Tuesday, May 3, 2022

May 2, 2022

 Monday May 2, 2022

Blog time 1600 sitting in living room.

Up at 0700.  Nancy soon headed to her Monday swim.

Nancy called Dr Kutsche’s office before leaving.  Her afternoon appointment has been changed to 1120.

I do calisthenics before breakfast.  I am going with Nancy to Dr Kutsche’s so no Y today.  I did take a 8.4 mile bike ride first thing.  The temperature was 50 and gloomy this morning.  I hope May’s weather is not a continuation of April.  April was one of coldest and cloudy on record.  

Despite the 50 degrees the wind was strong enough to chill me to the bone.  At home I put on warm clothes and waited for Nancy.  

We both got a quick Panera coffee before heading to Doctor’s office.  Dr Kutsche reviewed Nancy’s medicines.  Nancy is currently taking 1 memory pill.  Dr Kutsche added a companion pill.  In my opinion the pills are working.  I was very happy with our meeting.

At home I finished my calisthenics before showering.  Spent the rest of the afternoon finishing blogs and reading.  Nancy and I also spent time getting her password squared away so she can get on UM’s My Chart to review her medical history.  Valuable health resource.

Very light dinner tonight.  Toast with fruit.  

We watched the news.  Congress seems stalled.  Nothing getting done.

The Michigan GOP is self destructing.  It appears that a criteria for running for office is to be a Trump supporter.  Our GOP, Peter Meijer, representative voted to impeach Trump.  He is a great congressman but the local GOP wants to oust him, idiots.  Moderates like me would never vote for a Trump supporter.

The news from Ukraine is grim.  Why haven’t our congressional leaders taken firm action?  No fly zone?

Tonight we watched an episode of “Hidden Assets”.  Good show.

It was 50 when checked Courtyard before bed.  Tomorrow it will rain all day.  

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