finest moment.

I remember in 1972 my birthday was on a Saturday and I had to work at the Kentwood dump setting stakes for a contractor who was going to start work on Monday. It was a cold miserable day but I was buoyed by the fact that tonight Nancy and the girls were taking me out to dinner. It was a special dinner.

In 1975 I ran in the Boston Marathon on April 21. We stayed at Nancy's sister Judy's home. That evening we had a birthday dinner that included lobster. Debbie and Missy were with us and my Mom and Dad were also there. It was a special occasion. It was also the bicentennial of the American Revolution so the girls attended some festivities in Lexington and Concord.

In 1978 the family put a big electric sign in our yard saying "Happy 40th Birthday Bob". In 2008 the family gave me a surprise 70th party at Meijer's Garden. This was a very special occasion and it is one of my fondest memories.

Today, 2011, it started out as a normal Friday. I pedaled to the MAC and did my thing. On my way to the Kava House I got a flat tire and had to walk the bike home. I did drive to the Kava House to read the WSJ. I took the bike into GR Bicycle Company to get my flat fixed. Nancy and I spent Friday evening at the GR Art Museum viewing the displays on the newly opened third floor. The GRAM served wine and cheese. It was a pleasant evening. I talked to the entire family today and I consider myself blessed to have such a great family.

Thursday April 21, 2011

Today is a travel day. I am taking Helen and Don back to Gaylord. We all get up at 0700 and have a quick breakfast. We start for Gaylord about 0830. Don and I get a coffee at the Kava House before hitting the road. The sun was out today and it made the drive very pleasant. We did not encounter any snow until we got to Cadillac which is 100 miles north of GR. There were no brown spots the entire ground was covered with snow. The main roads were dry and clear but the grassed areas were snow covered.

We got to Gaylord about 1130. We unloaded the car and then I waited while Helen and Don checked out the house. Everything was working. Helen started her car and it fired right up. I thought that was pretty good seeing that the car had sat since last November. I left for GR about 1200 and got home about 1530.

April 21 is my cousin Betty's birthday. She is a year and a day older than I am. Betty now lives in FL. Happy birthday cousin.

When I got home I took a short nap. Nancy had to work at the Garden's so I had cereal for dinner. I read the GRP and watched the news. Nancy got home at 2000 and we both watched CSI.

It was a busy day but I enjoyed the ride to Gaylord. When working I travelled a lot around the State. I enjoyed visiting the County Road Commissions and local units that we worked for. That said I would not want to go back to work.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Wednesday April 20, 2011

Wednesday and today I have breakfast club. Ms P and I get up at 0540. It was raining when we went out to do our bidness. The program this morning at Breakfast Club continued on the Civil War theme. Today's speaker talked about the draft riots in MI and WI. It was very interesting. Today we had a good turnout. Many members are returning from FL and AZ. Speaking of returning snow birds this afternoon I am picking up my sister and brother in law. They are returning from 6 months in AZ.

This morning I called the Hotel in Edinburgh to find out about day trips to Loch Ness, etc. I was informed that they leave every day to many destinations. I also found out I can rent a car so Nancy and I can travel to Campbeltown. Campbeltown is 165 miles from Edinburgh.

At 1100 I got in the Taurus and headed to the MAC. I ran 1.5 miles and swam 1,000 yards. After the MAC I stopped at Fitzgerald's in Breton Village and purchased a spring jacket. I used a groupon coupon that Nancy had purchased for me. I put on my new jacket and headed to the cell phone lot at the airport. I got to the airport at 1430 and the plane was scheduled to arrive at 1520. I brought my Kindle and had planned to read the papers. However, I put the seat back and immediately fell asleep. The next thing I know my phone is ringing and my sister telling me she is waiting. I pick up Helen and Don and head back home.

