Sunday, April 30, 2023

April 29, 2023

 Saturday April 29, 2023

Blog time 1650 sitting in office.

The sun streaming through the window woke me up this morning.  The temperature was 52.

We dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place”.  Nancy had her Western Omelette.  I had oatmeal/scrambled egg and toast.

I checked to see if an egg is ok to eat with diverticulitis.  It is.

After breakfast we took our normal Saturday morning drive through Ada.  We did stop a Panera for our free coffee.

I was out of stamps so we stopped at D&W.  Also bought more Ensure and small cokes.

This afternoon I took a short bike ride.  Followed by a nap.

Nancy and I attended Cook Valley’s Happy Hour.  It was well attended.  Spent most of the time talking about old radio shows we listened to during our youth.

My stomach is still suffering from Diverticulitis so I had an Ensure for dinner

Tonight we watched a new show on Prime.  I cannot remember the name but it was a super action film.

Cold wave is moving in.  Temperature tomorrow will not reach 50.

Saturday, April 29, 2023

April 28, 2023

Friday April 28, 2023

Blog time 1630 sitting in office.

My stomach gurgled all night.  It must be the meds.

I did have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast.  I needed to have some food in stomach after taking 4 pills.

Today I drove Nancy to MVP for her swim.  I was not up to a work out so I ran errands.

Filled the Escape up, gas was $3.64.  Deposited our Mich tax refund at Macatawa.  

When Nancy was done with her swim we drove to Panera.  We had coffee and a croissant.  Headed straight home after Panera.

We spent a lot of time this afternoon cleaning our in baskets and paying bills.  It is now 1650 and in 10 minutes we are heading to Happy Hour.

Happy Hour was well attended today.  Most folks after HH go to dinner in the main dining room.  However, no dinner tonight because Lowell has their Prom.  Most of the wait staff attend Lowell HS.

I had a bottle of Ensure for dinner.  My stomach is still acting up.

At 1900 Nancy headed down to the Harbor Cafe to play Mexican Train.  Mexican Train is a popular dominoes game. Nancy has been successful.  Usually three games are played.  Tonight Nancy won a game.

While Nancy was playing Mexican Train I was reading the WSJ.  No TV tonight.

The cool weather continues tomorrow.

Friday, April 28, 2023

April 27, 2023

Thursday April 27, 2023

Blog time 1900 sitting in den.

The temp was 30 this morning.  Sure hope the crops can survive this cold spell.

It must be the pills but I had a great night’s sleep.

Today we had a 0945 appointment with Partners in Dentistry.  We met our new dentist.  X-rays were taken of my troublesome teeth.  Appointments for some major work were scheduled.

Today Nancy drove for the first time in about a month.  She has not fallen in over three weeks.  It worked out ok.

Stopped at Forest Hills Foods for some yogurt and other soft foods.  I will need to limit my diet until I finish my medicines.  Back to normal on next Wednesday.

This afternoon I took a long nap.  For lunch and dinner tonight I had a cup of yogurt which gets high marks for being a great diverticulitis food.

We attended Happy Hour today.  It was well attended.  We are up to date on Cook Valley gossip.

Debbie Facetimed today.

Tonight we watched “The Good Cop on Netflix.  Entertaining.

Another good morning coming up.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

April 26, 2023

 Wednesday April 26, 2023.

Blog time 1900 on Thursday April 27,  a day late.

Woke up this morning with serious stomach pains.

We drove to Emergency at Blodgett.  Emergency took blood samples and gave me a CT scan.  Bottom line I have Diverticulitis.  Need special diet. We stopped at Meijer’s and picked up several prescriptions.  I will be on these pills for 7 days.

Checked online on what I can and cannot eat.  Spent a very quiet day at home.  Long nap.

Tonight we watched “Grace” on BritBox.  Good Show.

Once again we have another cold day ahead.

April 25, 2023

 Tuesday April 25, 2023

Up this morning at 0700.  Looked out window and it was snowing.  My watch said the temperature was 34.

