Saturday, February 25, 2023

February 23, 2023

 Thursday February 23, 2023

Blog time 1050 sitting in Harbor Cafe at Cook Valley’s Big House.

Slept in today until 0703.  Quickly dressed and walked outside to check roads.  They were ice covered.  Think we will stay home this morning.

Nancy wanted to walk on a treadmill so I showed where one was located in the building.  She walked several miles while I read newspaper on my iPad.

I did finally eat breakfast at 0900.  I wanted to finish yesterday blog and needed some coffee so I headed to Harbor Cafe.  Got my coffee and settled down for some blog writing.

The weather today made it an easy day.  I did not go outside.

For dinner tonight we headed down to the main dining room.  Nancy had a soup and salad.  I had the planked salmon with a fruit cup and dinner roll.

Tonight we watched another episode of “Bloodlines”.  Very interesting. One episode left.  It was snowing when looked outside before bed.  No creatures were stirring.

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