Tonight we are all going to Rose's for dinner. Nancy has to work at the Gardens this afternoon. She arrives home at 1700 and we all pile in the Taurus and head to Rose's. Rose's was crowded. The food was very good. We got home at 2000 and talked a bit before everyone headed to bed at 2100. Tomorrow we have the big trip to Gaylord.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tuesday April 19, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0500 and all was well. About 0630 Nancy and I woke up to the sound of Ms P throwing up. We immediately had to clean up the mess. Nancy's foot was bothering her all night so she did not feel like going to the MAC. The weather folks said we had heavy rain heading our way so I packed my rain pants in the back pack. I had a strong head wind on my ride to the MAC. It was also cold with temperature of about 33 degrees. The heavy wind probably put the wind chill in the high 20s.

I had an easy day at the MAC. After my shower I walked outside and encountered some rain. I put my rain pants on. It was a very light rain. After reading the WSJ and DFP I headed home in a very heavy rain. The rain pants kept me dry but not warm.

I had a quick lunch and then headed to the post office to mail in our absentee ballot application. This afternoon Nancy has to work at the hospital gift shop. They are closing the shop for several days so the contractor's can finish the new gift shop. Nancy is very busy today because she has an OHNA board meeting tonight. We will have hamburgers for dinner.

The burgers were good. I read the paper and watched NCIS and then NCIS, LA. Nancy got home about 2100.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Monday April 18, 2011

Ms P and I went out at 0500. It was nice with no wind. I decided that I would cut the grass this afternoon. I went back to bed and when I got up at 0700 Nancy asked if we had to shovel. I said no it is nice and dry. I was amazed when I looked out the window and our front yard and driveway was covered with snow. It was really coming down. The TV said the snow would stop about noon and we should expect an accumulation of 2".

I got in the C2 and drove to the MAC. After I got done with the MAC I drove to the Kava House and read the WSJ. I did not have time for the DFP because my meter was about to expire. After a quick lunch I got back in the C2 and ran several errands. I also took a 2.2 mile walk and a short nap.

Monday night is cereal and I had a super healthy organic cereal. It was not very good. Give me sugar coated any day. We watched some TV and at 1900 I took Ms P on a walk around the block. She did not seem to have any pain. We all headed to bed at 2100.

Sunday night on our way home from Moleski's Nancy and I saw a spectacular full moon. It was as bright a moon as I have seen in ages.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Sunday April 17, 2011

After breakfast I ran several errands. I stopped at the post office to mail a birthday card to Ed Namey. Then I had to stop at Rylee's to get some parts for my super duper new kayak rack. I then stopped at the office. Ryan was working so we spent some time talking. I had to pick up the new cell phones for Nancy and me. Apparently the company is switching from Verizon to AT&T. I also brought home some of my personnel stuff. The company has removed most of my pictures and certificates from the walls. Life goes on, as it should.

After a quick lunch I spent some time in the garage working on my bike and kayak rack. I assembled my prototype kayak rack and it seems to work fine. I finished the afternoon with a 3.3 mile walk. I showered and shaved and got dressed for the evening.

At 1700 Nancy and I got in the Taurus and headed to Hal and Karen Horling's home to attend Karen's 70th birthday party. There were 20 folks in attendance. We had a sit down dinner that was catered. The cooks prepared the 5 course dinner in the Horling's kitchen. It was fun to watch. They had a crew of 3 cooks. All five courses were great. It was a very special birthday party and Nancy and I got to meet Hal Horling's family. Karen's children Chris and Sarah did most of the work. It was a great evening and one I am sure that Karen will remember. We got home at 2300 and headed right to bed.

Sunday April 17, 2011: Today is a big birthday day in the Scott family. Alessandra is two years old today. My Dad would have been 105 today. Sunday is our swimming day and today was no exception. We had the MAC pool to ourselves this morning. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.99.9. We did not purchase much this week because Nancy and I will be eating out a lot. When we got home Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I also took my Sunday afternoon nap. After the nap I delivered the OHNA newsletter around our block.

Yesterday it was rainy and windy. Today it is not raining but it is really windy. The temperature says it is 44 but the wind chill has to be 34.

