Tuesday, February 21, 2023

February 20, 202

 Monday February 20, 2023

Sunrise today at 0730.  Got out of bed at 0720 and the sun was breaking out.  The temperature was 27.  I did not ride bike today because I thought the walks would be icy.  Nancy put on swim suit and headed to MVP.

Fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Do you see a pattern there?

I forgot that today is a holiday.  No business news this morning. Drove to MVP.  I expected MVP to be crowded because of the holiday.  Not the case.

After the workout showered, lotioned up, dressed and headed to Panera.  Got coffee and baguette.  Nancy joined me.

Rest of morning was spent shopping.

First stop was Lowe’s.  I was looking for rollers to put on bottom of kitchen chairs.  No luck.  I did buy some dark tinted safety glasses.

Stopped at REI.  Looked around but purchased nothing.

At Woodland Mall I visited J Crew, Macy’s and Von’s.  Once again no purchases.

Headed home and went on 1.5 mile walk.  Beautiful day for a walk.  Lunch and then a short trip to Meijer’s.  Wanted to pick up a prescription but they will not give me the medicine until the 25th.  Stupid law! I did buy a roast beef sandwich for dinner tonight.  At home I took a short nap.

This and that:

Biden’s trip to Ukraine was a great move.  Sends strong message to Putin.

Our move to Cook Valley totally screwed up my schedule.  Haven’t even started getting data for this year’s taxes.

So far I have only six church members signed up for our over 60 dinner on March 16.

Based on their recent election for officers the Michigan GOP is dead.

The weather folks talk about a big storm coming our way.  No sign of it yet.

I have been seeing several skunks in our yard recently.

We have a lot of birds near our apartment, especially cardinals.  Sunday Nancy and I saw several Bald Eagles.  Magnificent birds.

For dinner I had the roast beef sandwich I bought at Meijer’s along with coleslaw.  Nancy finished Saturday’s omelette.

After the news we watched two episodes of Madame Blanc Mysteries on Acorn.  Good show.

Looked out window before bed and saw a skunk wandering around.  Winter storm warning in place until Thursday.

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