Monday, February 13, 2023

February 12, 2023

Sunday February 12, 2023

Up this morning at 0700.  Looks like another nice sunny day.  Temps in mid 40s.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.

We left for church at 0845.  I keep forgetting how close Trinity Lutheran is to our apartment.  We arrived 20 minutes early.  We got coffee and a cookie provided by the Church ladies.

Today is labeled the Sixth Sunday after Epiphany.  Very big crowd at today’s service.  Pastor Dan’s homily was kind of gloomy.

After church we took a ride through downtown and then headed north to Comstock Park.  A great day for an hours drive.

At home I put on bike clothes and took a 7.25 mile bike ride.  Today I took my Bianchi San Jose.  The pavement was dry so no need for the studded tire I have on my Cannondale.  

After the ride showered and found time for a short nap.  At 1700 Nancy and I attended a Super Bowl party in the Main Cafe.  About 25 folks attended.  Great time talking to the neighbors.  Everyone brought a snack to pass.  I overloaded on cookies and wine.

This evening we continued watching a show that we started a month ago and then stopped so we could watch Jack Ryan and Bloodlines.  Good show but took awhile to get up to speed.

Looked out the window before bed.  No critters were seen. Temperature was still in low 40s.  Tomorrow should be another nice sunny day.

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