I think it is neat the Alessandra and Dad have a birthday on the same day. It kind of adds permanence to the Scott family. The genes move on and I think it is great. God bless you Alessandra.

Tonight Nancy and I are going to the Moleski's for a kielbasa dinner. Like I need another high calorie dinner. There were 6 folks at dinner. In addition to kielbasa we had ham. It was a great dinner. Nancy and I got home at 2100 and went right to bed.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Friday April 15, 2011

The wind started howling after midnight. At 0500 I got up but Ms P did not want to go outside. The morning weather report said the wind would be howling all day so that even though the temps were in the 40s, wind chill would be in the 30s. I layered up and started to the MAC. The wind was blowing from the East so I had a hard time pedaling to the MAC. After the MAC I headed to the Kava House and it was great having the wind at my back.

I read both the WSJ and DFP. The Detroit Public School sent layoff notices to all its teachers. The emergency said that he now has authority to cancel all union contracts. He just might do it because the school system has not money. The City of Detroit also has major money problems because according to the 2010 census the city has a population less than 750,000. I guess many Fed and State programs are only eligible to cities with populations over 750k. At least the Red Wings are winning.

When I got home Nancy said that Ms P was feeling better. She turned on the heating pad and the dog took an hour nap on the pad. Earlier Nancy and I had given Ms P some anti inflammatory medicine.

Yesterday Ms P and I visited her vet. The Vet is very nice and specializes in small animals. My early experience with Vets was at my grandfather's farm. The Vets were large animal vets and were called on to service the beef cattle. I met any Army vet on the plane ride to Viet Nam. I jokingly stated that I thought the Army got rid of their mules in the early 30s. The Army Vet informed me that the Army had a lot of vets and that they were used for meat inspections at overseas military installations. I guess he told me.

Meanwhile, after a quick lunch we all got in the Taurus and headed to Costco. They had a lot of samples out. Our next stop was Target to buy some special cereal for my sister who will pick it up next week. Our last stop was the dry cleaners. All this shopping made me sleepy so I took a short nap. Since we have been out two evenings this week and are going out Sat and Sun tonight we are staying home. I will have some tamales that we bought at Trader Joe's and Nancy will have a TV dinner. Heavy showers are expected to start by 1900.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Thursday April 14, 2011

Normally around 0500 Ms P jumps on the bed and lets Nancy and I know it is time to go outside. This morning Ms P just sat at the foot of the bed and whimpered. I took her outside and could see that something was not right. She was very disoriented. I carried her upstairs. I had placed the electric blanket on top of our quilt on my side of the bed. Ms P immediately stretched out and tried to absorb all the heat. We knew something was wrong.

Nancy called the Vet and she made a 1340 appointment. It was raining when I headed to the MAC so I put on my rain suit. It was a very light rain. After the MAC I pedaled to the Kava House for my coffee and newspapers. I only had time for the WSJ. There were many stories on the President's speech yesterday. It all boils down to who do you believe, the President or the conservatives. The answer, of course, is somewhere in the middle.

When I got home I took Ms P out and she was really confused. I think she was in great pain. I ate a quick lunch and Ms P and I headed to the Vet. The Vet checked her over and said that she thinks Ms P had a joint flare-up. She was given a shot and we headed home.

Nancy got out a heating pad and wrapped a towel around it. She placed it on the floor and Ms P has spent most of the afternoon sleeping on the Pad.

Nancy and I will get a quick dinner at Great Lakes Shipping and then we will head to the GR Art Museum to see an exhibit on the bird paintings by John Audubon. It should be interesting. Before looking at the exhibit we listened to a lecture on J J Audubon life and times. It was very good and made the viewing more enjoyable. We got home about 2100. We carried Ms P upstairs and put her in her bed.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Wednesday April 13, 2011

Wednesday morning and I have all day without any meetings. The monthly GRBA scheduled for today was cancelled. I pedaled to Bill's for breakfast and had their pancake special. After breakfast I gave Kim a lesson on our alarm system. I then got in the C2 and headed to the bank to get some cash. I stopped a Rylee's to get a bolt for my new portable work bench. Finally I stopped at Mr. Thang's to pick up some pants I had altered.

