Saturday, February 11, 2023

February 10, 2023

Friday February 10, 2023

Blog time 1112 sitting in Harbor Cafe at Cook Valley’s Big House.

We have really been sleeping in lately.  Today it was 0730.

Today is Nancy’s swim day so she headed out early.  I had an oatmeal breakfast with blueberries.

The temperature outside was 36 with no rain or wind.  Decided I will ride my bike to MVP.  Bundled up and headed out.  It is 1.5 miles to MVP, a very easy bike ride.  I have only one street to cross (Cook Valley Blvd at East Paris) and that intersection has a traffic signal.

I have noticed that most members at MVP are on a MWF schedule.  Members are of two types.  The super hard core who never smile and seniors who take their exercise routine lightly.  This group is very friendly.  I am surprised at how many members I  remember from the old MAC.  Great to get reacquainted.

Showered and headed home.  Nice thing about MVP, they provide towels and wash my exercise after each workout.  

Today I start a new routine.  I will get my free coffee at the Harbor Cafe in the Big House. The cafe is very bright and comfortable.  At least it is today.  I thought donuts were available.  Not the case, on Monday I will bring a cookie.

Nancy left for an ENT appointment at 1300.  Nancy has been having pain  on the right side of her face.  She keeps getting the run around from her doctors.  Nancy will have to contact our GP and start anew.  Doctors are great buck passers.

Before lunch I ran errands.  Filled up the Fusion.  Gas was $3.30.  Stopped at PAKMore and got more financial papers shredded.  Also dropped off some items at Good Will.

Lunch and then a short nap.  Today I paid my final natural gas bill.  Good news no more gas or electric bills.

We are still getting settled in.  I keep rearranging papers or office Knick knacks trying to get it just right.

For dinner tonight we headed downstairs to the main dining room.  I had placed an order yesterday for a table.

Tonight we sat alone.  Nancy had the potato soup and I had a burger.  The burgers in the dining room are great.

Tonight we watched the last episode of Jack Ryan on Amazon.  I gave this show an A.

We finished up the evening watching Harrison Ford in an Apple TV show called Shrinking.  I give this show a C-.

It was 32 and falling when I looked our our window before bed. Low tonight will be 27.  No critters were seen.


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