Monday, February 13, 2023

February 13, 2023

 Monday February 13, 2023

Blog time 1745 sitting at desk.

Up at 0700.  Today will be another nice sunny day.

Nancy headed to MVP for her morning swim.  I fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  Put on bike clothes and then headed to MVP.

I forgot to mention in yesterday’s blog the Feb 12th is Abe Lincoln’s birthday.  No mention was made in any of the papers I read of this event.  Terrible.  Plenty of news on stone heads Price Harry and Megan but not of Abe.

Temp was in high 30s when I headed out.  MVP was not crowded this morning.  Did my routine, showered and biked home.  Total bike miles, 4.

At home I got out of bike clothes and put on my casual week day outfit.  When I ride my bike to MVP Panera is just too far away to reach on bike.  As an alternative  I have been heading back to the Big House.  Free coffee is available in the Big House’s Main Cafe.  I get my coffee and sit at a table to do my morning read.  Today a big group of  women met in the Cafe.  It was very distracting.  Must find quiet place for my morning read.

After I headed out to run some errands.

First stop was Meijer’s.  It being the 13th I bought two lottery tickets.  Also bought some handkerchiefs for Nancy.  This winter she has a perpetual running nose.

Next I stopped at Costco to get my Passport photos taken.  Surprise! Costco no longer does photos.  I did buy mini-Naans and eyedrops.

We had a light dinner tonight.  

Sad news tonight.  Nancy’s sister Peg called to tell her that their cousin Johnny Hartmann had just passed.  Out of five Hartmann kids only Cousin Ann survives.

Tonight we watched an episode of “Three Pines” on Amazon.  I think tomorrow we will watch the final episode.

Looked out the Apartment’s window and saw no movement.  Tomorrow will be another bike riding day. 

After thoughts. What is with all the flying object we are shooting down.  No one is telling the general public.

I am greatly disappointed at NATO’S response to Russia’s new offensive in Ukraine.  Biden looks very weak.

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