This afternoon for the first time since the accident I loaded up the kayak and headed to Reeds Lake. It was a beautiful day for a paddle. My shoulder felt fine and I paddled around the lake a distance of 3.35 miles. After the kayak trip I showered and then took a short nap.

Tonight is book club night and I am meeting Tom Moleski at Vitales for pizza. The pizza and beer were great. We got to watch the first period of the hickey playoffs. The Red Wings won. When I got home I took Ms P on a walk around the block.

Nancy got home about 2000. We watched a little TV and at 2100 headed to bed.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Tuesday April 12, 2011

Tuesday morning and we are scheduled to have another sunny Spring day. It was in the 30s when I headed to the MAC. It is now 1742 and the temperature is 60. My morning routine went as planned and I am really happy that my shoulder is now performing at 100%. I did stop at the Kava House to read the WSJ and DFP. The DFP had an article on Rep Conyers wife wanting to have a judge let her out of prison. She did not get much support from the DFP.

The WSJ had several articles on the drought in the west and southwest. They are predicting that the wheat crop will be greatly reduced. Does this mean that inflation will increase? The Feds think they have inflation in check and do not plan to raise interest rates. Of course the low interest rates are not helping folks who have CD's and money market funds. European countries think the USA is wrong and they had increased their interest rates. Who know?

After lunch Nancy and I sat down and paid our taxes. This is not a pleasant chore. I went to the USPO and mailed our returns. To cheer myself up I stopped at Bill and Paul's to look at their supply of kayaks. They had one that I really liked. I did not buy it.

Ms P and I walked over to Don Pearson's home to deliver some OHNA material. Even though Nancy is no longer treasurer she still gets material in the mail. Nancy has to work at the Gardens tonight so I am on my own for dinner. After dinner I watched the news until 1900 and then Ms P and I walked around the block. It was still warm and the sun does not go down until 2020. Finally our average low temperature is now 35.

I watched NCIS. Nancy got home at 2100. We picked up the back room and the upstairs because Kim comes tomorrow.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Monday April 11, 2011

Saturday morning and I pedal to Bill's for breakfast. I had the "Super Special". On my way home I pedaled around Reeds Lake. My total bike ride was 12 miles.

Today Nancy called Apple and was able to get her iMac's video to work. I spent a good part of the afternoon fiddling around. I put together a work bench that I had purchased several years ago. I put my kayak rack on top of the car. And most important I took a nap.

Tonight Nancy and I met the Namey's at Leo's for dinner. Ed Namey's birthday is on the 19th and mine the 22nd. This was a birthday dinner. The food was great and Nancy and I split a super ice cream dessert.

Sunday and the weatherman said it is going to reach 80 degrees. He was right. Nancy and I went swimming and we both swam 1500 yards. At Meijer's I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.84 per gallon. Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. I took my Sunday afternoon nap.

It was so hot this afternoon that I put all the screens in. We opened windows and doors to let the fresh air in. I also walked to the post office to mail a medical bill. Yes folks even us old folks have to pay something.

Nancy fixed deli meat sandwiches for dinner. It was good. We finished the paper and watched 60 minutes. We also watched a Jesse Stone series on the Hallmark channel. At 2200 we headed to bed. The temperature was still in the 60's.

Monday: The wind started blowing early this morning. We had the windows open and I thought that thunder showers would accompany the high winds. It did not happen. When Ms P and I went out at 0500 the wind was blowing hard but no rain.

Nancy had a hospital board meeting so she did not go to the MAC. I rode my bike and the wind was at my back. I made good time. Monday mornings are always busy for me. I did not leave the MAC until 1130.

