Wednesday, May 18, 2022

May 17, 2022

 Tuesday May 17, 2022

Blog time 1530 sitting in downstairs office listening to Merle Haggard’s Greatest Hits.

Nancy got up at 0700 this morning.  She has an early class at MVP.  Later she is having lunch with our old neighbor Sonya.

Another bright sunny day.  Morning temperature was 45 but currently is 66.

I finally got up at 0800.  I had trouble sleeping because of hip pain.  At midnight I took two more Motrin and fell sound asleep.  

I am still under the weather.  Biggest problem is runny nose.  Decided to take it easy another day which includes no coffee or wine.  

I also feel chilled.  However, this might be genetic because my Dad when he was my age said he could never get warm. 

After my oatmeal breakfast I watched a 1 hour “Joint Replacement Patient Guide” on my iPad.  It was very informative.  After watching for 5 minutes I had to pause to get pencil and paper so I could take notes.  It was mostly about preventing infections.  Detailed instructions on taking a showers with a special soap.  Must take a shower the night before the operation using the special soap and on the following morning.  OVERKILL?

Maybe we are to hung up on cleanliness.  When I started grade school in the 40s we did not have a water heater. My mother heated several tea kettles to warm the bath water for my Saturday night bath.  I took one bath and changed my underwear once a week.  Today Social Services would take me away from my Parents.

My only venture outside the house was to get money at Macatawa Bank for Kim who cleans tomorrow and a trip to Meijer’s.  At Meijer’s I tried to buy the special soap for my pre-op shower but they were out of stock.  Bummer. (What the hell is wrong with Ivory soap).

Spent the afternoon reading and writing my monthly note to Grandkids.  This month’s note was very brief.

For dinner tonight Nancy fixed French onion soup.  Very good.  

Several important primary elections today.  I am backing all anti-Trump candidates.

Is the news media losing interest in Ukraine?  The defeat of Putin is very important.  

The recent mass shootings by a single crazy zealot is terrible.  How about a maximum life in prison penalty or better yet the death penalty?  

Tonight we watched an episode of “Shakespeare and Hathaway”.  Not very good, I gave it a C.

Checked Courtyard before bed.  Everything ok.  Rain starting tonight and continuing all day tomorrow.



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