Wednesday, February 15, 2023

February 14, 2023

 Tuesday February 14, 2023

Blog time 1245 sitting in Sun room at #228 Cook Valley.

Lately I cannot get up at the preferred 0700.  Today it was 0725. For years when working I got up at 0535 with no alarm.

Sunrise today was 0740 compared with 0811 on Dec 21.  51 more minutes of sun.  Sun trumps everything.  This morning the temp was 27.  Sun all day today with a high of 55.  Good grief it is mid February.  The temperature should be in single digits.

Nancy headed out early for her Tu/Th exercise routine at MVP, treadmill and stationary bike.  

After an oatmeal breakfast I got on the Bianchi and pedaled to MVP.  Performed my standard routine.  Showered and then pedaled home.

I cannot remember if I commented on renting a locker at MVP.  One advantage is that they wash my clothes every day.  It is great to put on clean clothes before every workout.  

Today day is Valentine’s Day.  First thing I remember about VD is that in grade school we alway exchanged Valentines with all our classmates.  My mother would buy the cards for me and I would address them.  I always hoped the cute freckled face redhead would sent me a special card.  I never knew.

Yesterday we received an “Incredible Edible” food tray from an unknown source.  Would the nice person who sent this gift please come forward.  We want to thank you.

Veronica txt Nancy today saying did we get a package.  Above mystery solved.  Thanks Scott Team!

It is now 1315, Nancy is on a short walk and I am waiting on a printer repair man.  Since we moved I cannot get the printer connected to my iPad or the network.

Tonight we will follow our Tuesday routine of Hot Dogs at Leo’s.  Leo’s has great hot dogs for only $1.50.  Eat your heart out Costco.

The Computer guy was right on time. It took him about 20 minutes to get things working. 

I did some minor chores before taking a nap.  After the nap I did more chores before sitting down at the iPad to print my blog.  Bummer nothing worked! Called the tech back and told him my displeasure.

It was raining when we drove to Leo’s.  The place was jammed. Folks getting a hot dog on Valentine’s?

At home we watched the last episode of “Three Pines”.  Not the ending we wanted.

High winds developing later tonight.  The winds will continue tomorrow.

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