Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 24, 2023

 Friday February 24, 2023

Blog time 1730 on Saturday.  Yes a day late.

Up with the sun.  The snow had stopped and the weather folks said the roads were passable.

Nancy headed out for her swim at MVP.  I fixed oatmeal with blueberries for breakfast.  I drove to MVP.  Took a longer route to check roads.  Everything ok.

For first time in several days I was able to do my routine.  MVP was not crowded this morning.  Some businesses and schools are still closed.  After the workout I showered, dressed and headed home.  At home got coffee from Harbor Cafe.

As soon as Nancy got home we headed on some errands.

First stop Costco.  Nancy picked up a prescription and bought a sweater.  We bought some pinwheels for dinner tonight.

Next stop the Apple Store.  Nancy exchanged her iPad cover for the correct one.  On way home we stopped at Meijer’s for supplies.

At 1600 Nancy and I headed to the Harbor Cafe for a social hour.  About 12 folks in attendance.  We spent a hour talking with neighbors.  At 1800 we walked to the main dining room for dinner.  Tonight we sat alone.  I had planked salmon with fruit cup and dinner roll.  Nancy had soup and salad.  I brought a bottle of wine to sip with dinner.

Tonight Nancy spent an hour on the phone talking to her friend Kathi.  Debbie called at the same time. Bob and Debbie talked for an hour.  We keep hearing about the horrid Ca weather but it has not impacted Debbie.

We finished the final episode of “Bloodlines”.  Great show.

Light snow when checked out the window before bed.  Temp was in 20s.  Another below freezing day tomorrow.

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