I spent a restless night.  My stomach was acting up.  I felt constipated and chilled.  No breakfast today.

We drove to MVP.  Nancy did her treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I did calisthenics and rode the stationary bike for 20 minutes.

After MVP we drove to Panera.  I had a fruit/yogurt cup and shared a croissant with Nancy.  After Panera we headed home to change clothes and then headed to Meijer for supplies.

Spent a quiet afternoon at home.  

No hot dogs tonight.  

Watched “The Diplomat” on Netflix tonight.  

Another below freezing night ahead.

This and That.

The flowering trees are in full bloom.  Best I have seen in years.

Who cares about Tucker Carlson!

As an octogenarian and in good health.  I am not  fit to be President, neither are Trump or Biden.  We can do better.

Our National Debt is for real.  Massive cuts are needed.

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

April 24, 2023

 Monday April 24, 2023

Blog time 1500 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  It was 34 with sun/cloudy mix.  Oatmeal breakfast and then we headed to MVP.  Nancy swam and I did calisthenics.

We stopped at Panera after our workout.  Nancy and I shared a baguette and croissant.  Today we met the Kappallers.  They are parents of Debbie and Steve’s friends.

At home I put on bike clothes and headed out on a 5 mile ride.  Encountered some snow flakes.  

Nancy and I are in the process of changing our Primary Care physician.  Cook Valley has an arrangement with Spectrum Health.  I have to fill out some forms that were sent to me in PDF format.  I could download the files but not print.  Called Missy to see if she knew how.  No luck.

I finally got my laptop out and was able to print.  Bottom line can’t print PDF on iPad but ok on laptop.

Tonight we attended Happy Hour followed by dinner in the dining room.  I had the salmon and Nancy had chicken.

Tonight we watched another episode of “The Diplomat”.  Good show.

Cold when checked outside tonight.  My weather app said snow tomorrow morning.  Bummer.

Monday, April 24, 2023

April 23, 2023

 Sunday April 23, 2023

Blog time 1908 sitting in office.

Up at 0700, breakfast and then we headed to Trinity Lutheran.  Temperature was slightly above freezing.  Small crowd at church.

After church we took a ride through Apple country.  The trees were starting to bloom.  Stopped at Panera for our free coffee.

Too cold for a bike ride today.  I did take a 90 minute walk.  I might pay for it tomorrow because my hip was bothering me at the end of the walk.  Around 1800 Nancy and I bundled up for short walk.

Read all the Sunday papers today.  The world is not a happy place.

Light dinner tonight.  Watched another episode of “The Diplomat”.  I like the show but Nancy not keen on it.

More 30 degree temps tomorrow.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

Apple 22, 2023

 Saturday April 22, 2023

Blog time Sunday at 1840.  Yes a day late again.

Up early this morning.  Dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for breakfast.  We both had our usual order.

Temperature this morning was in 30s.  Very cold for late April.

On this date in 1938, Robert Hughes Scott, was born in Alpena, Michigan.  I was the first male grandson for my Scott grandparents.

After breakfast we took a short ride ending up at Panera’s on Kraft.  After coffee we drove to Meijer’s so Nancy could pick up a prescription.

Found time today for a 9 mile bike ride.  Today all the kids called and wished me birthday greetings.  Peg Middleton also called with birthday wishes.

For my birthday dinner we headed to the “Bluewater Grill”.  Good thing we had reservations because the place was crowded.  I had fish and shrimp and Nancy had “chicken Marsala. We had ice cream and a hot chocolate chip cookie for dessert.  Great meal.

Tonight we watched “The Diplomat” on Netflix.  I liked the show.

Cold weather continue tomorrow.  36 in morning.

April 21, 2023

 Friday April 21, 2023

After breakfast we drove to MVP.  Nancy swam and I did the calisthenics and rode stationary bike for 15 minutes.

After the drove to the Panera on Kraft.  On way home we stopped at Meijer’s so Nancy could pick up a prescription.

At home I took a short 6 mile bike ride.  Good day for a ride.