Monday, April 11, 2011

Friday April 8, 2011

Once again I had trouble sleeping last night. I came downstairs about 0130 and watched some TV. I did find out the UM made it to the finals of college hockey. Ms P and I headed out at 0510. I went back to bed and got up for good at 0645. I did my at home routine and then got in the Taurus and headed to the Ford garage. Today they are replacing a seal. Nancy for the first time drove my C2 to the MAC. After I dropped the Taurus off I walked to the MAC a distance of about 2.7 miles. It was raining but I wore my rain coat so I was ok. After I completed my MAC routine I saw that Nancy was just finishing a class. I told her to wait for me and she could drive me to the Ford garage to pick up the car. There was not charge for replacing the seal.

I drove the C2 back home while Nancy headed to the hospital. I picked up a package to be mailed and then headed to the Kava House. I mailed the package. I got home about 1300 and after a quick lunch I took a nap. After the nap I took Ms P around the block.

Nancy and I drove to Holland for dinner tonight. We ate at the 8th Street Grille. We visited several stores in downtown Holland. No purchases were made. The sun came out on our drive to Holland. The temperature was 56. It really is Spring.

When we got home we read the GRP and watched some TV. Actually I fell asleep and when I woke I took Ms P on another walk around the block. Our video camera is not working on the Apple so we cannot Skype. Nancy will call the Apple folks tomorrow. It is now 2200 and I am heading to bed.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Thursday April 8, 2011

I think Spring is finally arriving. When Ms P and I went out at 0500 it was very pleasant. The birds were singing with gusto. After my morning routine I got on the AT and pedaled to the MAC. Despite our warming trend I still wore my lined pants for the morning ride. The MAC was nearly empty. I did not get to the Kava House until 1130. Today's WSJ and DFP did not have much new news. I think they took the day off. I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch I took Ms P on a walk around the block.

This afternoon I am taking the lawnmower blade to get sharpened. 1538 Friday: I took the blade in to get it sharpened. The Ada Bike Shop has purchased the Bike Repair and Mower shop. As I was waiting around waiting for my blade to get sharpened I found a Brooks leather bike seat. I had a Brooks many years ago and it was great once I got it broken in. I bought the seat. When I got home I put the mower blade back on and cleaned the underside of the mower. I also put on the new bike seat.

This evening Nancy and I went to Great Lakes Shipping for dinner. As always it was a good meal. We got home in time to watch the national news. I immediately fell asleep. About 2000 I walked Ms P around the block. I then went upstairs to watch the final episode of the Civil War. I turned in at 2230.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Tuesday April 6, 2011

This is Breakfast Club morning. I got up before the alarm at 0545 and took Ms P outside. It was raining so she did her bidness in record time. It was pitch black on my drive downtown. This morning's program was about the start of the Civil War. It was 150 years ago this month that Ft Sumter was bombarded. The program included a history of the song the Battle Hymn of the Republic. A professional singer sang several Civil War songs. A member who is a retired history professor gave a presentation on a cavalry unit from West Michigan. The program ended with everyone singing the Battle Hymn of the Republic. It was a great program.

After breakfast I stopped at the Kava House to read the WSJ. The WSJ gave a lot of coverage to the budget showdown in Washington. All news organization are reporting on the Middle East but no one has any idea what the outcome will be. It is very confusing and complicated just another reason to stay out of other folks business.

This is spring break week so the Gardens has asked all volunteers to get a ride because they expect the parking lot to be crowded. In a few minutes I will drive Nancy. On a sad note I checked the Alpena News this morning and saw that Mary Joseph had passed away. Mary was 87 and for over 30 years she was a secretary at Scott Engineering in Alpena. She was a great worker and very pleasant person.

I drove Nancy to the Gardens. The management was right the parking lots were full despite the rain. After dropping Nancy off I headed to the MAC. I swam 1000 yards. Nancy's car needed servicing so I stopped at the Ford dealer. They changed the oil but informed me that they noticed a seal was leaking. I will bring the car in on Friday to get it replaced. Ford will not charge us for this work.

