Thursday, January 5, 2023

January 4, 2023

Wednesday January 4, 2023

Up with 0530 alarm.  Today I have Breakfast Club starting at 0700.

Temperature was 39 with heavy fog and drizzle.

Stopped at Panera for a coffee to take with me.  Traffic on freeway was light.

Today we had 24 folks in attendance.  Breakfast was scrambled eggs, bacon, pancakes, mini scones and fruit.  Very good.

Today’s speaker was head of the infectious disease unit at St Marys.  He talked about influenza, RSV, Covid, etc.  Good talk.  My take away.  Stay current on vaccines and wear a mask when asked to.

Came straight home.

Today two movers came.  They worked from 1000 to 1530.  We have full boxes all over the house.  Chaos until 12 Jan when we move.

We are giving nephew Jason my old shotgun, a revolver Dad gave me which I have never used and a wool toggle coat.  Also included is Nancy’s old Apple desk top.  Jason is coming next Monday to pick up.

I made a quick trip to Staples to purchase a flash drive.  Missy downloaded all the photos on the Apple desktop.

1530 drove Missy and AJ to airport.  We cannot thank Missy enough for her help.

For dinner we continue to finish the leftovers from our cancelled New Years meal.  After dinner we cleaned out the reefer including the rest of the New Years meal.

Debbie called tonight.  We told her about all the full boxes of stuff going to Porter Hills.  Debbie said it had rained all day today in San Jose.  Part of the “Bomb Cyclone”?

We watched an episode of “Whitstable Pearl”. Checked     Courtyard before bed, pitch black with temp in mid 30s.

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