Saturday, February 18, 2023

February 17, 2023

 Friday February 17, 2023

Blog time 1200 sitting in office.

Up at 0700.  Checked weather and it was snowing with temp in low teens.  A lot of schools in the area were closed.

The weather did not deter Nancy.  She put on swim suit and headed out to MVP.  I fixed my oatmeal breakfast before driving to MVP.  The snow had stopped and the sun was coming out.  The Road Commission had done a good job clearing the roads.

Only the hard core were at the gym today.  I did my routine before showering.  Head straight home right after the shower.

At home grabbed my iPad and headed up to the Harbor Cafe for a free cup of coffee.  Sat down at a small table by window.  I enjoy this spot because it is very bright unlike Panera.

While reading a women I slightly recognized introduced herself. She was Faye Tellman the wife of a fellow Civil Engineer, Jim.  I knew Jim quite well.  Tragically Jim passed several months ago.  We had a nice chat.  I like Cook Valley because the folks are so nice.  Faye and I had a nice chat.

A problem with the Harbor Cafe is the weak internet.  I left because I could not open my blog.

Returned to apartment and met Nancy heading out.  Today she is having lunch with Carol Masten, Pat Haskins and Becky Verker.  

Tonight we are having dinner in Cook Valley’s dining room. 

Nancy said she had a nice lunch.  Today the group ate at Schuler Books. 

Nancy and I are in charge on March’s dinner for the Over 60 group at Trinity Lutheran.  This morning I got a call from first parishioner wanting to attend.

Turkey’s earthquake still dominates the news.  Looking at the damage to relatively new buildings it looks like plan review in regards to earthquake design was lacks.  Buildings built to current codes should have survived.  I have never experienced an earthquake.  

President Biden seem to not have a clear idea of his agenda.  He does not make firm decisions.  

Putin seems to be eating NATO’S lunch.  NATO is letting Ukraine swing in the wind.  What a shame.

Finished the afternoon with a short nap.

Tonight we had dinner downstairs in the dining room.  Nancy had a cup of chicken noodle soup.  I had the Walleye dinner.  The dining room was empty.

Debbie FaceTimed this evening.  We spent a long time catching up.  We also talked about Nancy’s cousin John Hartmann’s recent death.  Johnny was 6 years younger than Nancy.  He leaves behind a sister, Ann, and a daughter.

After Debbie’s FaceTime, Granddaughter Akerke FaceTimed.  We had a nice talk.

Tonight we watched an episode of “The Heart Guy”.  We had not seen this show in quite awhile.  Forgot how good it was.

Checked out window before bed.  No critters seen.

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