Ms P and I picked up Nancy at 1630. Nancy said they had 5,000 visitors today. On Tuesday they had 6,000 visitors which set a single day record. When we got home I walked Ms P around the block and then took a nap.

I had cereal for dinner and then watched the news. At 2000 I watched the Civil War series on PBS. I headed to bed at 2230.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tuesday April 5, 2011

The weather man said the sun was going to shine but it would be cold because of the wind. He was right. I bundled up for my bike ride. The ride to the MAC was ok but the ride to the Kava House was brutal because I was heading into the teeth of the wind. I followed my at-home and MAC routine without any change. I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale and my weight was 160#. This is the lightest I have been in several years.

I got home at 1300 and after a quick lunch Nancy and I loaded Ms P in the Taurus and headed to the new Gun Lake Casino in Allegan County. We got there about 1500 and the parking lot was nearly full. The casino has many slot machines and a few tables for blackjack and other card games. I was not very impressed. The place has a license to steal. Most of the folks playing slots looked retired. You can smoke in Indian casino and the ventilation system did not work very well. Both Nancy and I complained about the smoke. Nancy played several slots while I walked around. We spent about an hour in the casino. I told Nancy that if she wants to return she should do it with a friend. I don't want to go back.

This evening I finished Sunday's beans and rice. We watched the news and read the GRP until 2000. We watched NCIS but I switched to PBS at commercials to see the Civil War series. At 2100 Nancy went upstairs and I stayed downstairs and watched some more of the Civil War. I headed to bed at 2230.

Monday April 4, 2011

We had several loud thunder storms roll through last night. Of course Ms P went bonkers. Nancy wants to get her some pills. I said forget it. It was raining when we went outside at 0500. Ms P is a fair weather dog so she did not want to get wet. She postponed doing her bidness.

I checked the weather report while I was rowing and saw that the rain had moved through the area. That means I can ride my bike. Just in case it might rain I put my rain pants in a backpack. It did not rain but it was cool and very windy. I got to the Kava House at 1145. I read the WSJ and DFP.

I had a quick lunch and then took all the yard waste bags, 9, down to the curb. I also took two packages to the post office. After the post office I headed to Berger to get my oil changed. They recommend you get your car serviced every 4000 miles or three months whichever comes first. Three months won. I had less than 1,000 miles since the last change. When I was working I put an average of 500 miles per week on my car.

Before going upstairs to get caught up on my blogs I took Ms P around the block. Tonight is cereal night. I will read the GRP and then watch some TV. I don't think I can stay up to watch the BB game. I will be cheering for Butler. I did not go to bed until 2200 because I watched a rerun of the Civil War on PBS.

I did check my email and saw a high school had commented on my facebook page. I opened facebook and saw that it was a game. I opened the game and immediately regretted it. The game appeared to be like a chain letter connecting with my facebook friends. I don't like being tricked and since I seldom use facebook I deleted my account. So there I showed them.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Sunday April 3, 2011

First weekend in April:

Saturday is sin day. No exercise, no diet and eat all the good stuff. We started the day at Dunkin Donuts. We bought coffee and sugar coated donuts. It was great. We are heading to the Detroit area to visit the Ikea and Trader Joe stores. It is the start of Spring Break so this is Bob and Nancy's Spring Break. Of course Ms P went along.

We had a list of items we wanted at Ikea and we bought them. They included a bath mat, waste basket and beer mug. I had an ice cream cone. At Trader Joe's we got soup, 2 buck chuck ( 4 bottles), ginger snaps and several other small items I can't remember. We opened a box of cookies and ate them on the way home. We also finished a bag of caramel corn.