At 1500 Nancy and I attended a training session for users of iPads.  It was put on by Cook Valley’s IT specialist firm, good talk.  The session was in Cook Valley’s Theater.  It was well attended.

Friday night we stayed home and had leftovers. Tonight’s viewing was Apple+ show “The Last Thing He Told Me”.

Cold weather continues tomorrow.

Friday, April 21, 2023

April 20, 2023

 Thursday April 20, 2023

Blog time 1430 on Friday.  Again I am a day late.

Up at 0730.  Cold and raining.  No bike today.

After breakfast we drove to MVP.  Nancy did her stationary bike/treadmill routine.  I did my calisthenics and rode the stationary bike for 15 minute.

I showered and then we headed to Panera on Lake Eastbrook.  We both had coffee and baguette.  On way home we stopped at Trader Joe’s.  We bought chocolate and trail mix.

Nancy had lunch today we with the girls.  While Nancy was at lunch I drove to the Apple Store and picked up my new ipad.  Debbie got me the iPad for my birthday. It is lighter and smaller than my current iPad and fits nicely in my backpack.  Great for bike trips to coffee shop.

This afternoon I even found time for a short nap.  We attended Happy Hour before eating in the dining room.  Nancy had soup and I had the cod special.

Tonight we watched and episode of “Transatlantic”.  Very good.

We had a thunder storm roll through last night.

Tomorrow will be mild with no rain so a bike ride is possible.

April 19, 2023

 Wednesday April 19, 2023

Easy Wednesday.  No breakfast today.  Drove to MVP, Nancy swam and I did calisthenics at 50%.

At Panera I got a yogurt fruit cup and croissant, Nancy got coffee and a croissant.  Panera this morning was empty.

After Panera we headed to Trader Joe’s.  Bought some nut snacks.

I have resumed this blog on Friday the 21.  

I did take a short bike ride today.

We attended the Cook Valley Happy Hour followed by dinner in the dining room.  I had the salmon  kabob.

This evening I cannot remember what we watched.  I fell asleep.  I have been doing that a lot lately.

More cold and rain tomorrow.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

April 18, 2023

 Tuesday April 18, 2023

After my oatmeal breakfast Nancy and I headed to MVP.  Nancy did her treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I did my calisthenics and rode 5 miles on stationary bike.

After Nancy called her hair dresser.  They had an immediate opening.  I drove Nancy it the hair dresser.  Panera is nearby so I got a coffee.

30 minutes later Nancy was done.  I got her a coffee and picked her up.  We headed straight home.

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog that I always call my sister, Helen, on Dad’s birthday.  She was waiting my call and the first thing she said we 117.  Day’s age.

I dropped Nancy off and headed out to get the car washed and filled up with gas, $3.79/gal.  We now has a nice clean car.

This and that:

How about the death penalty for sellers of fentanyl?

As I have said before for the good of the nation Pres Biden should pardon Trump.

I have been trying to get a new GP.  Called several health care outfit and none are available.  Why?

I did take a short nap this afternoon.  We attend Cook Valley’s Happy Hour.  For dinner Nancy and I had a hot dog at Leo’s.

Tonight we watched an episode of Ted Lasso.  I slept through the whole show.

Another cold night.  Temps near freezing.  Hope no crop damage.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Monday April 17, 2023

 Monday April 17, 2023

Blog time 1530 on Tuesday, a day late.

April 17 an important day for the Scott Family.

On this date in 1906 Father, Robert Sanborn Scott was born in Virginia, Mi.

On this day in 2009 Granddaughter Alessandra Scott was born in Long Beach, Ca.  

Light snow when we got up this morning with temperature slightly above freezing.  Light snow with temp in 30s all day.

No bike today.  We did drive to MVP so Nancy could swim and I do my calisthenics.  After our workout we headed to Panera for coffee.

After Panera we headed to Bed Bath and Beyond so I could buy a small insulated cup.  I will use the cup to hold ginger ale.  I am trying to eliminate my daily wine intake.  Next stop was Bill and Paul’s.  Nancy bought me a pair of pants for my birthday.

