Thursday, February 16, 2023

February 15, 2023

 Wednesday February 15, 2023

Blog time 1020 sitting in Main Cafe, Big House

Up this morning at 0535.  Today is Breakfast Club Wednesday.

It was pitch black and pouring rain when I headed downtown.  Not a pleasant drive.

We only had 20 folks at BC.  That was a shame because we had a great speaker.  She is the Director of Opera Grand Rapids.  We just might attend an upcoming performance.

After BC I headed to Staples.  Got my passport photo taken.  Also bought some minor Knick knacks for office.

At home, Nancy had not yet got back from her morning swim.  The first thing I must do when she arrives is get the Escape filled up.  It is running on fumes.  Later this afternoon I have an appointment with Dermatologist to get a spot on my neck checked out.  

As soon as Nancy walked in I grabbed the keys to the Escape and headed to the Shell Station at the north end of East Paris.  The gage said 30 miles left in tank.  Gas today was $3.13.  

I had a light lunch before heading to the Dermatologist.  Today I saw a PA.  He looked me over and sprayed some Freon on a small spot on neck.

On way home I stopped at Bill and Paul’s Sporting Good.  Bought a small knife.  

At home Nancy and I made a trip to our storage room.  Nancy made a quick inventory our food supply.  Brought up several bags of chips and a large bottle of ginger ale.

I am finally back on schedule. I did a load of laundry.  Rope, yarn Wednesday is back.  

This evening we had dinner in the dining room.  Our dining guests were the Paul’s.  We had a pleasant conversation.  As always the food was good.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Republic of Doyle”.  I slept through the entire show.

The cleaning crew comes tomorrow so we spent some time picking up.  Checked out the window and saw no critters.

Tomorrow morning I will be able to get my bike ride in before snow starts.  Winter weather returns for the weekend.

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