Wednesday, May 4, 2022

May 3, 2022

 Tuesday May 3, 2022

Blog time 1115 sitting in Panera

Slept in until 0745.  It was just starting to rain. The  weather folks say it will rain all day.  No bike ride today so I will drive to Y.  Did the at home calisthenics before oatmeal breakfast.   

Nancy headed out at 0800 for her exercise class at MVP.  Nancy has fully recovered from her bout of pneumonia.  

I was surprised at how busy the Y was today.  I arrived at 0915 and the placed was jammed with young working age adults.  Is everyone working at home?

This and that:

Several Michigan papers reported that April was the cloudiest and coldest on record.  May is not starting off any better.

After Panera I drove to Breton Village.  Bought Debbies Mother’s Day present for Nancy.  

Stopped at Groskopfs and bought myself a warm weather jacket.

At Macatawa Bank got money for Kim who cleans tomorrow.

Quick lunch followed by trip to Costco.  Along the way we saw several families of young goslings.  

Speaking of critters the Detroit News had a picture of a river otter in the Detroit River.  The Otters have been missing in Mi for over 100 years.

No nap today.  Spent time reading and getting ready for Kim.

We did call AJ and arranged to get a gift card she can give to Missy on Mother’s Day.

For dinner Nancy fixed Costco’s rotisserie chicken with string beans.  Very good.

Watched the news followed by the last episode of “Hidden Assets”.  Ended the evening watching “Grace and Frankie”

It was still raining when checked Courtyard before bed.  Sunny and warmer tomorrow.

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