Quiet afternoon at home.  At 1700 we attended Cook Valley’s daily happy hour.  We had dinner reservations for 1745.  We both had Liver and Onions.  Great meal.

1800 we called Alessandra to wish her Happy Birthday.  Alessandra was at the LA Angels ball park.  Nancy and I did sing Happy Birthday for Alessandra.  Today Grandson Lucas plays his last high school baseball game at Angel Park.

Tonight we watched a show on BritBox whose name I cannot recall.

Cold and scattered snow showers tonight.

April 16, 2023

 Sunday April 16, 2023

This morning we left for Trinity Lutheran at 0845.  It was raining. This is the 1st Sunday after Easter.  Church was crowded.

After church we took a short ride.  Headed north on East Beltline, east on Belding Road to Lincoln Lake Road and then ended up at the Panera on Kraft for our free coffee.

After our coffee we headed to Meijer’s.  Resupplied our larder.

It rained all day so no bike ride.  I did walk the halls of the apartment building for about 40 minutes.

We had pinwheels with coleslaw for dinner.

Tonight we watched a show on Apple TV called “Defending Jacob”.  We gave it a B.

Snow will start early tomorrow.  Bummer

This and that:

Ottawa County located west of Kent County is being governed by a far right group of GOP Trump supporters.

They want to defund the library because some of the books carried by the library do not meet their standards.  The books certainly meet most folks standards including me.  

The Trump fringe of the GOP have taken over the Mi GOP party.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

April 15, 2023

Saturday April 15, 2023

Blog time 0830 sitting in office on Sunday, a day late.

Saturday morning the sun was up at 0657. Another warm sunny day ahead.

Breakfast this morning at “The Gathering Place”.  The restaurant was jammed.  We had our usual. Oatmeal with scrambled egg for me and a Western Omelette for Nancy.

After breakfast we took a short drive to Ada.  We wanted to stop at Bill and Pauls new store in Ada but it did not open until 1000.

Stopped at Panera on Kraft and got our free coffee.  Headed home after our coffee.  Nancy started the laundry and I took a 9 mile bike ride.  I have not ridden 10 miles this year.

A very quiet Saturday,  Nancy and I took a mile walk through Cook Valley’s wetlands trail.  We did see the nesting Sand Hill Cranes, and lot of turtles.

Although not officially sanctioned we did attend a Happy Hour in the Harbor Cafe.  We sat outside on the balcony.  Very pleasant.

For dinner tonight we had several pinwheels purchased yesterday at Costco.  Very tasty.

Tonight we watched the final episode of “Happy Valley”.  Kind of gruesome but good.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We had a pleasant talk.  She recommended “The Last Thing He Told Me” on Apple +.  Episode 1 was good.

Rain tonight and cooler tomorrow.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

April 14, 2023

 Friday April 14, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in office.

Started the day with oatmeal/blueberry breakfast.

Sunny and warm today.

Nancy and I drove to MVP.  Nancy swam and I did calisthenics.

At Panera we got coffee and shared a croissant and baguette.

Got a call from accountant that taxes were done. Stopped by office and picked up our tax package.  No money due.

Headed to Costco.  Bought pin wheels for Saturday and Sunday dinners.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 7 mile ride.

After lunch I connected Nancy to her health service portals.  We each have three portals.  Trinity, UMHealth, and Spectrum.

We are disappointed with our UMHealth GP.  Called Spectrum and found out no Spectrum doctors are taking new patients.  Bummer.

Left apartment at 1700 and headed to Happy Hour.  Dinner reservations are at 1745.  Tonight I had Salmon Kabob.  Nancy had a salad.

1900 Nancy headed down to Harbor Inn to play Mexican Train.  She loves this game.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.

Nancy returned from Mexican Train at 2030.  We watched another episode of “Happy Valley”

According to my weather app tomorrow will be the last day of warm weather for awhile.

