Thursday, February 9, 2023

January 10, 2023

 Tuesday January 10, 2023


This is my first blog in a week.  It seems everything we own is in a box.  Our basement is very cold since I removed all the towels I used to block cold air from the bottom of our slider.  I did move a small portable desk upstairs so at least I can check emails.

Tomorrow the movers come. They will finish packing and move all the boxes onto their truck.  Nancy and I will stay in a motel tomorrow night.  Thursday is move in day.  We have a meeting with Porter Hills, Cook Valley, at 1000.  I will write the largest check ever to pay for our unit.

During the last seven days our time has been consumed with the move.  With many trips to Good Will.  

I did go to the Y on Friday.  I closed my locker account but left my membership active.  I might want to use the running track.

At MVP I got my self a membership and a locker.  Will start going next week.

This and that:

Yesterday, Monday, Nephew Jason Crandall visited and took the revolver and shotgun and also Nancy’s old Apple Desktop.

The GOP has gone berserk.  In neighboring Ottawa County a group of extreme Right Wing has taken control of the County Board.  They fired the Administrator, deleted a Diversity Office and upset the Health Department.  Most thinking GOP members were taken by surprise.

Our new voting address is in Grand Rapids Township.  When I register to vote I will say I am an Independent.

The extreme GOP members of Congress held up Kevin McCarthy’s confirmation to be Speaker.

The GOP has always been pro defense.  But it looks like the new congress wants to reduce the defense budget at a time when the world is ready to explode.

This afternoon Clean Sweep is coming to remove the rest of the junk in the house.

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