Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 3, 2023

Tuesday January 3, 2022

Once again I lost Tuesday’s blog just as I was ready to post.

Quick recap of Tuesday.

First thing this morning I drove to Panera for coffee for Nancy and Bob.  Fixed an oatmeal breakfast.

At 1000 the movers are coming to start packing for our Jan 11 move to Porter Hills.  The reason for the early pack is because the boss will not in GR on the original move date of Jan 11.  Under my better judgement I allow them to start packing.  Only the boss was here today.  It was a mess.

Missy who was a great help this week took notes on what had to be done to make the move a success.  She purchased attachments for the floor and table lamps so no chords would be underfoot.  Also ordered via Amazon some rolling clothes hangers.

Meals this week were hit or miss for Bob and Nancy.  Missy fixed AJ several ramen noodle meals.  Missy was big on fixing poached eggs which she ate with fried ham.  

No TV tonight.  Checked the Courtyard before bed.  It was very dark with drizzle.  Heavy fog tomorrow.

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