Friday, April 14, 2023

April 13, 2023

 Thursday April 13, 2023

Up at 0700.

After oatmeal breakfast Nancy and I drove to MVP.

Nancy did her stationary bike/ treadmill routine.  I did calisthenics.

Stopped at Panera for coffee and baguette.

Stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.

Took 6 mile bike ride before lunch. Sunny with temps in 70s.

Cook Valley’s cleaning crew cleaned the apartment.  Good job.

Lunch and then spent afternoon reading.

Tonight the Over 60s group from Trinity had their monthly dinner at Cascade Roadhouse.  About 40 folks showed up.  It was such a nice day we sat outside.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.

Watched another episode of “Happy Valley”.

Looks like tomorrow will be another sunny warm day.

Thursday, April 13, 2023

April 12, 2023

 Wednesday April 12, 2023

Blog time 1600 on Thursday

Breakfast Club today.

Nancy made it her easy day.  She did go for a long walk.

Warm sunny day.

Nancy and I made a trip to Woodland.  I bought a cotton sweater at J. Crew.

Took a short bike ride and did a load of laundry.

Dinner tonight was at Main Dining Room.  I sat between two men with PHD’s.

Missy Facetimed.

Watched another episode of “Happy Valley”.

Another warm sunny day tomorrow.  Temp might reach 80.

April 11, 2023

 Tuesday April 11, 2023

Blog time 1600 on Thursday

Most important event today was our meeting with Dr Riley our GP.

The meeting was disappointing.  Nancy did get permission to discontinue on blood pressure pill.

The Doctor said Nancy could not drive.

Doctor Riley has been disappointment.  Today he was preoccupied with other matters and did not give us his full attention.  We will try to get a new GP at Spectrum.  U Mi Health has been a major disappointment.

Hot dogs for dinner tonight. 

Watched an episode of “Happy Valley”

April 10, 2023

 Monday April 10, 2023

Blog time 1030 on Tuesday sitting in office.  A day late.

Up at 0700. 

Nancy is feeling better.  She is taking it easy today.  No swim.

After oatmeal breakfast I put on bike clothes and headed to MVP.  The sun was out and the temperature was in mid 50s.

I did my calisthenics.  I have finally gotten my strength back since my bout with flu.  Finished pills today.

While I was gone Nancy made an appointment to see our Primary Care Doctor tomorrow.  She is anxious to have the Doctor give her clearance to drive.

Rest of day’s activities.

We drove to Meijer’s to pick up my MG pills.  They will not be ready until tomorrow.  Bummer.

Stopped at Panera for coffee, split a croissant.

I attended  a 1100 Cook Valley monthly men’s meeting.  The jokes were great but the update from Cook Valley’ manager was not great.

I took a nap this afternoon.

Nancy and I attended the 1700 Happy Hour before heading to the dining room.  This evening I continued eating salmon.

We watched an episode of “Happy Valley” tonight.

Tomorrow will be another nice sunny day.

Monday, April 10, 2023

April 9, 2023

 Sunday April 9, 2023

Easter Sunday

Up at 0700.  No breakfast because Trinity is providing a free breakfast from 0800 to 1300.

Bright sun with temps in high 30s.  Big Easter Sunday turnout.  The breakfast was very good and well attended.

Church service today was in the Main sanctuary.  We attended the 0915 service and had trouble finding a seat.

After church we headed to ER at Blodgett.  Nancy was given a CAT scan.  No conclusive results but Nancy was told to reduce blood pressure meds.  We made an appointment for Monday at UM.

This afternoon I took a 9 mile bike ride. 

Debbie called last night and we gave her an update.

Light dinner.  Watched two episodes of “Stay Close”.  

Looks like Monday will be another nice day.

Sunday, April 9, 2023

March 8, 2023

 Saturday April 8, 2023

Blog time 2100, sitting in den

Up this morning at 0700, sunrise 0710, temperature 35.

Quickly dressed and this morning we headed to Noona’s in Ada.   I ordered eggs, bacon, potatoes, and sour dough toast.  Nancy had the same.  We selected Noona’s for a change of pace.  The food was good but very pricey.  Next week it is back to “The Gathering Place”.

