Sunday, February 26, 2023

February 25, 2023

 Saturday February 25, 2023

Blog time 1800 sitting in office.

Up this morning at 0700.  We quickly dressed and headed to “The Gathering Place”.  The place was crowded but we were able to get our favorite table.

Oatmeal/scrambled egg with sourdough toast for me and a Western Omelette with raisin toast for Nancy.  

Today we drove to Lake Odessa for their Cabin Fever Antique Sale.  The sealed started at 1000.  We arrived early and had trouble finding a parking spot.  During the sale we FaceTimed Debbie to see if any of the antiques were what she wanted.  We bought three items.  

On way home stopped at Meijer’s for supplies. My Prescription was not ready.  Also filled up the Escape.  Gas was $3.30+/-.

 At home I took a 2 mile walk.  The path through the wetlands was very icy.  Glad I took my walking stick.  No critters seen.

Spent some time on blog and reading papers.  Finished the afternoon with a nap.

Once again we had Costco’ pinwheel sandwiches for dinner.

Big FaceTime evening, Nancy talked with granddaughter's  AJ and Alessandra.  Also FaceTimed with Debbie.

Finished the evening watching “Beyond Paradise”.  A Death in Paradise knockoff set in small coastal UK village.  It was good.

Very quiet when checked out side at 2200.  Tomorrow’s weather will be mild.

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