Tuesday, February 28, 2023

February 27, 2023

Monday February 27, 2023

Blog time Monday afternoon at home.

 Up at 0700.  Looked out window and no snow/rain yet.  Weather folks have put us on a winter storm watch.

Oatmeal breakfast before heading to MVP.  Nancy and I drove together in the Escape.  As soon as we left the garage it began to pour.  The rain turned to ice pellets as soon as it hit ground.

At MVP Nancy swam and I did my calisthenics.  MVP was not crowded.  I showered after my workout.  

The rain intensity had increased in the last hour.  Thin layer of ice on ground.  

We drove to Meijer’s so I could pick up my prescription.  After we made a quick trip to Panera for our free coffee.  We headed straight home after the coffee. The road were becoming icy.

At home Nancy started the laundry and I did some blog writing.

We both agreed we were home bound today.  The intensity of the rain seems to increase by the hour.

Last week’s Saturday WSJ had an article on bugs in Apple’s pass code.  It was scary.

This and that:

I would never forgive student loans.  Folks have got to learn fiscal responsibility.

I am giving President Biden good marks for his handling the Ukraine war.

Big snow mobile race last weekend in Lincoln, Mi.  Riders from all over the Mid West attended.  Great to see folks enjoying winter.

My Sister, Helen, use to complain about some of the silly things our 80+ Dad use to do.  I find out that I do the same things.

I took a short nap this afternoon.

For dinner tonight we ate in the Main Dining room.  We sat with three other folks.  It was very pleasant.

We watched an episode of Madame Blanc Mysteries.  I fell asleep 1/2 through.  Bummer!

Looked out window before bed.  The rain has finally stopped.  Temp was slightly below freezing.  No rain or snow predicted for tomorrow.

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