Took a short ride after breakfast. We ended up at Panera for our free coffee.

At home Nancy started the laundry.  I suited up and took a 9 mile bike ride.  Perfect day for a ride.  

When I got home Nancy was just getting up from a fall.  She hit her head and left a bruise.  What are we going to do?  I suggested a walker but that did not go over well.

I showered and shaved.  Nancy and I made a quick trip to Meijer’s.  The place was jammed.

Quick nap and then Nancy and I took a mile walk.  Perfect walking weather, 58 with no wind.

Lean Cuisine Dinner.  Tonight we watched two episode of Netflix show “Stay Close”.  The show was written by Harlan Coben.

Warm day for Easter Sunday.

Saturday, April 8, 2023

March 7, 2023

 Friday March 7, 2023

Blog time 1030 on Saturday sitting at desk.

Up this morning at 0700.  Looks like a nice day ahead.

Put on bike clothes and was ready to leave when Nancy passed out.  She feel flat on her back.  The blackouts are becoming frequent.

I changed clothes and we drove to UM west Mi emergency.  The  EM folks took Nancy’s vitals and blood sample for testing.  I was surprised because no CAT scan.  We were in Emergency for 2.5 hours and were finally told they could not find the cause of the passing out.  We were told to check with cardiologist.  I thought we got poor treatment.  Bad marks for UM.

Nancy called the Cardiologist.  Of course she could not talk to him.  Call back Monday.  Nancy was told not to drive.

At home after I got Nancy settled down I took a 6 mile bike ride.

Tonight at 1700 we attended Happy Hour.  It was a nice break.

For dinner we finished the left overs.  Tasty.

We watched a Netflix show whose name I could not remember.

Looks like tomorrow will be a nice bike riding day.

April 6, 2023

 Thursday April 6, 2023

Finally the sun woke me up this morning, 0714.  The temperature was 33.  I convinced Nancy to take a day off.  She is stuffed up.

Oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  No MVP for me today, but I did take an 8.14 mile bike ride.  At home grabbed iPad and drove to Panera for coffee.

Got home just in time to see Nancy off to her lunch with the girls. I put the bike rack on the Escape and drove to Ada Bike to pick up my Bad Boy.  They did a thorough overhaul and tune up.  Also took off snow tires.  Ready to go.  Spring is here.

We are overrun with Geese.  Noted a Goose control organization in our ponds.  They are using a kayak.  I don’t know their method for controlling geese?

I read the news every day but I find little of interest to me.  The GOP keeps shooting itself in the foot.  Both the local and National GOP are run by Trumpers.  Idiots.

Tonight we headed to daily happy hour starting at 1700.  Tonight we have dinner appointment in the main dining room at 1800.  We socialized at Happy Hour before heading to dinner.

Tonight we sat with a couple that lives in one of the free standing houses in Cook Valley.  The conversation was dominated by the wife.  Boring.

Tonight we watched a show I cannot recall because I slept through it.

Nice weather predicted for tomorrow.  Maybe a bike ride.

Thursday, April 6, 2023

April 5, 2023

 Wednesday April 5, 2023

Blog time 1030 sitting in the Panera near our old condo.

It rained most of the night and was raining hard when I got up at 0730.  The temperature was 62, the warmest morning of the year. 

Nancy was going swimming this morning but a thunder storm rolled through as she was suiting up.  The pool closes during lightning.  Nancy decided to stay home.  She does have a noon lunch today.

This is my easy Wednesday, no calisthenics.  Also the rain prevents any bike ride.

Yesterday as I was cleaning I found a lot of manufacture data on many pieces of equipment in our old condo.  I bagged it up and dropped it off at 1674 Tahoe.  I think the new owner was glad to get this data.

Stopped at the Kraft Ave Panera.  It has been raining hard all morning.  Read the Alpena News and Detroit News.  

