Wednesday, January 4, 2023

January 2, 2022

 Monday January 2, 2022

Blog time 1020 at Panera.

Up at 0700.  Dressed and headed to the Y.  The Y was jammed today.  I walked 1.5 miles before heading to Panera.

At Panera ordered yogurt parfait and bagel. Finished yesterdays blog and started todays before heading home.

We continued clearing out our condo.  First thing, Missy and I emptied a large book, 7’ high, wood book shelf and took it to Good Will.  

We were going to take Nancy’s Apple Desk top computer to Good Will.  However, I plugged it in and found it works great.  We will give to my nephew Jason.  Jason also wants my old shot gun my Dad got for me, and a 22 caliber revolver .  He will pick up on Monday the 9th.

For dinner tonight we continued our assault on the remains of out New Years dinner.

No TV tonight.  Nancy and Missy spent some time talking about the Good Old Days.  I finished reading the WSJ.

Still mild and wet when checked Courtyard.  Mild weather continues.


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