Our last stop was a discount mall located on I 96 near Howell. I visited several stores but found nothing I wanted to buy. Nancy made several small purchases. It was a rainy day with the sun coming out for brief periods. The temperature really dropped in the late afternoon. We got almost home when I told Nancy that she had to drive. I could not keep my eyes open. We switched and I fell asleep immediately. We got home about 1630. I headed upstairs and slept to 1730. We stayed home last night and watched some TV and read the GRP. At 2100 we headed upstairs.

Sunday and today we are back to normal. We get to the MAC at 0800 and were in the pool 5 minutes later. I swam 1500 yards in 46 minutes. After the MAC we headed to Meijer's. I filled the Taurus up and gas was $3.65. Our gas mileage yesterday was 28 mpg. The Taurus is great on the freeway. I also brought back $5.10 worth of bottles. It was snowing when we left Meijer's.

Nancy fixed her world famous poached eggs for breakfast. Tonight she is fixing beans and rice. Don't I have it great. I did take my Sunday afternoon nap. We had thunder storms and hail roll through this afternoon. Of course Ms P went bonkers. We watched 60 minutes and I watched an hour of Ken Burn's Civil War on PBS. It was very good. I headed to bed at 2200.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Friday April 1, 2011

Why can't I get warm. I wear at least three layers and lined pants but get cold during the day. I see a lot of folks wearing short sleeves shirts. Last night I tried sleeping without an electric blanket. I got cold so I put on another shirt. I still got cold. I finally used Nancy's heating pad for about an hour. Ms P and I got up at 0500 and performed our early morning routine. I went back to sleep and did not get up until 0650. When I left for the MAC the temperature was about 25 with bright sunshine. It is now 1500 and the temperature is 50⁰. There is some warmth in the sun.

After the MAC I stopped at the bank to renew a CD. Interest rates are still very low. However, I expect interest rates to be 4% by December 31. You heard it first right here. Next I stopped at D&W in Gaslight Village to buy some lotto tickets. I buy one ticket for each drawing for the Mega and Power Ball drawings. I usually buy a ticket for 20 drawings.

This afternoon we will go and pick up the photos we had taken at Penney's. I really like the picture of Bob and Nancy. It is the only photo we have had taken by a pro. Tonight we are having dinner at Rose's. We think with all the easties on spring break that we won't have a long wait.

We picked up the photos and then headed to Costco. Nancy got some prescriptions filled and I filled the Taurus. Gas was $3.60. When I was growing up the Alpena News always ran an April Fool's story. Usually they would always get quite a few folks who had forgotten what day it was. I remember one big story was front page article that the State was going to eliminate deer hunting. You can imagine the reaction in Alpena. One of the classic April Fool's articles was SI's Sid Finch story. I fell for it hook line and sinker.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Thursday March 31, 2011

Finally the last day of March. March has been very cold and we are looking forward to some warm weather. The last couple of mornings have been very cold but sunny. In the past week we have had over 90% of the available sunshine. Today I have no yard work scheduled so I kind of take it easy. I did not complete my routine at the MAC until 1100. It is very difficult to figure out what to wear on these sunny morning. I leave for the MAC and it is 25 and when I leave the MAC it is 39. I think I will start using a bigger back pack and add a sweater in the morning and put it in the backpack when I leave the MAC.

The City of Detroit is getting ready to bite the bullet as far as closing schools go. They have no money and now that they are below 750 thousand they are not eligible for some Federal Aid programs. This morning's DFP had an article about converting 45 schools to Charters. The Gov continues his fight to tax pensions but all the unions and senior organizations are saying he is picking on retired public employees. Why shouldn't a retired public engineer who has a super retirement package plus SS pay some State taxes while a young engineer making less than the retired engineer has to pay the taxes. What is fair?

When I got home from the Kava House Nancy left a tax form from her mother's estate. After lunch Ms P and I got in the C2 and delivered the form to our tax accountant. After this mission I took a short nap.

As usual Nancy and I had dinner at Great Lakes Shipping. It was empty and we think it is because spring break is underway and folk have headed to warmer climes. We watched a little TV and we headed to bed at 2100.