I did note in the Alpena News that George Masters passed. He was 91.  George was married to a classmate of mine, Beverly Enger.

On way home today I stopped at Forest Hills foods.  Bought oatmeal, cookies and yogurt.  I noted that the oatmeal I bought today, although the same brand as Meijer’s, Better Oats, has more calories and requires 60 seconds more Cook time.  Go figure.

Because of the heavy storms today Nancy’s lunch was canceled.  For lunch I had a yogurt cup and apple.

This afternoon I spent more time cleaning the office.  It is beginning to shape up.  Also did a load of laundry.

Short nap and then at 1700 we walked down to the Harbor Inn for Happy Hour.  About 12 folks attended, most were regulars.

Tonight we have 1745 dinner reservations. No table mates tonight.  I had the salmon and Nancy had a salad.  

This afternoon Nancy passed out.  I think it was caused by lack of food in her system.  I will start insisting that she has food in her stomach when she leaves in the morning.

Nancy was having trouble with her Amazon account. We called Debbie and she walked us through the procedures to get Amazon up and running.

For our viewing tonight we watched episode 1 of season 2, Happy Valley.  It was bad.  No more Happy Valley.

Checked the weather before bed.  The rain has stopped.  Tomorrow should be a nice day.  Back to bike.


Wednesday, April 5, 2023

April 4, 2023

 Tuesday March 4, 2023

Blog time 1830 sitting in office.

Summary of today’s activities.

Oatmeal breakfast.

Rode bike to MVP

Saw Nancy at MVP finishing her stationary bike ride.

Pedaled home and got in Fusion and drove to Lake Eastbrook Panera.  Got coffee and two croissants.

 At home took shower, immediately after took a nap.

Nancy attended Cook Valley book club today.

Spent the afternoon cleaning office.  Tossed about five pounds of unwanted paper.  

We attended Happy Hour.  Happy Hour every day from 1700 to 1800.  Usually well attended.

Very light dinner tonight.

Tonight we watched the last episode of 

“The Night Agent”.  I gave the show an A-

After Nancy had gone to bed Steve and Lucas called.  We had a  great conversation.  Did you know Grandson Lucas has one of the best ERAs for high school pitchers in the USA?  Good job Lucas.

This and that:

Trump turning himself in dominated all news Stations.

Finland joins NATO. A real blow for Putin.

I think for the sake of the nation President Biden should pardon Trump.

Heavy rain tonight and most of tomorrow.  

Tuesday, April 4, 2023

April 3, 2023

 Monday April 3, 2034

Blog time 1820 on Tuesday.  A day late.

Up this morning at 0730.  It was lousy weather.

My cold/running nose is getting better.  First thing I called UMHealth and told them they did not send my prescription to Meijer’s.

No calisthenics or bike ride today.  I will give my cold one more day to heal.

Oat meal breakfast and then first thing I gathered all our tax data.  Drove to the Accountants office on Tahoe and dropped off all data, a major relief.  

After I headed to Panera for some reading and coffee.  After stopped at Macatawa and ordered more $2 bills.  

At Staples I purchased dividers for my file cabinets.  Next stop Meijer’s to pick up prescription.

At home I started cleaning up my office.  It was a mess with a lot of papers that we did not need for taxes.

Lunch followed by a short nap. We had dinner last night in the main dining room.  We sat with four other folks.  I had the salmon and Nancy had breaded beef.

Up stairs we watched the news followed by two episodes of the “Night Agent”.  Tomorrow we hope to finish.

After Nancy went to bed I read the WSJ.  Checked tomorrows weather and looks like I can get a bike ride in before afternoon rain.

Monday, April 3, 2023

April 2, 2023

 Sunday April 2, 2023

Blog time 1700 sitting in office

Up this morning at 0720. 

Another good night of sleep.

For breakfast this morning I toasted the free bagel I got yesterday from Panera.

Dressed and at 0845 we drove to Trinity Lutheran.  It was partly sunny when we left this morning.  Temperature was below freezing.Today is Palm Sunday but also first Sunday of spring break.  We wonder how big the crowd will be.

