Tuesday, May 10, 2022

May 9, 2022

 Monday May 9, 2022

Blog time 1630 sitting in living room.  Woke up at 0700 with the sun shining brightly through the slider glass.  This morning Nancy is going swimming at MVP.

I do my at home calisthenics before breakfast.  Left for the Y at 0850.  Temperature was in low 50s.  It was exactly 7 miles to the Y.  

The Y was not crowded this morning.  I did my normal routine before heading to Panera.  

When I bike in the mornings I take my mini-iPad because it is much lighter than the 13” iPad pro.  My shoulder hurts when I take the larger iPad.  I might have to switch to a one shoulder backpack.

At Panera I got a baguette and coffee.  Read the Alpena News and my email.  Left for home at 1230.  Total bike miles today, 11.2.

Shower and then quick lunch.  After lunch Nancy and I headed to Meijer’s for fruit and cereal.  We also stopped at Bed Bath and Beyond.  I was looking for a side sleeping pillow.  No luck.

Finished yesterday’s blog before a nap.  

Cheerios, pineapple and toast for dinner tonight.  We watched the NBC news and also Shepard Smith on CNBC. 

Tonight we watched an episode of “Anatomy of a Scandal”.  We give this show a B+.

It was cloudy and warm when checked Courtyard before bed.  Lately I have been seeing a stray cat in the Courtyard.  Not tonight.  Tomorrow the temperature will reach 80.  About time!

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