Wednesday, February 22, 2023

February 21, 2023

 I had trouble getting out of bed this morning.  I think last night’s roast beef sandwich screwed up my stomach.  We are under a Winter Storm Warming.  However, except for high wind it looked like a typical winter’s day.

Nancy headed out early for her treadmill/stationary bike routine at MVP.  I had a leisurely breakfast and then took the Fusion to MVP.  Today I took the long route.

As soon as I got on my workout clothes I perked right up.  Did the entire routine with no problem.  Showered, dressed and drove to Panera.  Read my email and Detroit and Alpena News before leaving. On way home I stopped at Forest Hills Foods.  

Forest Hill Foods is the closest full service store to our apartment.  Last time we visited we got lost because it was so crowded.  Kind of intimidating.  

Today I thought I would give it another try.  I took my time and slowly got familiar with the layout.  Bought everything I needed.  It is now my store of choice.

Lunch and then spent time in sun room reading.  Found nothing I want to comment on.

For dinner tonight we drove to Leo’s for our Tuesday hot dog.  Leo’s was empty.

At home poured a glass of wine and settled down for some TV.  Tonight was watched an episode of “Bloodlands”.  I like this show but fell sound asleep 1/2 way through.  Bummer.

Missy FaceTimed this evening.  We got caught up.

Looked out the window before bed.  It was very quiet.  Major storm starting tomorrow at 1000.

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