Large crowd today.  Pastor Bob gave a fine homily.

After the service we drove west.  Drove through downtown and then followed the Grand River until we got to the west end of 20th Street.  We were going the ride along Veterans Drive but the river was too high, making parts of the road impassable.

We ended up at Panera at 28th and Knapp.  We got our free coffee and a croissant for each of us.  Panera was empty. Talked at bit before heading home.

We did stop at the Meijer Pharmacy Drive Thru to see if my pill order came through.  No luck.  At home I got on the UM Portal and said their order did not come through.

Nancy took a walk outside as soon as we got home.  I have not walked today.

I did take a nap this afternoon.  Later I read the GRP and Detroit News.  Nothing I want to report on.  Also continued working on taxes.

For dinner Nancy fixed a poached egg on waffle.  For dessert we each had a dish of ice cream.

Tonight we watched two episodes of “Night Agent”.  

Missy and Debbie Facetimed this evening from Debbie’s home. Missy and AJ are visiting this weekend.

Today was a recovery day for me.  Tomorrow will also be a recovery day.

Sunday, April 2, 2023

April 1, 2023

 Saturday April 1, 2023

Blog time 1400 on Sunday

Up this morning at 0700.  Quickly got dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place” for Breakfast.  We both had our standard.

After breakfast we took short drive.  Stopped a Panera for free coffee. Also stopped at Meijer’s pharmacy to pick up pills.  As might be expected the clowns at UM did not call in the prescription.  Bummer.

Rest of activities today:

Took my Bad Boy to bike shop for spring tuneup.

Took a long nap.

Lunch and dinner.

Tonight Nancy’s sister Peg called to tell me that San Diego State had won.  She knew I had an interest in SDS because the Coach’s Grandmother was my Sunday School teacher.

We watched another episode of “Night Agent” before turning in.

March 31, 2023

 Friday March 31, 2023

Blog time 1400 on Sunday.

Felt miserable when woke up today.  Took it easy until my 1100 Doctor’s appointment.  

Nancy accompanied me to the Doctor’s.  Today we met with Dr Wolf.  We had not seen him before.  The Doctor took temp, blood pressure, and other signs.  Everything was fine except for the runny nose.  I was given a prescription but few other directions.  Nancy and I are so disappointed with the Doctor’s at UM health.  

I took a long nap.  Nancy and I again had dinner in the Main Dining room.  We both had expensive items on the menu including dessert.  We even took home a meal for Saturday.  We still had $120 unspent.  Next month we will plan better.

Watched another episode of “Night Agent” before bed.  Tonight I had uncontested sleep.  I think it is because of the pills Nancy bought yesterday at Walgreens.

March 30, 2023

 Thursday March 30, 2023

Blog time Sun @ 1330.  Yes I am late

It was cold when we got up this morning.  Temp in mid teens.  

Nancy headed to MVP for treadmill/stationary bike routine.  I fixed oatmeal w/raisins for breakfast.  Bundled up and headed out on bike to MVP.

 A pile of dirt was left in the middle of sidewalk by snow plows.  I tried to avoid it but could not and fell off my bike.  A typical Joe Biden fall.  Got up checked myself over the found everything worked.  Continued on to MVP.  I did my standard routine and headed home.

At home I changed clothes and drove to Panera.  My nose lately has been running continually.  When got home for Panera I called Doctor and got an appointment for 1100 tomorrow.

Nancy stopped at Walgreens and got me some cold pills and spray.  Spent the rest of day relaxing.

We did have dinner tonight downstairs in the main dining room.  Our quarterly dinner allotment has about $350 dollars remaining.  We have to spend this money by the end of the month or it is lost.  To help Nancy has been buying all her lunch mates dessert.

This evening I ordered the expensive steak and Nancy had the dinner special.  

Tonight we watched another episode of “Night Agent”.  

When I headed to bed my nose was stuffed and continually running.  I felt miserable.  Hope the Doctor, tomorrow, has the magic cure.